
Peggy’s Note

Later that day, the Mance's place.

Elena summons her brothers to her room to have a talk with them.

ELENA: You won't believe what happened to me in school today.

She tells them about her encounter with Peggy earlier in the day and the previous encounters she's been having.

ERIC: So she was actually here on Saturday, the night of your birthday? We thought you were talking to yourself.

ELENA: How could I be talking to myself? I'm not crazy.

ELVIS: No one said you are. We believe you. But who the hell is she? A magician?

ERIC: Seriously? Magic?

ELVIS: I'm just saying. (Checking a notification on is phone)

ELENA: You know what, guys... I need to write this down in my diary. (Reaching out for the purple diary that Peggy gave her which she kept under her pillow)

ERIC: Uhm... Are these the type of paper cards you're talking about? (Seeing two paper cards slip out of the first page of the diary as she opens it)

ELENA: Hmm... yeah. (She answers, dazed)

ELVIS: Wait, you told us earlier that it was this same Peggy who gifted you this diary, right?

ELENA: Yeah, I did. Zoey was totally right.

ELVIS: About what?

ELENA: Peggy has got something to do with these cards. (She picks them up, letters [G] and [N] )

ERIC: Look, these cards ain't the only things that fell from the diary, I think she also left a note. (Drawing their attention to the floor, showing them another piece of paper)

ELENA: Yeah, a weird note. (She picks up the paper, examines it and and gives it to her brothers to see)

ELVIS: Huh? It reads...

> 𝘓'é𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘦



2030 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘮

ELVIS: This is some kinda coded message. Can you decipher it, big brains? (Giving Eric the paper)

ERIC: Hmm... (Collecting the paper and examining it) ...I once read a book about signs and symbols. This sign > could mean 'greater than' in math. It could also mean 'go to' or 'forward'. L'école is a French word meaning 'school'. An archive is a large number of records or a place where large numbers of records are stored. Mardi means Tuesday in French. Now... 2030... what does she mean by two thousand and thirty post meridiem?... wait a sec... post meridiem means 'p.m', the hours past noon, that means she's talking about time... so it should be '20:30' instead if you're using a 24 hour clock but in normal time it's 08:30pm.

Elena and Elvis share a look in awe of Eric's capabilities.

ERIC: Now putting everything together and from what I understand, she wants you to be at the school archives on Tuesday at 08:30pm.

ELVIS: School archives? Whose school?

ERIC: It should be Elena's.

ELENA: Cleave Hills Middle has nothing like an archive. None that I know of.

ERIC: Every school has an archive, Elena.

ELVIS: You said she showed up at the lockers while you were in CHHS.

ELENA: Yeah.

ERIC: That means she's talking about CHHS, the highschool archive.

ELVIS: Leave the note aside for a moment, what about the confusing paper cards Elena's been getting recently? And even the ones we just saw?

ELENA: I still dunno what they mean.

ERIC: Show us the rest of the cards. I think she's trying to pass another message.

ELENA: Here they are, I separated them respectively, according to the days I received the cards. (Spreading and arranging them on the floor)

[A] [M] [V] [E]

[E] [E] [G] [N]

ERIC: This should be an anagram. Perhaps, if we rearrange the letters, they would mean something else.