5. The life of Emily

( Emily POV )

Emily was an upcoming powerfull adventurer making a record for the fastest rank up to A rank in Ilonian Empire. In fact Emily was one of the princess of Ilonian empire, she forced her father wich is the king to be an adventurer to persue her dream to be a SS rank adventurer. Emily was very a stubborn kid , she doesnt recieve the love from her father at all after her mom died when she 7. This is how the King 4th concubine Eliza to be the current queen, Eliza had a daughter named Olivia , Olivia was the one that alway bullied Emily since she lost her mother . Emily also suspect the queen for her mother killed in an assasination.

Emily was doing the same thing everyday grinding, just like every adventurer do.

She was strong enough afterall, there are not alot of A rank adventurer in Ilonian empire. This bring Emily confidence to go in the Eivel Dungeon , a place where high A and S , SS Rank could only had the streght to defeat the monster inside this dungeon . The next day Emily was about to enter Eivel dungeon for the 4th time this week, she already had a good pattern for grinding levels.

She followed her pattern as usual , she was already doing pretty well againts blue and yellow goblins so, she decided to go further . 'Going further is the way to grind more levels this yellow goblins is weak to me'Emily said in her heart. She walked past the yelow goblins area and walked for 10 minutes . She found a new type of goblins , these things look more aggresive and the colour is black moreover its fricking huge.

Luckily Emily only saw 1 , she use body streghtening and began to run a the goblin . With such high speed , even simple straight run seems like teleporting then she use frozen blade to cut the neck. Before she hit the neck the black goblin swayed his hand and hit Emily hand .

"CRACK-" sound could be heard from Emily body

I was knocked to the wall with a great force , legs were numb . Even she couldnt lift her hand up , Before i could know it the black Goblin called his friend over. There was around 20 Goblins , Three Goblins step up and tried to tied her hand. Emily with cold sweat , heart beating faster than ever before . She used her last energy to scream for help. Not long after she saw a handsome young man around 21 with crimson red hair and distracting beautiful eyes that is bright yet so cold and dark.She was about to warned him about the black goblins were strong , suddenly a wave of black mist appeared and entering the body of the Goblins . The Goblins soon blew up , organs and diffrent body part of the Goblins scattered around the ground. The young man helped Emily get up and Emily thanked the young man. If he was not here to save Her so probably will be a victim of the Goblins , even the tought of that disgust her. Her body healed pretty quickly because she had a necklace that her mom gave when she was 5, that seem to be an artifact of regeneration.

When i actually look at him up close he even more handsome than she think. his name is Farel, huh such a foreign name Emily tought. However she look at him , he seems lost and out of placed . He doesnt even have a weapon nor armour , just some weird dirty white clothe .

I was right he was lost , Emily chuckled lightly. Since he saved me im going to repay him! While i guided him he didnt talk much , rather he seem sad .

Emily was shocked , Farel was the same with her except he lost both of his family

"Im sorry.."

"No its alright"

I felt bad, im so dumb why would i even ask that .A demonic horned minotaur suddenly rushing toward us , these thing are the most common high rank demonic monster but its still S rank .

I quickly tried to kill the minotaur but the horned blocked me , ugh i cant be this lame in front of him .

A black mist appeared again and entering minotaur body that soon exploded to pieces . But theres no blood Emily confused also shocked.

Theres no doubt this guy is probably s rank adventurer , maybe he lost his memory or something . I wanna ask what was that black mist skill but something is blocking me from asking, like an invinsible barrier .

"Finally outside" Emily said

He doesnt even know Tomato town,before i ask him about where he came from he said he lose his memory . I nailed it again , but how did he remembered about his parents.. nevermind lets just focused paying hes kindess back , how could i abandoned this handsome innocent young man .

After he arrived a the guild .

He mustve lost his card unfortunately. i did not ask further as he took the boar quest as a beginner because she saw what he could do in the dungeon with higher level demonic minotaurs.

(Back to main story)

Do you wanna make a party with me, This word ring in Emily heart as it beating faster and faster. "YES" Emily said almost instantly after Farel ask.

"But you need to reach at least B rank to do quest with me" She saddened because reaching B rank is hard , even as the fastest A rank she still needed 7 month to get in B ranks and another 7 to reach A rank.

"Give me 1 week" Farel said with stern voice feeling baddas

Emily shocked as she nodded,

"Alright good luck with your memories too" Emily said as she was flustered of what he just said

'This scene is very familiar... right! like those harem animes and novels, but i hated harem tough' Farel laugh

This is the first time he laugh to her, she looked and smile warmly to Farel not long after she blushed and turned away quickly.

They talked about the common knowledge in a small tavern before Farel left.

Apparently he is in the north continent where Ilonian empire rules and known for its strong warrior and endless supply of man power, every continent also had one empire. East continent Balford Empire known for its beautiful country and good food also for being the most wealthy compared to the other three , west continent Alkatraz Empire known for its weaponry and equipment because the amount of dwarfs that live there, South continent Piflot Empire known for its inventions of new magic and also legend said that the magic king live there quietly. Every continent and empire has it own unique thing.

There also all kind of races like the popular Elf,Dwarfs,Titans,Dragonkin and alot other as well and They all currently on a peace at war except for the Demons.

Farel know what he wants to do , Destroying the empire and also torture the fuck out of his enemy and many other including becoming a divine individual so that he can live for eternity.He also remembered Emily was half elf , he forgot to ask her 'I guess i can ask her next time huh'. Just thinking about Justin scream in pain and agony slowly dying get Farel very motivated and excited. note: Farel is straight.

"Can i rent a room for 1 week" Farel said as he throws 2 gold coin from the minotaur horn and Goblins ear that he sells, he wanted to split it with Emily but she declined so he has 10-2 gold coins right now.

The girl on the table shocked as she pales and "You only need to pay 28 silver sir.." she trembled . "Then just take it give me the best services that this in can give" Farel said . "Absolutely sir!" , Farel ask for a dinner as he was very hungry . Farel was served a gaint sized bowl of rice and curry as well a whole ass chicken , Farel gulped as he eat the food like there was no tomorrow .

After Farel took a bath , he threw himself to the middle class bed that was comfy enough . Farel started to get sleepy and he fell asleep slowly .