Three hours. Three grueling hours, Tatsumi's body was aching from swimming across the Great Canal. Swimming for his life, swimming away from that… man. He didn't remember any teigu having the ability to control the shadows themselves. No weapon should be able to easily clash against any teigus, but that was at the back of his mind. He must get to land quickly, as a danger beast could be lurking below.
Death is at its most impatient moment, eagerly waiting for the next one to come, and yet, no one is coming except for the people who died from natural causes. Looming over the boy swimming in the Great Canal, scythe in hand, waited. And waited. The boy was still swimming. Excitement was building up, but there were other tasks at hand that needed to be resolved. Floating over the souls, it started judging their sins to place them in their appropriate area.
With seats covered with corpses and blood across the ship, moving the corpse towards the floor, Masaru sat on the leather seat and stared out the windows. On its own will, an instance of SCP-625 materialized and stared at Masaru. Seeing that Masaru wasn't paying any attention towards it, it looked the other way to see multiple human corpses with appetizing flesh. Ankles of any human corpse on the floors and seats were soon missing as blood would pour out. With the smell of flesh floating around, more instances of SCP-625 materialized and fought with the first instance of SCP-625. Looking towards the vermin, Masaru simply chuckled and went to sleep on the seat.
Esdeath and her army marched back towards the Empire ever since Masaru escaped from her hands and the tribes were already demolished. In Esdeath's thoughts, she just wished to find Masaru again and turn him into the dog he deserved to be after fleeing. Although despite his cowardliness, he seemed to be the perfect type as her mate.
[Original Universe]
In site-19, alarms were blaring out, people in lab coats and people wearing 2-3 inch thick steel plates on their ankles holding cages with pieces of flesh that were originally from prisoners known as "Class-D Personnel". Alarms screaming at the employees that SCP-625 has breached containment. The people in lab coats were checking the video surveillance footage to find out how they escaped to then be shocked at what was being seen. These instances turned to dust for various periods of time. SCP-625 would return in a form of dust with human flesh in their mouths. This similar instance happened towards SCP-452 while scientists were in the middle of testing. Every time these two SCPs disappeared, a yellow sticky note would appear from their original positions. On the sticky note, the following text was seen,
[Hello there,
I've borrowed your "pets" for some fun for my play thing. More of your, so called SCPs will be missing from here on out. Our Lord will ■○◇•°◇●`}""•¿♧°¡&!×<%@,.
Have fun locating us.]