Chapter 311 - Training At The Ice Rink (Part 1)

"That's why we're training with him," Vicky replied. She sighed, as she stood waiting for him.

Matt emerged from the office, with one of the bodyguards.

"Come on," Matt said.

Connor looked at Vicky, who glanced at him.

"See, dad. There's nothing to worry," Vicky whispered in Connor's ears.

Connor held Vicky's hand. Vicky looked at him.

"Just be on your guard. I don't trust any of them," Connor said. He casually followed Matt and the guard.

They arrived at a closed off area. The place was quiet, and empty. Matt nodded to the guard, who left them alone.

"What now?" Vicky asked, turning to Matt.

"Now we practise," Matt replied. He stepped onto the slippery ice, and looked at Vicky. 

Vicky looked at Connor.

"Go ahead!" Connor said, looking at Vicky.