3. Lost yet a slight hope

Water dripping to Farel forehead making him to wake up in a cave with a path of torches leading him to a deeper part of the cave .

He remembered what just happend, speechles. Scared,sadness,anger,and the feeling of lost, all mixed feeling to Farel emotionless face. Farel got summoned without any wish to get summoned and got telled to save the world from demons. He felt putred anger in his heart ,but he cant do anything , he was hopeless . in a voice full of hatred he said.

" I swear on the name of God of Death and Calamity, I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!! " with slight louder voice

Sitting in the middle of the cave, he could heard a growling getting near from his right. He was so scared to move but eventually he decided to move and check where the noises from. After searching for 4 minutes , Farel shocked yet with an emotionless expression.

From his view was a giant minotaur with 2 black horns , and a giant war axe buried in his stomach . The growling sound getting more and more slower , Farel soon realized the minotaur was on the edge of dying . Farel waited out until the minotaur died , soon after 30 minutes the minotaur stop his growling.

Farel grab a large stone on his shoulder and start to throw at the giant minotaur . But the minotaur didnt make any sound nor movement, Farel went over carefully and slowly to the minotaur. In front of Farel was a dead gigantic minotaur.

"damn... its even bigger up close" farel whisper to himself

Farel inspect the body slowly , and the war axe caught Farel attention . the War axe was around 5 ft , with the classic rpg games design. 'whoever wield this must be strong' Farel said in his heart. Before even Farel knew it He was touching the war axe.


Suddenly a noise popped out of nowhere, Farel eyes become wary and quickly turning around to leave the place . Before he could take a step , an aqua panel appeared infront of his eyes. Farel was dead silent with cold expression.

You have Defeated a Demonic horned minotaur Lv. 235, you gained 1.555.696 EXP.

Farel eyes stared at the panel for 3 minutes before he touch the panel.


Name: Farel Arkheis

Lv. 197

Race: (Human???)

Job: None

Blessing: God of Death , God of Calamity

Str: 548

Vit: 486

Dex: 249

Agi: 600



Passive (Reverse to Calamity) : With the power of Death and Calamity on your side, you have the ability to turn anything you wished for the 'badder'.Of course there is thing you cant command...

Farel eyes opened and stared at the aqua colour panel .

"No way... i did have a cheat"

Farel lip curled up making a evil grin , He know he has a hope to get revenge now.


ilonian empire has make a mistake that can lead humanity greatest enemy.

"By the way im not a human??, and whats wrong with my mp, death and calamity?"

Many question filled Farel head for the first time after getting thrown in the dungeon, Farel smiled and tears fell from his eye. He has a rough hopeless live until now , NOW ... Farel has a bright yet dark hope.

a scroll fell came out of the minotaur body before dissepearing to thin air, a light green aura came out of the scroll. Farel picked it up ,

(Great healing Wave , Use or no)

Farel instanly "Yes!" , he was excited to try his first spell.

Great healing wave - send a wave of great healing, healing 100% of the target maximum hp.

Reverse calamity Affect: ON - send a wave of death, destroying enemy inside dealing 999%_ERROR_.

Farel read to many webnovel to know where this is going . He was thinking that he was some descendent from god of death and calamity that broke the system with their power so they can buffed Farel crazily, Farel think that his mana probably infinite. Wich making Farel even happier and thankful about the current situation .

Farel was roaming around the cave randomly trying to find monsters even tough he was kindof scared. He finally found some monster , in front of him was a group of 40 giants black goblins . Farel thought that theres only goblin but he heard a woman scream , Farel hurried running to the scene.

"HELP!! ANYBODY HELP!!" the woman screamed on top of her lung hoping somebody would save her

Farel saw 3 goblin trying to captured a Beautiful woman with white hair and good looking features as well. Farel was about to tried his new spell with the reverse calamity passive on .


A wave of black mist suddenly appeared , entering the goblin body through ears, eyes,nose,and mouth . around 20 goblin exploded with their heads and organs laying in the ground , but no blood splurt out , Farel was confused too.Farel could not daydreaming and had to save the woman, he once again with his hand forward sending a wave of black mist to the goblins.

The ground was filled with bodies and organ, the woman shocked and quickly stand up.

"Sir thankyou... for your help , you really save me back there. I owe you one sir!"

Farel could not help but confused why she called him sir, he was pretty sure everyone can tell that hes just a teenager.

"..." farel silenced

"My handsome sir may i ask you why are you such in a dangerous place ?"

Farel shocked when she called him handsome, Farel tought she was just being grateful as she should be.But he dont even know what is he doing in this dungeon.

"Im lost..." Farel saddened remembering how he got here

"In that case let me guide you the way out of this place and treat you some food?"

Farel happily nodded and smiled at the woman, the woman was staring deeply to Farel , so he ask

"is there anything wrong miss?"

" No no its nothing bad i promised , is just that your crimson red hair is beautiful" the woman said while being flustered

"huh..? red hair what do you mean?"