episode 7

(The opening shows Kamina walking in front of the camera with a red curtain behind her)

Kamina: Hello everybody, what do you get when you mix with geeks and singing, well you're about to see (walks behind the curtain)

(The curtain shows the school)

(The school has a flag which has a symbol of a bunch of people holding hands on top of the school)

(Will drives to the school in a flying car)

(Inside the school is shown cheerleaders in the gym)

(Football players outside with Coach Beiste)

(The glee members in the choir room watching Will talking)

(The glee members getting slushied by Football players)

(Coach Beiste is talking to Will)

(Sue is yelling at the cheerleaders with a megaphone)

(Quinn is crying as she looks at herself in the mirror)

(Lauren is walking with Kamina)

(Joe is playing a guitar)

(Brad is playing a piano)

(Vocal adrenaline is shown with Jessie and Shelby)

(The Warblers dancing)

(The promises are dancing with signs of atoms)

(The Sacred Silvertones is dancing and looking crazy)

(The opening ends with the glee members singing don't stop believin' on the stage in the gym)

(The episode opens with David with a wave of water facing Kurt)

Kurt: Please this is a Allume original

David: Can't you change into any outfit?

Kurt: This was a rare type that only could stay online for six hours.

David: How pathetic

(The water splashes Kurt)

(Kurt spits out water)

David: See ya, gay boy

(David walks off)

(The screen switches to Quinn looking at Finn)

Quinn: Is there a reason you kept this a secret from me?

Finn: What's the big idea?

Quinn: Because Finn, glee club is a joke, this is a school for superheroes not superzeroes that dance and sing.

Finn: I wouldn't call it a joke, I actually had some fun and we even got the dance club members to join

Quinn: You can't be serious, this would bring you so long in the social status

FInn: I already know, but I already promised my friends and I don't break a promise

Quinn: You actually think they are your friends, I bet that Kamina threatened you to join, you don't actually like this, they are just brainwashing you

Finn: And I think you're wrong.

Quinn: Prove it

Finn: How?

Quinn: Bring her to here

Finn: Kamina!

(Kamina appears)

Kamina: You summoned me, Finn, make whatever you need make it quick because I am helping my friends with something.

Finn: Quinn, what do you want to say?

Quinn: Take whatever spell you put on Finn off.

Kamina: I already did, the blood curse is gone, so he can quit at any time, is that all?

Quinn: You are lying

Kamina: I assure, I am not lying, Finn say "I quit glee"

Finn: Why?

Kamina: Just say it, so I can go

Finn: I quit glee

Kamina: If that curse was still on, we would've been frozen and glowing red.

Quinn: So, no trick, but why.

Kamina: Because a friend of mine told me to, and I don't deny a request, it's one of my many qualities and it's kinda a curse

Quinn: Then, my request is stay away from Finn, in fact don't talk to him

(Kamina glows red and is pushed away)

Quinn: What gives?

Kamina: Finn, (mouth closed)

Quinn (looks surprised): The curse is real.

Finn: Kamina, what's wrong

(Kamina's leg automatically back up and shakes her hand)

(Finn backs up)

Finn: You can't be near me

(Kamina nods her head)

Finn: Quinn, fix this

Quinn: You'll see this for the best

(Quinn takes Finn's hand and walks away)

(Kathy and Miriam are walking in the hallway and sees Kamina; Quinn and Finn walks away)

Kathy: Kamina, what happened?

(Kamina stops glowing and her mouth opens)

Kamina: I have been cursed, so I can't talk to Finn or go near him

Miriam: What about glee, sectionals, we can't do it without you or Finn.

Kamina: You'll have to do it without one of us (walks away)

Miriam: I will fix this, Kamina.

Kamina: Don't mess up the timeline too much.

Miriam: I promise

(Miriam puts her hand together and her eyes glow)

(Things go backwards)

(A shadow is behind Miriam; Her arms are chained)

Kathy: Miriam!

(Kamina turns around and sees Miriam)

Kamina: Miriam

(Kamina unchains Miriam)

Kamina: Are you okay?

Miriam: Yes, but I can't reverse time, I'm too shocked

(Kamina hugs Miriam)

(The screen switches to The glee)

Will: That's awful

Kamina: I'm afraid he might not come back

Finn: Or maybe you are wrong

(Kamina starts glowing red and is pulled into Miriam's arms)

Kamina: Sorry

Miriam: No need to be sorry

Miriam (thought): This is no time for blushing

Finn: I am going to stay with you, I promised and Kamina is right, I do like singing and dancing all of you; and I told Quinn that.

Tereza: She dumped you, didn't she?

Finn: She did, and she vowed vengeance

Justice: But, Kamina is still glowing and can't speak to you

Finn: You can't speak to me

(Kamina nods)

Finn: I don't get it.

Artie: I think I understand (looks at Kamina) does your curse mean the person who cursed has to undo the curse in order for it to be lifted?

(Kamina nodded)

Jordyn: Great, all we have to do is scare Quinn into lifting Kamina's curse and we have our singer

Joanne: Oh, I know how, Kamina, are you ready to get revenge?

Kamina: You had me at revenge?

Will: No, I am strictly against violence

Donnie: Don't worry Mr. Shuester we won't hurt her only make her fear for her life

Finn: I agree, she may have broken up with me, but I don't want her to get hurt, Kamina promise you won't

(Kamina is pushed back and nods)

Rachel: As much as this is a nice friendship moment how can we practice if this curse is going

(Kurt walks out of the room)

(Kamina walks out of the room)

Kamina: What's going on?

Kurt: I can't say

Kamina: Tell me

Kurt (whispers): I'm gay

Kamina: What?

Kurt: I'm gay

(Kamina smiles)

Kamina: No way!

Kurt: I wanted to tell the others, but I was nervous and now we might not be able to compete in sectionals, which is more important than me admitting my sexuality

Kamina: Being true to yourself is more important than us going to sectionals, so let's go

(The screen shows everybody behind them)

Kurt: How long have you been standing there?

Mercedes: For a while

Rachel: And you shouldn't have to hide anything from us

Tereza: Exactly we are your friends

Kathy: So, why don't we take a break from worrying about sectionals and celebrate us knowing our friend better

Kamina: Great, meet us at our usual place

Justice: Can't we just walk together.

Kathy (takes Justice's hand): Girl, can't you take a hint she wants to have a private conversation

(Everybody walks off)

Jordyn: You don't better not ditch us (walks off)

Kamina: We won't

Jordyn: You better not

(The screen switches to Kamina and Kurt in a room alone)

Kurt: You knew before I told you

Kamina: I had a suspicions, but that wasn't what I wanted to tell you

Kurt: Is everything okay?

Kamina: Everybody in my old group thinks I'm lesbian, but I'm bisexual

Kurt: So, you like both girls and guys?

Kamina: Yes (sighs) I'm so glad, I finally told somebody

Kurt: You got to tell your friends

Kamina: I am not ready

Kurt: Kamina, you can't hide this forever

Kamina: Kurt, I appreciate your concern, but I will be fine

Kurt: Fine, so what song do you want to do together?

Kamina (smirks): Do you like jazz?

(The screen switches to Kamina and Kurt behind the curtain)

Kurt: Did you ever?

Kamina: Please you are adorable, of course, (whispers) but I love Miriam more.

Kurt: Alright, everybody ready

Everybody: Ready

(Kamina and Kurt hold hands)

Kurt (whispers): You can still tell them

Kamina (whispers): No

Tereza (whispers): Guys I don't know what you are discussing, but do it later

Mavise: Raise the curtain

(The curtain raise)

Kurt (telepathic): We will discuss this later

(Kamina sighs)

Kamina (telepathic): Fine.

(Once the curtain raise, Kamina and Kurt standing beside each other with their backs together and singing 'Le Jazz hot')

(Kurt and Kamina along with the dance club members are dancing, while singing)

(Kurt and Kamina is looking at each other, while dancing)

(Kurt and Kamina snap their fingers)

(Kurt and Kamina head to top of the staircases, then walk together off)

(Kurt and Kamina are being picked up by the dancers)

(Kurt and Kamina are put down)

(Kurt and Kamina continue singing, while walking)

(The dance club members are dancing in the background)

(Near the end of the song, they all dance together)

(The song ends)

(Everybody off the stage cheers)

(Kamina walks off the stage)

(The dance club members follow Kamina)

Joanne: Kamina, what's going on?

Kamina: I have to tell you

Miriam (looking concerned): What's wrong?

Kamina: I'm bisexual, not lesbian

(The dance club members look shocked)

Jordyn: No way!

Justice: You like boys and girls?

(Kamina nodded with a nervous smile)

Kathy: I will admit this is a shock, but we still are your friends

Mavise: Yeah, we love you no matter what

Zephyr : I hope you didn't expect us to not be friends with you

Kamina: Of course not

Donnie: Of course, you wouldn't because we have been friends for too long

Ella: Come on, group hug

Helen: Yeah

(Everybody hug each other)

Donnie: So, do you have a crush on Kurt?

Kamina: Maybe, but I'm not in love with him

Miriam: So, you have strong feelings with somebody else?

Kamina (playfully): Maybe

Miriam: Tell me who

Justice: Brilliant idea,so who's the lucky girl or guy?

Kamina: I'm not telling you

Miriam: Why not?

Kamina (backs up): Because I don't want to

Miriam: It's somebody we know isn't

(Kamina runs away)

Miriam (runs after Kamina): Come back here

(Episode ends)