Chapter 327 - Kidnapped?

"The sooner the better. I'll come with you!" Connor said. He stood up, and walked towards the door. He looked at Vicky, who stood up lazily, and dragged her feet towards him. 

Connor put his jacket on, and gave Vicky hers.

"We'll be here," Sarah said.

"I gotta go home," Miles said. He stood up, and left too.

Vicky got into the car, and sighed, as she went through her phone.

"What are you doing?" Connor asked, looking at Vicky.

"Uh! Nothing," Vicky replied. She smiled, and put her phone down.

Connor sighed. He drove out of the driveway.

Vicky was silent for a while, and then the questions started flowing.

"Dad! What should I tell Kurt?" Vicky asked. She looked at Connor.

"Everything, Vicky. I know this is not the usual way and all, but you have to. That way he knows what's happening, and if he chooses not to do anything, it would be his fault," Connor replied. He looked at Vicky, and then back at the road.