But this time John didn't panicked as he did for the first time. This time, instead of panicking he decided to take advantage of paused time. He decided to catch the lion.
On the side of a road, there was an empty drum used for the construction. He approached the drum. Even though, he had experienced this feeling before, it felt weird to be the only one moving on the middle of the road while everything and everyone was paused. This time, his thoughts were stable and as a result he was little bit calm. He picked up the drum and approached towards the lion. He put the drum on the lion, thus enclosing it. He knew it wasn't enough to hold the lion. He put some heavy stones above the drum. Now he was relieved.
"Now, the main problem, how the hell can I return everything back to normal?", he asked himself.
He was confused. There was pure silence. He walked few steps and paused again.
He didn't even knew how his weird power worked. It took him a moment to realize his arm was bleeding because of lion biting it. He suddenly started feeling the warmth of the blood as well as started smelling it.
Once again, as he looked around everything was normal. Everyone and everything just resumed infront of him.
Zoo managers were called and the lion was taken care of.
John headed towards his home quickly. His parents were startled once again. Seeing his arm bleeding.
Though, he was heavily bleeding, the wound wasn't that deep.
"Geez, what's wrong with you nowadays?", Mrs. Vincent commented after hearing the whole lion situation from him. Though, he hadn't told about his time freezing experience.
"Don't worry Sarah, it's his youthfulness. Even I have been in many life threatening situation in...."
"Life threatening situations!!....", John interrupted Mr. Vincent. His face looked like he realized something. He hurried toward his room.
"Hey! Come on, John eat something..", Mrs. Vincent shouted.
"No, I don't feel like eating...", John replied.
"What's wrong with him?", Mrs. Vincent looked frustated.
Mr. Vincent had a serious face.
John quickly entered his room and closed the door from inside. He realized something. He lied on the bed, closed his eyes and started thinking.
'Life threatening situations?'
'This is the connection between those two moments where time suddenly stopped.'
'Both situations were life threatening situations!!'
'In both moments, when truck was about to hit me and lion attacked me, my life was at stake'
'And also when returning back to normal, there's a connection on both events.'
'Everything returned back to normal, when I fell down on my face'
'Secondly, my arm was bleeding but I didn't realized it. As soon as I realized my arm was bleeding, everything returned back to normal'
'What if these are the triggers: Life threatening situation and Pain'.
John's mind was running with thoughts.
'Maybe, I should try it..'
'But what if I am wrong?'.
He couldn't sleep. So he started reading an article about an alien sighting thirty years ago.
Next day, he had already decided to test it. He had decided to jump infront of a train. It took him a whole night to convince himself.
The train was approaching him. If his hypothesis was wrong, then his entire life would be finished. He would die just to prove a silly hypothesis. The train was approaching him. His body wasn't moving.
The train finally approached. He took a deep breath. He shouted at the top of his lungs and jumped infront of the train.