Chapter 309 - Stay The Night

Matt looked at Vicky. He kept staring at her since she was not saying anything. 

"I don't have a place to stay!" Matt said. He leaned closer to Vicky, stretching his hand out, with the bag of chips.

"Huh?" Vicky asked, looking at him. She saw the chips, and took one.

Matt stared at her, and sighed. He sat upright, and kept the bag of chips on the coffee table.

"Not everyone has a father who takes good care of his children," Matt said. He fidgeted with his hands, and looked at Vicky.

"Dad wasn't the best dad either. He tried to leave several times," Vicky replied. She sat on the sofa, with her legs in front of her.

"He did it to protect you. My dad might kill me if he finds out that I have a soft spot for my cousin," Matt said. He looked at the tv in front of him.

"Did you tell him that you didn't kill me each time you got a chance?" Vicky asked.

The sides of Matt's lips curved upwards a little as he turned to Vicky.