
Elena’s Birthday Eve

08:20pm, the night sky is aglow with bright city lights as the Mance family relishes their dinner together at the dining table.

ETHAN: I've got a surprise for you, sweetheart.

ELENA: I know this smile, you're always like this whenever it's my birthday eve.

EMILY: You know your dad too well. (Ethan laughs)

ELENA: You're the only one who gives me gifts before my birthday so I'm guessing tonight is one of those nights. (She smiles sheepishly)

ETHAN: You're right. Remember that German shepherd you told me about, beginning of summer?

ELENA: Yeah, I do. Wait... don't tell me...

"Whieeeee!" Ethan whistles and a dog jumps out of its hiding place.

ELENA: Oh my geez! Thanks dad! You're the best! You're the fucking best! (Carrying the dog and rubbing its fur)

EMILY: Was the swearing necessary?

ERIC: Not again! (Dropping his cutlery) Last time we had a dog, it peed on my textbooks and manuscripts.

ELVIS: Oh my geez, thanks dad, you're the best (Making a face and mimicking Elena) Even though you banned me from football, you're still the fucking best!

EMILY: I need to get a swear jar.

ETHAN: Come on Elvis, don't be like that, we had a deal, up your grades, even if it's just two subjects.

ELVIS: I hear you dad. It's a nice dog though.

ELENA: Thanks Elvis, at least someone likes my dog.

ERIC: I never said I didn't like it.

ELENA: I never mentioned your name.

ERIC: Sorry. Your dog is cool, what should we call him?

ELENA: Yeah, what name do I give him? How about Spikes? What do you think, guys?

ELVIS: Lame. You can do better.

ELENA: Okay, what of Tyke?

ELVIS: Seriously? Spikes, Tyke... both sound alike. What are you gonna suggest next? Mike?

ETHAN: I see what you did there.

ELVIS: What?

ETHAN: The rhymes.

ELVIS: Haha, didn't even notice.

ELENA: So what do I call him then?

ERIC: How about Sheen?

ELVIS: That's more like it.

ETHAN: I think Sheen is cool.

EMILY: It is.

ELENA: Alright, everyone agrees with 'Sheen' yeah? Buddy, you heard 'em, your name's Sheen now.

"Woof woof!" (It barks in agreement)

Saturday morning.

Elena jerks up from sleep, hearing the noise in her bedroom, she wakes up to see her whole family standing in front of her, her mom is holding a cake.

"Happy fourteenth birthday, Elena!"

ELENA: Wow... (Emotions flow through her body, seizing her breath momentarily) Thanks guys. I love y'all! (Getting up, shifting her blanket) Oh, hey buddy. (Referring to Sheen who's hovering around her, tail-wagging)

It's been for Elena, a few hours of replying to texts and social media birthday wishes from her elementary and middle school friends and relatives. She takes a break to stretch a little, meeting her brothers at the lobby.

ELVIS: Here, this is for you, dork. (Handing her a bag containing a dozen beautiful colored T-shirts with her name customized differently on each)

ERIC: Allow me. (Shifting her hair from behind and putting a necklace around her neck) From the moment I saw this in the store, I knew it would compliment your skin, baby sis.

ELENA: Oh my geez. Thanks guys. Where'd you boys get the money to buy these? They look expensive. (Admiring the necklace)

ERIC: We saved up...

ELVIS: ...for you.

ELENA: Thanks a lot. You're the best brothers a girl could wish for. Even though you two can be a pain in my ass. (Hugging them both)

EMILY: Y'all getting me teary eyed. (Meeting them at the lobby)

ELENA: Come join the group hug, mom.

EMILY: I've a special gift for you... We're having a 'Girls day out', just you and I. We'd hit the mall and shop for whatever you want. How does that sound?

ETHAN: Sounds good, as long as the receipt doesn't exceed 200 bucks.

EMILY: Ignore your dad, it'll be strictly based on your terms.

ELENA: Amazing!

EMILY: Hey, do you wanna bring Zoey along?

ELENA: Yeah! My mom, my best friend and I. Perfect trio for a girls day out.

ETHAN: Just make sure y'all are back in time because the boys and I would be organizing...

ELVIS: Dad! It's meant to be a surprise.

ETHAN: My bad. Erm... Y'all go have fun. (He laughs, carrying some golf sticks to his room upstairs)

ELENA: What are y'all organizing?

ELVIS: Lips sealed. Focus on your outing.

ELENA: I wish I could have my birthday everyday.

ELVIS: If wishes were horses.

ERIC: Trust me, you wouldn't want your birthday everyday. Remember what happened to Jimmy Neutron?

ELENA: Jimmy who?