Chapter 328 - A Sacrifice?

"Get out of the car!" Connor said, in a cold, indifferent voice.

Vicky stared at him, and then got out, as Connor reached for her wrist. He turned Vicky around, and kept the cloth on her face.

"You'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you," Connor whispered, to Vicky's ear.

"What's happening?" Vicky asked, in a soft voice.

"Just go to sleep!" Connor said. He held the cloth on Vicky's face, until she passed out.

The man with the mask took his mask off, to reveal Ryan. He looked at Vicky.

"She okay?" he asked.

"She'll be fine," Connor replied. He put Vicky back in the car, and nodded to Ryan.

"What now?" Ryan asked.

"We go with the plan!" Connor said. He walked back to the driver's side of the car, and got in. 

Ryan and the other masked men got back in the vans.