episode 5

(The opening shows Kamina walking in front of the camera with a red curtain behind her)

Kamina: Hello everybody, what do you get when you mix with geeks and singing, well you're about to see (walks behind the curtain)

(The curtain shows the school)

(The school has a flag which has a symbol of a bunch of people holding hands on top of the school)

(Will drives to the school in a flying car)

(Inside the school is shown cheerleaders in the gym)

(Football players outside with Coach Beiste)

(The glee members in the choir room watching Will talking)

(The glee members getting slushied by Football players)

(Coach Beiste is talking to Will)

(Sue is yelling at the cheerleaders with a megaphone)

(Quinn is crying as she looks at herself in the mirror)

(Lauren is walking with Kamina)

(Joe is playing a guitar)

(Brad is playing a piano)

(Vocal adrenaline is shown with Jessie and Shelby)

(The Warblers dancing)

(The promises are dancing with signs of atoms)

(The Sacred Silvertones is dancing and looking crazy)

(The opening ends with the glee members singing don't stop believin' on the stage in the gym)

(The episode opens with the bus riding)

Tina: Guys, I just thought about this (looks at Kamina) what is going to happen to your dance club, you all joined Glee?

(Kamina and the dance members look at each other)

Miriam: I still say we won't last for a week, you will owe some money Donnie.

Donnie: No, you will owe me money

Miriam: In your dreams

Mercedes: What is going on?

Donnie: We are having a bet of how long we will be in Glee

Rachel: So, you bet you will last very long,(with a big smile) so how long?

(Donnie and Miriam looks at each other awkwardly)

Miriam: I guessed one week

Donnie: I guessed two.

Rachel: Why so short? Do you have little confidence? Or do you not like singing?

Mavise: We like dancing, but we are more about background singing, ask Kamina.

(Rachel looks at Kamina)

Kamina: It's true (looks at her friends) But, since we're in glee, I will get you to sing

Mavise: Not me, unless I am doing a duet with a hot guy

Mercedes: So, you are a big flirt

Mavise: Maybe, but I still can't find the perfect guy.

Tereza: So, what is the guy you're dating now like? You haven't told us anything.

Mavise: We aren't officially dating. But, I will tell you about him, he is a rebel, he loves dancing, but he lives in France and his power is negating any power.

Zephyr: Well, do you have a picture of him?

(Mavise gets out her phone from her pocket and shows it to each of her friends)

Tina: He's cute

Mercedes: Good job

Kurt: Kamina, can you teleport us there?

Kamina: Well?

Mavise: Wait, guys if you are going to do that, I'm not coming with

(Everybody looked surprised)

Justice: Why not? You don't have a plan about him meeting us?

Mercedes: Or she is scared, you didn't want to date him for real, isn't that right?

Mavise: Yes, so you can go without me

Kathy: Girl, that wouldn't be fair to go without you, we will wait until you are ready

Kurt: Mavise, are you really that nervous that he might not be the right guy?

Mavise: Yes, you see I'm not the best judge of character

(The dance club members giggle)

Mavise (looking confused): What? What? What is so funny?

Justice: Girls, remember she thought Kamina and Kathy were turning into villains because they came to the club room with punk outfits on and wouldn't talk

(The glee club looks at Kathy and Kamina)

Kamina: What? We thought it would be funny.

Kathy: And it was, but seriously girl you thought we would go into the dark side

Joanne: For Kathy it's ridiculous, but Kamina it's not far fetched

Kamina: Hey!

Finn: How are you offended?

Kamina: So, I blackmailed you

Finn: And threatened me

Kamina: Okay, that was bad, but it was for a good cause

Kathy: And I'm guilty too, since I took the picture

The glee and dance club members: Photo!

Rachel: What kind of photo?

Mercedes: I thought you were above that

Kamina: Well, I normally am, but I sensed a (looks at Finn) stubborn personality

Finn: How? Because I don't want my football friends to find out about me being in glee.

Tereza: You are shallow, who cares if your football team knows about you being in Glee, you aren't less of a boy, since you're not a man yet.

Finn: Yes, it does

(Everybody looked shocked)

Donnie: Finn, you win for saying the most evil thing

Finn: What did I say?

Jordyn: Seriously, you said your gender is questioned because you're in glee, we are in the 21st century being apart of a group like this isn't that weird, and besides if any of those football players are your friends, they shouldn't care about you being in here.

Finn: They are my friends, at least Puck

Jordyn: Then, tell him

Finn: Fine, I will

Jordyn: I will remember those words, but if you ditch us for the Football team, we will never forgive

Rachel: Isn't that too harsh?

Jordyn: Sweetie, betrayal is harsher (looks at Finn) you better think hard, us or them?

Finn: I already promised I would stay here with blood because of Kamina.

Rachel: Kamina, seriously, that could take his arm off, take the blood curse off him

Kamina: You sure about I mean if I do that, there's no guarantee that he will stay loyal

Finn: How can I prove I am loyal, so you won't kill me

(Kamina laughs)

Finn: What?

Kathy (laughs): Did he say kill?

Justice (laughs): I heard it loud and clear

Mercedes: Finn that's a little harsh, Kamina would never kill someone

Kamina: I'm in the same grade as you, I'm just as sane as you, why would I kill you? How would I kill you?

Tina: Kamina, just take the blood curse off him.

Kamina: Fine, Finn, give me your hand.

(Finn gives Kamina his hand)

(Kamina's body glows along with Kathy, then Finn's hand glow, then it stops)

(Kamina momentarily is flying)

Will: We're almost at the Eternity Palace

(Kamina lands on the floor)

Will: Kamina, are you okay?

Kamina: I'm (disappears)

(The screen switches to Kamina throwing up in the bathroom in the toilet)

(Back at the bus)

Will (looking worried): Where did she go?

A voice: What's going on, Will?

(Kamina appeared by the driver)

(The driver is chubby, he has short black hair, green shirt, white pants, and white shoes. His name is Kingston)

Kamina: Sup, Mr. Kingston, sorry to make you Mr. Schuester I was feeling ill.

Will: Well, maybe we should turn around

Kamina: Absolutely not, we need to know how our competition performs, so we crush them.

Rachel: That's the spirit, leave no prisoners

Mercedes: You two are scary, right, but scary.

Rachel: What can I say?

Kamina: We were competitors.

(Miriam looks at Kamina with a smile)

Joanne: So, what are the names of our competitors?

(Will hands out fliers)

Joanne: Sacred Silvertones, The Warblers, and The promises.

Will: These are the ones that we will be seeing, but there will be more competitors in the actual competition, but they are still tough competitors

Zephyr: Well, let's see the competition

Artie: Before we worry about Kamina, do you have any songs we can practice?

(Kamina reaches her pocket and types on her phone)

(All the glee and dance club members got a message)

Mercedes: Did you write this after you joined Glee

Kamina: Yeah

(Kathy puts her phone down that is playing a beat)

Tereza (sang):Glee say Glee wanna roll with a killer

Glee say Glee wanna roll with a killer

Glee say Glee wanna roll with a killer

Glee say Glee wanna roll with a killer

Artie (rap): Glee know that Glee got it and Glee gone let it show

As soon as I put her on the runway, girl Glee gone have change in the bank

Mercedes (sang): Glee actin like Glee ms. Mercury

Boy Glee know what Glee do

Glee know what Glee do

Glee know what Glee do

Kurt (sang): Glee seeing the good in it

Sharing the moment, making it last

How does it feel to let her roll you?

Body that says yes, lips that are bold

Rachel (sang):

Glee set an incredible high and the music magazine along with a beautiful stage.

Everybody (sang):

Glee actin like Glee ms. Mercury

Boy Glee know what Glee do

Glee know what Glee do

Glee know what Glee do

Finn (sang):

If you like going down, you should follow me

Yeah, Glee will catch up with me, ayy

Everybody (sang):

Glee actin like Glee ms. Mercury

Boy Glee know what Glee do

Glee know what Glee do

Glee know what Glee do

Kamina: Not my best work, maybe I'll recycle it.

(Bus stops)

Will: We are here

(Everybody is smiling)

(The screen shows Everybody entering the building and sits down in the third row)

A voice: Joanne!

(A bunch of people are dreamily looking at Joanne)

Joanne: Darn it, my power is kicking again, Kamina can you please teleport, sorry Mr. Shuester

Will (looking worried): Are you going to be okay?

Joanne: Yeah, come on, Kaamina.

(Kamina takes Joanne's hand and they disappear)

(The crowd loses the hearts in their eyes and sits down)

(The screen switches to Kamina and Joanne in a building)

Joanne: remember the last time you had to teleport me to India

Kamina: We made a brilliant performance

Joanne (smirks): You want to sing that again.

Kamina: But, wouldn't that set off your powers

Joanne: You didn't get affected last time.

Kamina: We kissed last time

Joanne: I was sick

Kamina: We were both in perfect health and we don't have feelings for each other

(Joanne looks awkward)

Kamina: Joanne, you didn't have feelings for me (nervous) right? (confused) right

Joanne: Of course not

Kamina (sang): Tell me

Joanne (sang): I saw your natural glow that made me fantasize.

Kamina (sang): You show me your secret

You show me your secret

You show me your secret

You show me your secret

Joanne (sang): I never knew that the candlelight

Could burn so bright within my lonely room

I never knew the warmth of the sun underneath my skin

I only know you gave your all for me

Kamina and Joanne (sang): Give it a future, give it a home

Sing its wonderful song to me

Kamina (sang): You show me your secret

You show me your secret

You show me your secret

You show me your secret

Joanne (sang): Such a flame ripping through me

I still feel your breath down my spine

Kamina (sang): You show me your secret

You show me your secret

You show me your secret

You show me your secret

(Joanne and Kamina look at each other)

Joanne: I am sorry, truly, but I did like you, but I knew that you didn't like me and my powers must've kicked in, I didn't mean to.

Kamina (hugs Joanne): I do like as a friend and I will always be for you (stops hugging and looks at Joanne) and that's why I have to tell you that I like Miriam.

(Joanne laughs)

Kamina (looking unamused): Is my feeling amusing?

Joanne: No, it's just I never thought you would fall for somebody in the group.

Kamina (confused): Why not? You all accused me and Kathy of being in a relationship.

Joanne: Yeah, but we were just joking.

Kamina: So, you want to eat

Joanne: Sure.

(The screen switches to the glee and dance club members sitting)

Miriam: Too bad, Kamina has to miss this.

Tereza (holding a camera): That's why I'll record it for her

Tina (whispers): Sshh!

(A person who has red hair, white skin, wearing a white jacket with red stripes, red shirt, white pants, and shoes in front of the a curtain named Uia)

Uia: Welcome to our special event, where you will get performances from brilliant people, and speaking of those people I introduce (opens the curtains) the Sacred Silvertones (flies off the stage)

(The sacred Silvertones are revealed to be Unique, Ryder, Marley, Jake, Kitty, Rory, Joe, and Myron with silver outfits)

Everybody (sang): Party like a

Party like a

Party like a

Party like a

Myron (sang) (while stretching and flying around):

When we have our own drinks

Remember how we used to party all night long

Marley (sang) (Being carried by music notes):

I wanna have a party, watch me get down!

I wanna party every night

Party tonight!

Gonna fly high, at the party

(Rocks around being Unique)

(Unique takes off her gloves, touches the rocks, and the rocks turn into tiny diamonds)

Unique (sang) (while diamonds is falling around her):

Sing, sing, sing my song

We need a party, ooh

Need a party

Sing it by ear, oh

Everybody (sang) (while dancing): Party like a

Party like a

Party like a

Party like a

Jake (sang) (while doing a backflip and does the splits):

Turn the party out and

See me on the television

(Jake gets up)

Kitty (sang) (while a bunch of cats around her):

I wanna have a party, watch me get down!

I wanna party every night

Party tonight!

Gonna fly high, at the party

Rory (sang) (while riding a rainbow): Oh when we have our own drinks

Remember how we used to party all night long

Everybody (sang): Party like a

Party like a

Party like a

Party like a

Joe (sang) (while playing a guitar): I wanna have a party, watch me get down!

I wanna party every night

Party tonight!

Gonna fly high, at the party

(Everybody gathers around each other in their own unique way)

Everybody (sang): Party like a

Party like a

Party like a

Party like a

(Everybody stop)

(The crowd cheers)

(The person hand Myron the microphone)

Myron: Thank you, I can't wait to see all of you at Sectionals for those of you that can make it

(The sacred Silvertones leave on a rainbow)

Mavise: Impressive, and they have the young prodigy: Myron to perform, he rarely performs unless he is with the best of the best.

(Kamina and Joanne appear)

Kamina (on Miriam's lap): So, what did I miss?

Miriam: Myron

Kamina (looking surprised): The prodigy?

Miriam: Yup

Kamina (nods her head): Cool, we got work to do

Uia: Now, let me introduce you to the next performers: The Promises (flies off the stage

A voice: Welcome to our brilliant performance

(Sam Evans appears)

Sam (sang): Like summer, winter, summer or fall

Like summer, winter, summer or fall

Lay your head on my shoulder, rest your body

Close your eyes and imagine no one else

(Roderick appears on a flying giant squirrel)

Roderick (sang): Keeping our books neat

Building a fort in winter time

(The flying giant squirrel turns into Aliaster)

Alister (sang): I was so lost, when we said goodbye

I had strength to ask you to walk mine

In that cold weather, on a long winter night

On a long winter night

(Spencer comes flying)

Spencer (sang): Prayed it all away now, prays it all night

Driving me insane, drive on by like winter

Just listening to that song, yeah every word

Getting to the point, want it all now

Everybody (sang): Winter days, spring time, summer time, out there in space

I showed her the shadow and she saw the light of love

Sam (sang): My first and last winter. Umbrella in the summer

Our first true love. Only true love in my life

Aliaster (sang) (with a fox tail): I was so lost, when we said goodbye

I had strength to ask you to walk mine

In that cold weather, on a long winter night

On a long winter night

Spencer (sang) (flying and doing backflips): Anytime is a lovely time, like I said Winter days, spring time, summer time, out there in space

I showed her the shadow and she saw the light of love

Roderick (sang): My first and last winter. Umbrella in the summer

Our first true love. Only true love in my life

Everybody (sang): All the days are beautiful in our eyes and we hope it's the same for you.

(Everybody stops and stand by each other)

Sam (deep voice): I hope you all have a lovely day (winks at Mercedes)

(Mercedes smiles)

(The promises fly away)

Mavise: Did you see that? That guy was totally winking at you

Mercedes: It doesn't mean anything

Kurt: You are so in denial, a guy like that doesn't just wink at you.

Mercedes: But, we are competitors

Kathy: Now, that's just the nerves talking.

(The screen shows The promises at the coffee shop)

Spencer: Why would you wink at that girl, she is the enemy?

Sam: I know, but she was so cute

Aliaster: Oh my gosh, you have a crush on her

Spencer: You better give it up, she probably thinks of you like the enemy too

Sam: So, I shouldn't even try

Roderick: Are you crazy, she was totally smiling at you?

Sam (smiles): She was?

Roderick (nods): She was

Sam: That confirms it, I'm going to talk to her

Spencer: Don't move too fast

(Everybody looked at Spencer with surprise)

Spencer: What? I can't talk him out of it, I can at least give him advice

(The screen switches to the glee club members)

Justice: Rachel, I beg of you help us with our vocals.

Rachel: What do you mean, you girls are amazing?

Justice: Please, those people were way better than us, they are more synced, we mostly just dancers, Kamina is the singer.

Kamina (blushes): Aww, I'm not that good

Miriam (looks at Kamina): I beg to differ, you were a vocal coach and you temporarily taught at Silver Streak Academy

Kamina: Anybody would have did it

(Rachel looked interested, then looked worried)

(On the stage, Uia appears again)

Uia: Now for the last performance, the one and only Warblers

(Small flames of fire appears, then appeared the Warblers)

(Sebastian absorbs the fire)

Sebastian (sang): You are all that I need around the clock

Or on the beach until the sunrise

When we have our own drinks

Remember how we used to party all night long

Blaine (sang):

When the party is out of sight

Cause you just like to dance

Blaine (sang):

We can do a late night party

We can party all night long, to the early on

I can still remember what we did on the beach

Oh, I still remember what is what we did on the beach

Everybody (sang):

I walk in the club just trying to find one chance

I need to party Friday, fun time

Lace up my boots, I aint lookin for no crowd

I just want to boogie till the lights come up

Blaine (sang):

This party went crazy

So we got everybody in the house

Sebastian (sang):

We can do a late night party

We can party all night long, to the early on

I can still remember what we did on the beach

Oh, I still remember what is what we did on the beach

Blaine (sang): You make me wanna be with

Be with you when the season

Everybody (sang): We can do a late night party

We can party all night long, to the early on

I can still remember what we did on the beach

Oh, I still remember what is what we did on the beach

Blaine: We are the Warblers

Sebastian: And we will crush you all that the competition, be prepared (walks off)

Blaine: Sorry about him

(Blaine and Kurt look at each other for a moment)

(Blaine and the rest of the warblers walk off the stage)

(The screen switches to The glee members walking)

Kurt (thought): Was that guy really smiling at me? (shakes his head) nah

(The screen flips to Blaine and the Warblers)

Blaine (curious): Do you think that guy was looking at me?

Sebastian (with attitude): Who cares, he's just some random guy

(A hand moves Sebastian and stands by Blaine)

(This is revealed to be attached to a boy who has short black hair, white skin, wearing a normal uniform named Maddox Robo)

Maddox: Don't listen to Sebastian, that guy was totally looking at you, but you barely know him

(Another guy appears with short red hair, white skin, wearing a normal uniform named Emerson Tree)

Emerson: That's why, I scanned him, your welcome

Maddox (looking shocked): You didn't

Emerson (smiles): I did, and he is totally it for you

Blaine: Should I talk to him?

(Sebastian looks angry)

Emerson: Are you kidding, of course, but you must be careful not to move too fast

Maddox: Many relationships go bad if you go too fast.

Blaine: You are right, after all I barely know him

Emerson (with glasses): Well, first of all his name is Kurt Hummel, he goes to McKinley high, he is in his third year and he just joined the glee club at that school not that long ago.

Blaine: How much of his past did you scan?

Emerson (with glasses): Not that much, just the basics and you two are the perfect match

Sebastian: Are you sure, Emerson, I mean what if this is one of your feelings like last time

(Emerson put the glasses on his head)

Emerson: You know that I am right because my visions are always true or is this jealousy talking

Sebastian: Jealous. What do I have to be jealous of? He is a nobody.

Emerson and Maddox: Mhmmm…

Blaine: Alright, that's enough, let's just go relax at the coffee shop

(The screen switches to everybody on the bus)

Will: We are going to have to prepare to beat all those competitors, anybody have any strategies

Kamina and Rachel: I do!

Kamina: Oh, you go first

Rachel: Actually my plan has to do something with you and your crew.

Kamina: Go on

Rachel: I was thinking you and your crew could do a dance performance which would catch the crowd off guard, then we come performing our song, while you all do back up vocals.

Mercedes: And who is leading this song?

Rachel: Well, I think that could be decided by a vote because it would be unfair otherwise

Kamina (looks at Rachel): You look like Rachel, sound like Rachel, but you aren't acting like her

Rachel: I'm just giving out my strategy, what do you think, Mr. Shuester?

Will: I like it, except I feel we should all participate in the dancing.

(The dance club members laugh)

Will: I'm serious

(The dance club members stop laughing)

Kathy: No offense, Mr. Shuester, but none of you can dance.

Tereza: Although Artie does pretty good in the wheelchair.

Will: Well, since you were originally a dance club, why not teach us?

Joanne: Well, we can't let you fail

Justice: I agree, besides our old club room is already been taken

Artie: By who?

Kamina: Some mysterious club, the mages I think, but that doesn't matter now

Kurt: But, I thought you weren't going to stay in glee forever

Kathy: Now, where did you get a silly idea like that from

Mavise: I think all that perfume has gotten to you

Zephyr: After all we quit our club to be with you

Miriam: Now, doesn't that prove that we are loyal to you all

Donnie: It's not like we have anything to prove

Ella: Guys we make more important things to discuss, have you forgotten our voices are pathetic compared to our competitors

Jordyn: Which is why Rachel, Mercedes, everybody we need your help with vocals

Rachel: You're still on that

Kamina: Just help them plus we need to leave a good expression.

Mercedes: Then, of course we will help you

Helen: You all are saint

Tina (smiles): Aren't we?

(The episode ends with them laughing)