Chapter 312 - Training At The Ice Rink (Part 2)

"If you thought more logically, you'd walk closer to the ice and then put the skates on," Connor said.

Vicky glared at Connor. She then sighed, and sat back down.

"I wish mom was here," Vicky mumbled under her breath.

"What?" Connor asked, hearing what she said.

"Uhm! Nothing," Vicky said. She gave a small smile, and stood up. She walked slowly towards the ice, with the skates on. Vicky leaned on the railing, waiting for Matt.

"She misses her mother a lot doesn't she?" Matt asked.

"Yes! She tries not to make it too obvious," Connor replied. 

"She's sweet. I wonder why she acts so cold sometimes," Matt said.

"She can be really cold when she wants to," Connor replied.

"I've got to go now," Matt said. He stood up, and nodded to Connor, as he walked towards Vicky.

"This is really hard!" Vicky said, looking down at her skates.

"Don't worry. I've got you," Matt said.