Chapter 290 - A Choice

"This isn't much of a choice," Kurt said, walking towards Vicky. He kept his hand on Vicky's shoulder. Vicky stepped away from him.

"Leave me alone. I'm done with all this," Vicky said. She tried to walk to the exit, but the guards blocked her. They pushed her back.

Vicky looked at Kurt, and then clenched her hands into fists.

"I know about you. I know your story. A girl, with a chip in her body. That chip is Raina Corps property, which means it belongs to me now," Kurt said. He smiled and continued, "That means you belong to me now."

"I belong to no one," Vicky said. She turned around in anger. She pushed through the guards and walked away.

Kurt smiled while looking at her.

Vicky stormed out of the building. She walked back to the parking lot at the mall, and saw Connor's car. 

Vicky saw Connor walking to the car too. She got into the car without saying a word. She stared out the window.