4. Becoming an adventurer

The white haired woman pulled out a mirror out of a black space , Farel knew this is probably a space storage.

In front of Farel was like completely new differend 'man'. He now has a smooth crimson red coloured hair, no sign of acne,and his eye felt like a bit darker somehow. His body become more buffed but not to the point of those body builder, its well build anybody can realized when they see Farel. He was not the same man as before, this is the new and improved Farel. As he rubbing his cheek in disbelieved with his changes.

"No way.. this is me"Farel whispered

"What do you mean no way, are you okay?"the woman said

"yeahh.. no im totally okay thanks for asking" Farel replied

"okay! lets go were in the 5th floor of the dungeon sooo it will be around 1 day to go back lets go!"the woman cheerfully said

"yeah" . Farel did not know he was teleported this deep. He decided to keep his background low for now.

The white haired woman named was Emily.Farel also tell Emily that he loss his memory after waking up in this dungeon , he didnt trust Emily for now.

After about 4 hours of walking and killing monster that on their way.

Farel leveled up


Name: Farel Arkheis

Lv. 198

Race: (human???)

Job: None

Blessing: God of Death, God of Calamity

Str: 548

Vit: 456

Dex: 249

Agi: 600


Stat Point available : 100

Passive (Reverse to Calamity) with the power of death and calamity on your side, you have the ability to turn anything you wished to the evil side. Of course there is things you cant command...

Great healing wave - Send a wave of death, destroying enemy inside dealing 999%_ERROR_. (LOCKED)

Farel think to himself 'arent you supposed to get 5 stat point per level up?,this system is broken af.'.He then put 50 50 point on Str and Vit. He ignored the locked skill in the system.

"alright enough rest lets go" Farel said

"uhuh" . Farel has saw Emily fighting againts monster. Its clear that Em Emily was an Assasin class , a strong one . A giant yellow Goblin , Emily quickly take her two handed short sword in assasin style . The dagger soon imbued with fire , Emily climbed the wall and striking down with her dagger splitting the Goblin in half. Farel was amazed how quick she was . He did not have a weapon yet so he has to depend on his magic and Reverse to clamity.


Suddenly a fierce huge roar could be heard , making Farel and Emily flinched. The roar become louder and louder soon they heard loud step running toward them. Emily said "Quickly get ready for a battle sir" . Farel ready his spell in his hand.

A gigantic black Minotaur is charging to their way. before Farel cast his spell, Emily run towards the gigantic minotaur by climbing the side wall before clashing with the minotaur horns . both of them knockback eachother and stop for a second . after that theiy both have a fierce fight. First 5 minutes Emily seems like winning, but suddenly the minotaur chest appeared a red glowing rune symbol. "ugh i cant hold out for more longer , sir Farel can you lend me a hand?". Farel pushed both of his hand forward "Great healing wave,". He taught shouting the name of the spell will make the effect stronger. A blackmist wave surrounded the minotaur entering his body before exploding to pieces. 'it didnt get stronger but hell this spell is op af' farel toughts to him self.

You have deafeated a Demonic horned minotaur Lv 54, you gained 1XpError__

You gained Appraisal - Taboo Appraisal (Reverse to Calamity - ON)-Ability to appraise everything even the statue of god and unkown rune , also have the ability to preserve target emotions and Fate.

You gained Flash - Secret TP (Reverso to Calamity - ON)-Ability to teleport anywhere you desire as long you have seen the place or been there before , in instant and have 30% Agi and dex Buffed for 20 minutes.

Farel saw the notification and proceed to his status.Farel now understand his op passive skill , it has the ability to changed a skill permanently to an evil spell . Altough it is permanent its still overpowered.He has an appraisal skill wich he use on the shocked Emily


Name: Emily - Shocked , scared , admiration , 5% Love.

Lv 67

Race: Half elve

Job: Frosty Assasin - A rank

Str: 100

Vit: 50

Dex: 80

Agi: 300

Mp: 387


Frozen Blade , Back slash , Wall climbing , Energy break , Frost aura , Ice Prison , Ice Arror , Ice Shield , body streghtening , Ice creation.


Farel eye widened seeing her skill , she was weaker than he tought . but he think that he was just too op,she probably already a strong individual in other people eye. Farel already decided he want Emily on his team or rather party , he then saw the love thing , He panicked and quickly tried to calm him down . 'no.. its probably a mistake no way somebody loved me hahaha..' he tought to himself. he then moved his eyed towards Emily.

Emily eye stared at the head and organ of the minotaur scattered on the ground, with mixed fear,and admiration. She knew she cant afford being Farel enemy in the future.

"Woah, what spell is that i never seen one like that ever!" Emily with sparks in her eyes

Farel just slighty smile to her , "lets continue", Emily nodded .

Its been 15 hours , all the monster that Emily had sturggle with Farel just used his black mist wave to obliterate everything on his path.Farel also wondered who is exactly is Emily, why is she so strong?. When Farel ask this Emily said:

"Im Emily an A rank adventurer, normally people call me the frost dancer. But i think that is too overboard hehe" with proud in her face

So there is adventurer guild, just like in the rpg game in general, Farel tought. "I see",not long after they finally found the exit of the dungeon.the door was huge it was 5 times Farel height, Farel was 6,3ft.with a runic gate door design, Emily opened the door . Outside the door was a forest,infact they were deep inside the forest. Farel takes couple deep breath too relax .

"We need around 30 minutes to get to Tomato town" Emily pointed in west

Farel ready himself and follow Emily .

He Finally arrive to the town , the town was crowded with people . Many buildng with medieval style , many stand selling certain food,items,and armory. He immediately ask Emily where is the adventurer guild . Emily nodded and proceed to take him there, Farel arrive to the guild . The guild was probably one of the bigger building in the town , it has more modern design to it .

He entered the guild , it was normal anime and novel guild , many people standing in front of a quest board it seems like . Theres also a reciptionist , its a middle age guy with bulky build . Farel was hoping a beautiful woman but instead its a guy , Farel chuckled slightly. He was truly in another world, he then walk up to the counter. Also there are countless gaze staring to Emily , the girl also stared at Farel , but Farel ignored the gaze because he was used too it .

"Hey kid , you must be new here how can i help you young fellas, Greeting miss Emily seems like you came back" the guy name was andy it said in his badge

"I would like to register as an adventurer" Farel said calmly

"Sure , you just need to fill the paper and bla bla bla "

This guy.. isnt suited to be a reciptionist for sure. Farel filled in the paper , Farel 22 years old , job none, background: lost memory. When andy saw this "Hey kid cheer up i believed you will find the memories back" Farel nodded . "can u explain the rank system?" Farel asked

"Sure thing , the system are followed by SS,S,A,B,C,D,E,F. You rank up through point , then u need to clear quest for points "

Its very alike to the games indeed. Farel nodded,Then he asked for a quest recommendation, luckily andy is kind so he pulled out a paper .

The quest was to Kill 5 angry boar , Farel spent 10 second staring at andy . Farel think it will be a herb collect quest but noooo. This andy is maybe not kind , but Farel accepted it .

"Hahaha thats the spirit Good Luck kid"

Farel sighed and walked out from the guild with Emily

"I guess this is where we part ways huh" Emily said with dissapointed face

"Do you wanna make a party with me?" Farel asked