Chapter 323 - A Quadcopter

Kari stood up, and walked towards her. He kept his paw on Vicky's head, and everything she imagined came to reality. The whole room was a large garden. The pond was exactly where she imagined it to be. There was a small bridge, and little grass spreading across the room. It was the most magnificent thing she had seen.

"The powers of ice are like magic. You need to imagine what you want. The whole point of this quest is to see if you can access the power within you. Give it a try!" Kari said. 

"What should I do?" Vicky asked.

"Create something small. Like a snowflake," Kari replied. He sat down, and looked at Vicky.

Vicky raised her hand in front of her face, and closed her eyes. She imagined a snowflake in her hand. She thought of the exact design she wanted. She opened her eyes, and looked at her hands.

"Why isn't it working?" Vicky asked. 

Kari smiled. He patted her head with his large paws.