Chapter 304 - A Lesson From Connor

"By doing what? Playing video games. I did that too, but I'm still cooking. Stop giving me excuses. Start chopping those vegetables," Connor said. He turned around to take water into a pan, and boil it.

Vicky got the knife and started cutting the vegetables.

"Vicky! What are you doing?" Connor asked. He looked at her, and then walked to her and took the knife from her.

"What?" Vicky asked.

"Wash your hands first, and then wash the vegetables before cutting them. Must I tell you everything? You are not a child anymore. This is general knowledge," Connor said. He sounded annoyed.

"You asked me to cut the vegetables! You didn't say anything about washing them!" Vicky argued.

"Go wash your hands, now!" Connor commanded.

Vicky sighed in frustration, and walked to the sink. She started washing her hands. After she finished, Connor kept the vegetables in a pot, on the sink.

"Now wash those too!" Connor said. He walked away from Vicky.