Something unpaused

The train approached him. After battling with himself inside the mind, he jumped.

He opened his eyes meaning he was still alive. He looked around and of course everything and everyone was paused once again. His hypothesis was correct. He came out of railway tracks. He was happy. He felt relieved upon knowing he just cheated death. But it was too soon to celebrate. He still wasn't sure that inflicting pain upon his body would return everything back to normal.

John looked around for something to hurt him physially. The train was still paused. He banged his head real hard on the head of train. He instantly regretted it. He started feeling dizzy.

As he looked in the sky, grabbing his head, he saw something moving. His vision was blurry and he couldn't quite understand.

'What is that? A plane. No, it doesn't look like a plane. Why isn't it paused?', he was a little surprised.

The plane like figure slowly disappeared into the sky.

"I guess, it was just my hallucination. I hurted myself real bad, so it doesn't surprise me that I am hallucinating.", he talked to himself.

His started spinning. And slowly as he collected himself. He found everything was normal. Everyone was startled.

Everyone saw a crazy teenager jumping infront of a train and now he was at sideways perfectly fine. It happened so fast nobody could process what just happened.

"I'm sorry everyone", he shouted and ran towards his house.

He was very happy to be able to pause time at his will. But he still wasn't perfect. Nonetheless, he was happy.

He continued this for a week untill he was confident that it was indeed the correct way.

He was very happy. He started eating more than usual.

While having dinner Mrs. Vincent commented, "You look so happy nowadays, what happened?".


"Maybe he found what he wanted", Mr. Vincent interrupted him. His face looked serious.

"'What he wanted??' What do you mean?", Mrs. Vincent was confused.

John looked serious. He thought his dad found out about it.

"A girlfriend!!!!", Mr. Vincent shouted while laughing.

"Maybe, he found what he wanted. A girlfriend!!", Mr. Vincent added.

"Ah come on, what the hell are you talking about dad?", John was surprised by his dad's comment. He completed his meal and went to his room.

He locked the door and threw himself on the bed. He was a little embarrased by his dad's comment.

There was a girl whom he had a crush on but he could never build up courage to actually confess to her.

He used to fantasize about a lot of things at night. He was a teenager after all. Now after he gained control over his time pausing ability, some perverted ideas were roaming inside his head.

John grinned.

"Maybe I should try it at school tomorrow.", he said to himself