Chapter 313 - Another Fight?

Vicky lifted it, and then looked at Matt.

"Are you sure about this? I think one of us might get hurt. I'm still not proper with my balance," Vicky replied.

"Don't worry too much. You'll be fine," Matt said.

"How can you be so sure? You're not even going to worry about it?" Vicky asked. 

"I trust you, Vicky. Now you should trust yourself!" Matt replied. He picked a sword up, and stood in front of Vicky, ready to attack her.

Vicky sighed. She held her sword up, and blocked Matt's attack. Matt was going easy on her, but soon he had her on the ground, with the sword pointed at her neck.

This training went on for what felt like hours. Vicky kept falling on the ground, over and over. 

Connor stood up and walked near the ice rink. Matt noticed him, and slid towards Connor.

"Let's take a break and go for lunch," Connor turned around. It was clear that it wasn't a question.