Chapter 308 - A Visit From Matt

"Just in case you face a foe on ice. You'll need to learn to keep your balance on a slippery surface," Connor said. He smiled, and walked into the cold, mud.

Vicky stared at him.

"You do know that my boots in the game are anti-slip, right. Which means it can't slip on anything," Vicky said. She sighed.

"What if they weren't working properly? See you got used to having time freeze in the game. Now you don't have it. Don't put your trust in things that are out of your control. You'll be overly disappointed, and lost when it does not work how you expect it to," Connor said. He turned to Vicky, and continued, "Hone your skills. It'll never disappoint you."

Vicky nodded. She stepped into the mud, with her first step she almost slipped. Connor held her hand.