"But how?! He's one of the strongest members of Night Raid! How could he have died to some murderer?"
"Tatsumi... when I sent Lubbock to check on Bulat's status on the night Bulat left. Lubbock arrived at Mt. Fake with no issues but witnessed Bulat fighting our target. The target had a new weapon that was never mentioned and Bulat was murdered relatively quick."
"Why didn't Lubbock help or even save Bulat?"
"Because if he did, he would be a walking corpse, and having one of my comrades die due to a reckless action as you suggested would be pointless. We all are prepared for death waiting for us, but we know we shouldn't throw ourselves at a problem we can't solve."
There stood Tatsumi, frustration, and sadness drowning his thoughts. The woman speaking towards Tatsumi was Najenda, while she did pity Tatsumi, she was hiding but just barely keeping herself together knowing the fact that Bulat was dead.
"Use five Draw Tickets."
Draw Ticket 1: Failure
Draw Ticket 2: Success
Draw Ticket 3: Failure
Draw Ticket 4: Failure
Draw Ticket 5: Success
[Draw Ticket 2 is now being revealed...]
You have received SCP-2890!
[Draw Ticket 5 is now being revealed...]
You have received SCP-4667!
SCP-2890 is a black silk top hat, it is slightly worn. SCP-2890 is capable of animating any inanimate object that is intended to be representational of a humanoid when placed on the object's "head". Animated objects are able to move in a human-like fashion despite lacking joints or even defined legs. Effects of SCP-2890 are not applicable to living beings but exert a mild suggestive effect n prepubescent children.
SCP-4667 is a mute, 26-year-old humanoid female of Soviet descent. Organisms possessing deciduous and/or succedaneous teeth in near proximity to SCP-4667 will be subjected to a dental-transfigurative effect. Said organisms' teeth will begin to slowly elongate vertically, with new teeth spontaneously growing directly from the skeletal system. These newly developed teeth will similarly elongate, eventually puncturing through the skin and internal organs. The rate of this effect is sporadic. This effect persists after subjects are deceased. Organisms affected by SCP-4667 will primarily expire via tooth growths elongating through vital organs, commonly from the teeth in the lower jaw elongating through the roof of the mouth and into the brain. Once affected cadavers leave the presence of SCP-4667, elongated tooth growths will begin to collectively bend and grow into large, intricate models and sculptures of varying subject(s).
'I could possibly combine the effects of both SCP-4667 and SCP-2890 but what good would that do? If there are more people like that knight I fought two days ago, then SCP-2890's effect wouldn't be useful as the people of this world and their weapons and display of strength could easily destroy the materials SCP-2890 animates. I'll have to get going now.'
[Main Quest has been added]
-Beat Esdeath in a spar
-5 Draw Tickets (100% to succeed)