It was the dead of night, a campfire was sparkling with life and illuminating Masaru with an orange glow. Masaru was simply sitting on top of a rock, staring at the fire cooking fresh meat from a danger beast he hunted earlier. As he was staring at the fire, a blue screen appeared in front of his face.
For unknown reasons, the people of this world and every world that host would visit in the future are now stronger and new abilities to their normal set of abilities are added.
Masaru was inspecting the blue screen until he heard sounds of metal hitting against each other. Unsheathing his Masamune, he stood up, holding it firmly with both hands, and readied it towards the opponent he couldn't see. Bulat noticed this but was sure that despite his target knowing about his presence, he would be an easy kill. Readying his Incursio, he threw his spear at a speed of 142,646.4 kilometers per hour. Masaru sensed a spear-like object barreling towards his chest, merely stepping a few feet to side at a speed normal eyes can't see, dodged the spear. Incursio pierced through 16-18 trees with some being disguised danger beasts. Bulat was startled by his target dodging his teigu but recalled it back to his hand. Incursio flew back towards Bulat's hand. Bulat charged towards Masaru with Incursio ready to pierce his foe's chest. Masaru wanted to have a bit of fun after seeing the speed of the weapon he sensed so Masaru charged towards the sounds of metal striking against each other with Masamune. Hearing metal hit the ground within a few meters from where he was, Masaru slashed at the air with speeds as fast as the speed of light. Sounds of metal breaking were heard, blood splattered across the top of Masamune's blade, a severe amount of blood was spilling from the air in front of Masaru. Incursio's invisibility effect had worn off, revealing a silver armor that was partially destroyed, especially in the upper chestal region. Bulat was touching the wound to only see and smell blood covering his hand, his vision was starting to blackout. Masaru seeing that the "knight" was now visible but still alive, decided that his fun would end quickly even if he were to go easy on the knight so he was going to end this "fight" quickly. With a quick slash to the neck of the knight. Bulat's head fell towards the ground, his body became a fountain of blood, turning the green grass that was dimly lit by the campfire, into small, dull blades of scarlet red.
The sound of Bulat's body hit the floor and the armor that was on Bulat dematerialized. Masaru looked at the ground in disappointment as the fight wasn't exciting and exhilarating. Masaru could've summoned his SCPs to help but felt they couldn't do much as the armor seemed to be airtight when it became visible and wouldn't know that Bulat was there. Masaru did notice the spear which was broken beyond repair, left everything there, and sheathing Masamune, left the area.
[Main Quest Complete!]
-5 Draw Tickets
[2 Days Later]
A boy with short brown hair in clothing fitting of a country bumpkin was sitting in a chair at a table with six other people also sitting. Silence. The boy, named Tatsumi, stood up and spoke out,
"Where is Bulat? He's been missing for the past two days! Shouldn't we be looking for him?"
A woman with silver hair with an eyepatch covering her right eye stared at Tatsumi and told him two words.
"He's dead."