
Something Fishy 2

Almost last period. Evans High School.

Bright sun rays hit Anderson from the window as he's seated tiredly in his homeroom just watching and observing the rowdy class. A group of guys playing tic-tac-toe, some tossing balled up paper pulps at each other, some jocks arguing loudly about professional sports, the class clowns in a corner making dumb jokes, and then as always, the lovebirds at the back, making out. The rowdiness stops when Mr Audrey walks in, grabbing a piece of chalk from the lower edge of the board.

"Good afternoon, class"

"Sir, it's not your period yet" (A smart looking guy raises his hand politely)

MR AUDREY: I know. There's still three minutes left of this period but it wouldn't hurt if we just jumped right into mine, would it?

"Of course not, sir, but I thought we were to have this class in the laboratory"

MR AUDREY: Today's class would be theory only. Besides, I felt like using your homeroom for a change, would that be a problem?

"Not at all, please carry on"

MR AUDREY: Thank you. Let's not waste much time, bring out your AP Biology textbooks, today we'll be discussing 'Genetics'.

ANDERSON: What's this envelop for? Who owns it and what's it doing in my textbook?

Multiple questions Anderson asks himself as he opens his textbook.

ANDERSON: It's sealed. Hmmm. I'll get back to it later. (Putting it in his school bag while using his other hand to flip through the pages of his textbook for the topic to be discussed)

MR AUDREY: As we all know, Gregor Mendel is said to be the...

He explains, outlining some points on the board but Anderson seems not to be grasping his explanation.

ANDERSON: Why's he boring today? (Slightly yawning) What could I possibly do now? Hey.. that envelope, what's in it? (Unzipping his school bag)

Seconds later...

ANDERSON: Whoa! This looks like Bonnie. This... this doesn't make any sense. (Staring at the pictures. The angle from which the pics were taken makes it really seem like Bonnie was kissing a guy)

MR AUDREY: What doesn't make sense? Who the hell is Bonnie? And what does she have to do with the topic on the board?

ANDERSON: Uhm... my bad. So-so-sorry. I'm sorry Mr Audrey. (Realizing that he was thinking aloud, seeing the whole class staring at him)

MR AUDREY: What was I talking about just now?

ANDERSON: You were saying... Errm...

MR AUDREY: Go on. I was saying what? Please tell the class.

Anderson is mute and embarrassed.

MR AUDREY: I just talked about genes and genotypes but instead of paying attention you were busy with God knows what. You really need to concentrate, kid. You grades in this subject don't look too pretty and if you're not careful, it could mess up your chances for college application. (Rubbing off the other part of the board)

ANDERSON: Yes sir, forgive me. (He lowers his head) What's really going on with Bonnie? And who sent these pics? (In his mind)

After school hours,

Cleave Hills High School.

The cheerleaders are gathered in the gym all kitted up in their uniforms, being addressed by Karen, their squad leader, a tall slim and pretty 12th grader.

KAREN: Hi girls, today being our first day of rehearsals for the semester, I'd like to start by officially welcoming y'all to a new session, I bet y'all enjoyed the break. This is a new season, another opportunity to impress ourselves and make our Tigers and Cleavers proud. No slacking would be tolerated. Have I made myself clear?!


KAREN: Now give me a 'C'!


KAREN: Give me an 'L'!


This goes on and on till they spell the words 'CLEAVE HILLS'.

KAREN: Right now I'm gonna introduce you guys to a new routine. Aiden, give us a nice beat.

Immediately, the sound box begins to echo a hip-hop instrumental and Karen dives straight into a dance.

KAREN: Yeah-yeah! O-kay! Come-on! Wooo! It goes like this! You gonna spin! Swing your hands in the air... raise your heads high! To the motherfucking sky!..." (She goes on teaching them different moves)

After rehearsals.

BEVERLY: What's up Kitty, Hi Elena.

ZOEY & ELENA: Hi Beverly.

BEVERLY: Heard y'all middle schoolers would be transferred back to Cleave Hills Middle school.

ZOEY: Yeah, looks like the renovation of our classes have been completed.

The eighth grade classes got burnt by an electrical fire mid second semester, the previous session. The whole of third semester was used to renovate the classes so the eighth grade middle schoolers were transferred to the high school to occupy some free classes while the renovation in the middle school took place.

BEVERLY: Heard about that too. It's sad you two won't be joining us anymore for practices.

ELENA: Why'd they have to do this to us? Why now? Just when I had a shot at joining the squad.

ZOEY: Plus the fact that I won't get to see Maxx in school anymore.

BEVERLY: Who's Maxx? Aww... Kitty's got a crush? (Feigning a sad face and laughing)

ZOEY: It's not funny.

BEVERLY: Come on girls, the session would be over before you know it.

ZOEY: The session just started!

BEVERLY: I know. But on the bright side, I'm most likely to take over from Karen when she graduates. She likes me more than the rest of the girls, and I've got quite the respect and influence I need. So you see, with me in control, you got no reason to worry, it's just a matter of time.

ELENA: Sweet! When you put it this way, it leaves me excited and anticipating.

ZOEY: Just a matter of time? That's like eight and a half months we're talking about!

BEVERLY: Come on... Kitty! Cheer up. Okay, how about I give you girls a nice treat? Lunch, right now, you just name the place and we'd drive there. You like the sound of that?

ZOEY: I don't get it... What are we still waiting for? (They share a laugh, grabbing their stuff and heading to Beverly's car)