Chapter 321 - The Quest (Part 1)

Something knocked her to the ground. Vicky dropped the pickaxe. She crawled over, and picked it up. Still lying on the ground, she looked around. She was lying on her back, with the pickaxe gripped in her hands.

Vicky looked around. She did not see anything. She slowly stood up, and took a step towards the marker. She fell back on the ground again. Picking up the pickaxe, she laid on the ground on her stomach.

She crawled through the cold snow, looking around her. She saw movement to her left, almost as if something was coming towards her. Vicky rolled on her back, and swung the pickaxe to the left. A face disappeared before it made contact with the pickaxe.

Vicky stared at what she had just seen. She stood up, and began sprinting towards the location on the map.

"Iccce Queeen!" a chilly voice whispered. 

Vicky stopped and looked around her. There was nothing in sight. She continued sprinting towards the marker.