1. Got beat up at the festival

Beep - beep - beep


" Hoamm... gosh shut up useless clock "

My name is farel Arkheis im 18 and im a highschool student in freshman year. Today is the summer festival, as you can tell im still so tired . After grinding the new game with my online friends until dawn, so i only got 1 hour of sleep. I dont want to go but my childhood friend would be pissed because i promised we would meet at the school and catch up finally for the first time in 5 year.

I got up , took a shower , getting ready for the summer festival .

" Farel!! breakfast is ready come down fast "

" Yea be right there! " my sister is calling me for breakfast , my sister name is amanda she is the most precious person in my life . after my parents both died on a car accident , amanda is the only one who cares about me . Even though all my other relatives dont care about me because im 'average looking' , my family all of the member was very handsome and beautiful but i was born with average looking. Everybody hated how i look despise im being the youngest one . But my mother,father and amanda still love me dearly, so when my mother and father passed away i was deppresed and locked my self in my room for 1 year . Amanda was very patient and caring towards me , and that is what holding me for ending my life .

I came downstairs and a beautiful short black haired woman in her 20s with almost perfect body if those pair of melon was a little bit bigger.

' I still cannot belive my sister is this beautiful , and im just an average looking brother' i saddened

" Farel you seem down is there something bothering you? , i know the house is not the same without mom and dad but.... unnhh you have me alright " amanda blushed

"no its not that anyway lets eat i dont have much time i dont wanna be late for the summer festival "

After done eating , i grab my phone and bag and opened the door "sister im off"

"okay have fun Farel " she hugged me tightly while blushing

10 minutes later

i arrived at school , the place was filled with laugh and people talking . i've always hate crowds because since i was little ive always told by my other cousins that i looked disgusting and nobody wanna see mee . That still haunt me today .

I was going around the school 'trying to have fun' , i stumbled across a ice cream mystery flavor stand . Its seems very... very... sus , but i buy it anyway . Suprisingly it tasted kinda normal but it kinda taste like half grass , " yeah never mind this is not normal " . i quickly throw it at the bin , and i was going to the toilet , but i stumbled across someone i knew .

" Hey look who's here "

" HAHAHAHAHA its the nerd in out class "

Its justin , the school most proudest douche ever . he is popular for being good with girls , buffed body , and because hes blonde . yes , blonde is kinda rare around here . most of the student is either black or brown hair . justin is one of the people that make my life unbearable , if i could i would totally scrap her mom and punch him until he passed out.

" HAHAHAHA look at the small nerd lost in his toughts , he probably thinking what anime should i watch " note : no offend to the people who does , bcz me too

I suddenly snapped and said :

" shut up! who do you think your are , you selfcentered street dog "

everybody even justin was shocked and become silenced , the people near the toilet began to form a crowd.Farel suddenly realised what he just said

" ARE YOU MESSING WITH ME DUMB NERD !!! , Boys hold his hand and legs for me "

Justin friends started to come at Farel and grabbing his hand and legs . Justitn walk to me slowly saying " You messed up big time buddy " . Grabbing by my collar and began to punch me many time , the people starting to take out their phone and taking pictures and laugh at Farel . The punches are making hard slapping sound , Farel began to bleed from his head .

Suddenly a voice came out saying " HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY FRIEND " . It was Jason the childhood friend that he promised , the crowd suddenly began to murmur something , at this point Farel has passed out completly already .

" Wait isnt he is Jason vernhieg , the up rising national champion at archery "

"He is even more handsome up close , even more than Justin " the girls said

Justin face become red and he has lose control over his anger , he charged Jason going for a tackle . But Jason was a professional archer and close combat fighting champion . Jason quickly doged Justin and grab him by the collar , by punching Justin several time he passed out not long after and his friend carried him to the infimary

" Dont forget to carry my friend too ! "

Justin friends was sweating and scared , they instanly bring Farel to the infimary too . The crowd was clapping their hand and cheering Jason . Wich bring jason with a disgusted look at the people around him .

At the infimary...

Farel eyes opened slowly with bandages all over his face

"ugrh *cough* *cough* my eyes hurt , where the fuck is that blonde dog , i still need to beat him *cough* "

Suddenly a female voice appear saying

"dont to harsh on yourself your weak , dont you get it nerd?" the girl says with annoyed tone

Farel was confused , a girl sliding up the curtain . He know who is this girl , She is so sexy everybody called her 'the hot pheonix' . He chuckled while remembering her nickname.

"Are you gone crazy , nerd why are you looking at me like that ? " the pheonix said

"oh sorry i didnt meant anything weird " Farel said while looking down

"its okay you dont have to be upset nerd i was .... just Joking yea..."

"its okay im used to it , i think gonna go now thankyou for taking care of me "

"wait you cant- , yeah just go as you wish " she said with flustered tone

While Farel standing up his eye was hurting so much , he endure it at he end . He saw Justin who was the one punching him laying at the bed beside him , beaten up pretty bad too. He wondered who did this , well he couldnt care less. Farel was walking around the school again but this time wih bandages all over his head , evrybody that walks by look at him with disgust at theis stare . Farel couldnt take it anymore , luckily he found a empty classroom . he closed the door fast , and sit at the back of the classroom . He opened up his phone and plugged his earphone to hear some rap music to cool off , and ended up sleepy and sleeping .