Chapter 303 - A Quest To Get Powers?

"The new update took away everyone's powers. There's a new set of powers going around. If we die here before we get our powers, we'll never have them. I guess Orion really wanted to change things around here," Vicky said.

"Or maybe you just scared him too much last time, and he decided to reduce the powers of players, since each one has a different type of powers," Clara said.

"You knew about that?" Vicky asked. She looked at Clara, and stopped walking.

"I know everything that happens in the game. Sometimes I wish I didn't know some stuff," Clara said. She stopped and turned to Vicky, and continued, "I knew about your deal with Matt. I just didn't want to say anything and make things weird."

"How could you have made things weird?" Vicky asked.

"Just imagine I randomly brought it up in the middle of a conversation. 'I heard your conversation with Matt. Why did you make such a stupid promise to him?'" Clara said, making a rougher voice.