Distraught daughter

Days were going on. William was having fun in his tour but Juliane here was getting in trouble slowly because of loneliness. She did not have friends to hang out also not any other options so she could get better to get rid of her loneliness. In spite of these situations, no matter what, both dad and daughter used to have one call at least in a day. At least due to daily contact, Juliane was not much worried about William. But the thing to be wondered was Juliane was not letting William know about what she was facing that time. She just spoke normally so it seemed as if nothing has happened in William's absence. William was enjoying his tour with vigour. Juliane was also going to school and job like she used to. But for now, slowly things were changing for Juliane without knowing to her. She was not getting sleep at night when its time for her to sleep. She was slowly losing her slumber day by day.

Juliane, then one day decided to visit doctor since her problem was getting bigger day by day. She also decided not to tell William about her newly born problem which may affect his mood in tour.

She went to a doctor and told him everything she was facing with. Doctor also asked some questions related to her problem. He found out that she was taking a lot of tensions in an early age and also having work load is causing her major problem. He asked her a question "Whom are you missing a lot right now?"

(Juliane stumbling)

"Fairly saying doctor, I am actually missing my dad. He is in tour since 8 days."

"Its okay, you don't need to answer me if you feel awkward answering them. By the way, why do you miss your dad so much? Where is your mom?"

Doctor asked surprisingly.

(Slightly smiling) "She is no more doctor."

There was silence for a moment.

"Oops, I am sorry to hear that, so, is this the reason you are missing your dad so much?"

"Yeah doctor, after he went on tour, I have no one to share my problems , chill out or hang out and also to fight."

(Doctor sighs)

"Now I think I am getting on right way. Ms. Brown, you are taking a lot of work loads and stress due to which your mind is getting active at night too and you are not getting sleep. In conclusion, what I mean is that you are slowly being target of Insomnia. Let go off all your stress and feel free like a bird in the sky or else you will end up being a patient of insomnia."

Listening to doctor, Juliane was shocked and also went numb for some times. She was so frightened that she had got no idea of asking about that disease further.

(Sound of writing)

"Ms.Brown, For now I am give you some sleeping pills so you can get sleep but please do take care of yourself. Hope you will come back in positive results."

"Thank you so much doctor."

Juliane came out, took her medicines and she went to home straight.

All she could think now was what will happen next and will she be okay till William comes. She went to her room, closed the door and started crying since she was getting hard to control her feelings. She cried and cried and cried till she found herself easier to handle. When she came to her senses, she looked for what time it was and it was her job's time. She got ready and went for her job. The last time she looked pale in job was 8 days earlier and now, today too, she was looking pale and tired during her duty period. She was thinking a bunch of thoughts in her mind. Sone positive and some negative, whatever those thoughts were, they were making Juliane look pale and tired as some moments passed by. After her duty was over, she went home and got freshen up. Though we call that she was freshen up, it was only physically not mentally. She was thinking about the same thing again and again.

(Phone rings)

A call by William and Juliane was finding it too hard to pick but if she didn't pick it up, William's day might go bad since he did not talk to his daughter.

With all her guts, she picked up the call.

"Hi dad, how's your day going on?"

"Its going fantastic dear, what about you?"

(Crosses finger and starts talking)

"Mine are always same dad, school to work and then home. Without you I have nothing to do, you know it very well dad."

"Juliane, what's wrong with your face? Its all swollen up. Did you just sober up dear?"

(Controlling tears)

"Its because I worked a lot today dad. I am tired a bit than other days. There were a lot of work. That's why I think my face is looking a bit miserable."

Juliane could not get guts to tell the real thing to William. She needed some more time to be able to say the real thing.

"Dad, tell me what you did today? Where you went?"

Juliane diverted the topic and both started talking about William's day. She was missing him so much but what she could only do was telling him. William had no idea of what was going on here since Juliane did not wanted him to know about. After talking for sometimes, both said bye to each other. Juliane made dinner and ate it looking the repeat telecast of her favorite game. Though it was her favourite gane, she was not happy and excited to see it as she was in other days. She switched off lights and went to her room. She again went to her imagination about what will happen next. She could not stop herself from wondering about that disease. She gets annoyed thinking about it again and again. So, she took out those pills, had one of them and went to sleep wondering what will happen to her due to this insomnia.