episode 8

(The opening shows Kamina walking in front of the camera with a red curtain behind her)

Kamina: Hello everybody, what do you get when you mix with geeks and singing, well you're about to see (walks behind the curtain)

(The curtain shows the school)

(The school has a flag which has a symbol of a bunch of people holding hands on top of the school)

(Will drives to the school in a flying car)

(Inside the school is shown cheerleaders in the gym)

(Football players outside with Coach Beiste)

(The glee members in the choir room watching Will talking)

(The glee members getting slushied by Football players)

(Coach Beiste is talking to Will)

(Sue is yelling at the cheerleaders with a megaphone)

(Quinn is crying as she looks at herself in the mirror)

(Lauren is walking with Kamina)

(Joe is playing a guitar)

(Brad is playing a piano)

(Vocal adrenaline is shown with Jessie and Shelby)

(The Warblers dancing)

(The promises are dancing with signs of atoms)

(The Sacred Silvertones is dancing and looking crazy)

(The opening ends with the glee members singing don't stop believin' on the stage in the gym)

(The episode opens with Kamina and Kurt are walking together)

(Kamina has a long brown dress with white stripes with stars on the backside)

(Kurt has a blue Eiffel Tower print shirt and white pants)

(Kamina has her arm around Kurt's shoulder and smiling)

Kurt: I can't believe you skip first period, and bought that sparkling Désign par Réflexion

Kamina: I can't believe that idiot teacher brought sunflowers

Kurt: I didn't know you like that brand, or that you were allergic to sunflowers

Kamina: Are you kidding Désign par Réflexion is my favorite ever since I took french

Kurt: So, now that we are both true to ourselves, how should we celebrate?

Kamina: How about we go to that coffee shop?

David: Well, look who it is

(Kamina and Kurt turn around to see David)

Kamina: David, come to annoy another non-jerk

David: Kamina, I see you got knocked down on social status by hanging out with that loser singing group

Kamina: Funny because usually a loser who picks on people who they like are less to them, and I'm not doing that (smiles) no that's you

David: Don't test me

Kamina: You don't want to pick a fight with me sweetie, I may not popular, but I can do this

(Kamina gives her purse to Kurt, then flips David)

Kurt: Kamina, I don't think that's a good idea

Kamina: Don't worry, this wimp can handle a simple pretzel not

(Kamina puts her arms around Kurt's shoulder and walks away)

(The screen switches to Kamina and Kurt drinking coffee together)

Kurt: So, are you going to ask your crush out?

Kamina: I want to, but I don't know if she feels the same for me

Kurt: Try to pressure her to come out.

Kamina: I could tell her, that I was thinking of asking somebody to date

Kurt: Good idea, but you shouldn't overdo it and when you two date, let me pick out your outfit

Kamina: Absolutely, I am not looking like a slob (looks around) speaking of crush, remember that guy from the rival glee group

Kurt: (looks shocked) He's here

Kamina: Yup

Kurt: Should I go say hi?

Kamina: Not necessary (nervously smiles) he's coming to us

(Kurt turns around and sees Blaine)

Kurt: Kamina, what do

(Kamina is gone)

Blaine: Hi, I don't know if you remember me from that performance (holds his hand out) my name is Blaine

Kurt (shakes Blaine's hand): Kurt

(The screen shows Kamina hiding behind a pillar)

Miriam: Well, look who is peeking

Kamina: (hair goes up and shivers) (turns around) Miriam, what are you doing here?

Miriam: I love drinking cappuccino, what are you doing here?

Kamina: I was drinking with Kurt, thinking about if I should ask somebody out

Miriam (curious): Who?

Kamina: You want to know

Miriam: Maybe

Kamina: Who do you have a crush on?

Miriam: You first

(The screen switches to Kurt and Blaine)

Blaine: So, you just told your friends?

Kurt: Yeah, your friends already know

Blaine: Yeah, at my school they are all accepting

Kurt: I wish our school was like that, but I still have my friends

Blaine (points to Kamina): Is she one of them?

Kurt: Yeah

(The afternoon turns to night)

Kamina: That isn't right

Miriam: No kidding

(The moon turns red)

(They hear a growl)

Kurt: How is it night?

(Blaine fainted)

Kurt (worried): Blaine! Blaine!

Kamina (takes Kurt's hand): We gotta get out of here

Kurt (looking worried): But, Blaine

Kamina: We will cure him later

Kurt (confused): Cure?

Miriam: Everybody has been turned into monsters

(Kurt turns around to see one side that has people with red eyes and fangs,and on the other side is werewolves)

Kurt: Oh no!

(They run out of the coffee shop)

(They see more vampires and turn to them)

Miriam: We are surrounded

Kamina: No, we are not

(Purple aura comes from Kamina)

(The vampires are blasted away)

Miriam: Kamina, what was that?

(Kamina fainted)

Miriam: Kamina! Kamina!

Kurt: She fainted, can you freeze time?

(Miriam's eyes glow)

(Everything freezes except Kamina, Miriam, and Kurt)

(Kurt and Miriam drag Kamina)

(The screen switches to them entering school)

(Miriam and Kurt put Kamina into the dance room)

Miriam: I can't let the timeline freeze forever, Kamina please wake up

Kamina: (blinks) (opens her eyes) What happened?

Miriam: A sonic wave hit, are you okay?

Kamina: I am

Kurt: Good, how do we turn everything back to normal?

Kamina: Easy, Miriam, I have to absorb your powers.

(Kamina takes energy from Miriam and a portal takes her away)

Miriam: That's weird

Kurt: Yup

(The screen switches to a vampire bat flying to Rachel)

(Kamina is catches the bat with a net)

Kamina: GOt it, hah!

Rachel: What happened?

Kamina: Nothing, have a lovely day

Rachel: Weren't you going to meet Kurt?

Kamina: Right (runs)

(The screen switches to Kamina looking at the camera with a black background)

Kamina: Sorry, but this episode isn't canon.

Kurt and Miriam: But, we hope you enjoy it anyway.

(Episode ends)