6. The princess of the empire that i hate

A breeze of winds flows through my body as I wake up. I opened my eyes, a knocking sound from my door could be heard

"Sir we already prepared breakfast for you" A girl voice.

I stand up and proceed to walk to the door, when I open it a short, brown hair girl with cat ears is in front of me.

"Good morning young master!"

I remembered this girl is the receptionist of the inn, "Lead the way", she nodded. The old lady that seems like her mom prepared a full course meal of toast, cooked fish, and a lump of sausage looking meat. It was a very weird combo but delicious nevertheless.

I have yet to do yesterday quest because I was too tired, thankfully it has a 48 hour expiration. I still have a lot of time, I get out of the inn and search for a blacksmith or a weaponry shop.

After 10 minutes of walking around the town, I found a run down house with a sign 'Weaponry shop'. As soon I entered the place I was amazed by the amount of cool RPG equipment. On top of that, the place was squeaky clean totally different from the outside, I was looking around the place until a short man with a beard and a hammer on his shoulder.

"Kiddo don't touch that! What do you want boy" the man said

I and him stared at each other for 10 seconds, how could I not ITS A DWARF. The kind that is good at blacksmithing Dwarf!

"I want a weapon and some armor my budget is 6 gold coins" I said

The Dwarf passes through the equipment at the display, he opened a chest at the back of the room. he pulled up 2 purple curved daggers with a rune pattern across the blade. "You pick the right store boy, from your look you seem like the agile type so I got you these magic bladed daggers, but unfortunately I don't make light armor so I can only sell you these daggers," the dwarf said.

I nodded, gave him the gold coins grab the daggers, and left. I ignore the fact that I'm armorless and I go to the gate of the town. Two of the gate guards ask me some questions before I left the town.

I'm already in the forest because the town is literary in the forest but you wouldn't expect to be in a forest inside. I was searching for an angry Boar, after roaming around the forest he found a pack of 5 perfect. They have black skin and two long tails with sharp ends of their tails, they also had a bulky build.

My plan was to literary just use the death wave skill if it's a fail then I will retreat and kill them one by one with my daggers.

I reveal myself out of the trees, and forward my hand 'Great healing wave'. A black mist appeared from my palm as the mist enter the boar body that explodes into pieces. I was no longer shocked as I cut their tails with my daggers for evidence to the guild.

When I'm going back, screams could be heard from a close distance. I followed the screams readying my spell if anything sneak attacks me.

A luxurious carriage could be seen from uphill where I am. A bunch of muscular ugly man was laughing at the dead guard's body of the carriage, and a beautiful woman with golden hair could be seen scared while the maids scream on top of their lung for help.

'Bandits!', I was looking for a perfect time to strike, and then one of the bandits was walking and grabbing one of the maid's arms.


"Pretty girl.. you will have fun with us tonight HAHAHA" the bandit shout

I ready my daggers like an assassin from the creed, I launched myself down striking the bandit skull and the blade ending through his eyeball. I then forward my arm sending black mist at the bandits exploding them.

The maid's reaction was priceless, they widened their eyes in shock leaving their mouths open. I then spotted a familiar face, 'That is the princess... Olivia, Emily had told me about her fucking worthless bitch'.

I put my daggers in the sleeves ready to leave.

"Wait... are you the cursed one?" Olivia said

I stared at her eye that can make people freeze in fear with my killing intent. Olivia shut her mouth, I then walked up to her pulling one of my daggers out again pointing it at Olivia's neck, before cutting her neck that spewed out blood like a fountain. The maid screamed once again but i didn't kill them because they got no dickheads bloodline like her.

"Inform the King, I the cursed one had killed the princess" I said while laughing evilly

Let the hunt begins.