2.Got isekai'd ?

" Hoii Farel why are you even sleeping? "

A sudden voice has awake Farel from his peacefull sleep . a handsome dark blue hair man with somehow familiar features .

" Wait ArE YoU JASON?! "

" Hahahaha its been a long time farel good to see ya! "

Farel and Jason was talking about the thing they missed out on each other for the last 5 years .

Suddenly,Farel and Jason heard many scream from diffrent places at school. Jason couldn't help but to say "damn they must having the time of their life " . " Lucky for them haha.. " Farel said .

A blue circle emerged from their feet and slowly eating their body . Farel face has become pale and sweating all over his face . While Jason , seems like shocked by the situation . " Well this been fun hehe... " Jason said jokingly trying to calm Farel down . Farel didnt speak anything, he seemed like frozen in place . Before the blue circle reach to the point of their neck, Farel screamed as hard as he could .

" Welcome Heroes from earth , i am King Eberto of the Ilonian Empire "

Farel heard a man with a deep voice , Farel eyes still hazey . He slowly opened his eye and he saw a man in his 40 with muscular body sitting in a throne and a gorgeous looking woman with golden hair beside the man . In a place that seems like luxury old medieval style grand hall . Beside Farel was Jason and other student from his school including Justin and the teacher .

Some looked like scared , some look like sad and crying calling out their parents , some even shocked by looking at the pretty woman . Farel was trying his best to not panic and to think logically .

' Did i got isekai'd ? , i think that is the King and the Queen ' . Farel head was filled with many question .

The people of the school was dead silent staring at eachother. Until, one of the teacher speak with loud voice " Excuse me but may i ask who are you ? , and where are we ? "

The man sitting on the throne with a crown stand up and said:

" I understand all of you are confused and scared , but we meant no harm . All of the earth heroes was summoned here with a magic spell that requires many mana . I belived the meeting of earth heroes and the Ilonian Empire are fate . We humbly request all of you heroes to save Ilonian Empire and the world , from the evil demon king it self "

The people of the school was getting even more shocked expression from their face . Farel could not help but to be excited, a grin appeared on his face . Of course how could he not, this is the normal isekai story where the protagonist got transported to another world with op power. Farel was a hardcore NEET , he read this novel genre so many times he lose counts .

'will i get op power just like those protagonist' Farel thought excitedly

"Please help us , we will give all of you heroes the best treatment in this Empire" the golden hair woman that seems like the queen said

A sudden familiar voice came out

" Dont worry , we will help save the world !"

It was Justin speaking with a perverted look to the queen . "Yea we will help" , " i'll help too i wanna go back to meet my family" the two girl in the crowds said . Everyone eventually agree to help, Including Jason and Farel.

"Good!... good!.... , the Ilonian Empire will sure have a bright future hahahaha..." the king said

"First let we appraise your status" an old man with a book said

Everybody was confused but they eventually go along with it.

"Inami Skill : Sacred magic knowledge - S rank"

The king and the queen along with the guards are in shocked "she could be a sage in the future definitely good" The king said in shocked.

Inami is the school president, she is popular for being cold and a beautifull in the school everybody knows her.

Everyone had their turned being appraise , this turn was Justin . The old man put his hand on his head, "No way... Justin Saingdrom skill: Demonic sword technique - S rank" . Everybody , even the king even stand up in schoked . They said that Justin skill was ancient demon technique that have been removed for 500 years by the maker of it 5th demon king A.k.A the current demon king . A big evil grin appeared on Justin face , not long after. it was Jason turn, the old man place his hand on Jason head and Everybody turned dead silent after hearing the old man voice with flustered tone "Jason Vernhieg S ran- skill : Divine light judgement sword control" . The king stand up in shocked and starting to laugh like a crazy drunk old man .

"HAHAHAHAHAHA I never thought that the previous hero divine sword could be used anymore but we have found the diamonds amond diamonds here HAHAHAHAHAHA"

Divine light judgement sword is a sword that said god crafted with their own hands , the previous heroes that comes to this world used the sword and manage to kill the 4th demon king with it ,before he passed away because the rough fight with the demon king he stab himself with his sword saying his last word "ONLY THE PUREST PERSON WITH KIND HEART AND DESIRE TO HELP OTHER COULD TAKE THIS SWORD OF MY CORPSE"

After a while everyone calmed down and it was Farel turn right now . As usual the old man placed his hands on Farel head . The old man face become pale , as well as the king , queen , everybody . A sudden laugh from Justin , " Farel arkheis skill: Nothing - rank ".

The king in panic said " The legend said that summoned heroes that doesnt have skill is a curse and will bring calamity upon other , QUICKLY BRING HIM TO THE EIVEL DUNGEON"

Farel face paled and panicked , many thing going to farel head at once . one of the guards grab his hand and the old man guide the guard to a place seems like the basement of the castle .

In there was a door , when it opened a black aura appeared from the empty space inside the door . suddenly the guard pushed him forward , making Farel going inside the door ,and also making him unconscious in the prosses .

"Ughh... my head hurt so much... , where am i ?"