

Tuesday, 08:51am.

The police station, the sheriff's office.

BRADY: Mr Garcia, you mean to tell me there's still no news about my son?

GORDON: Not yet, Mr Holmes. But I assure you that I and my men are working on it, we've searched Ashland sport center where he goes to play basketball, we found nothing, we contacted some of his friends, they said they haven't been able to reach him. Obviously, he left his phone at home. We even talked to his coach at his high school, no news about him... but all hopes ain't lost, I'm positive we'd get some tangible information about Tyler's whereabouts very soon.

BRADY: Okay, thank you very much, Sheriff Garcia. Keep me posted. I'll.. be on my way to the factory. (He gets up from the chair and leaves with a worried look on his face)

A period before recess, Cleave Hills High.

Eric is seated alone on a long wooden sit-out bench in the school garden, reading a book. Gustavo walks up to him.

ERIC: Sup?

GUSTAVO: You're always with one stupid book or the other, don't you get tired?

ERIC: Of course not, it keeps my brain active. One thing y'all seem not to understand is that reading helps to keep your mind and body relaxed by...

GUSTAVO: That's enough, encyclopedia. This ain't the time for your theories.

ERIC: I'm only trying to enlighten you, Gus.

GUSTAVO: I'll pass.

ERIC: If you say so... (He goes back to his book but stops immediately after glancing at Gustavo) ...Why are you here?

GUSTAVO: Just saw your dad talking with principal Hammond not long ago. Are you in trouble?

ERIC: Me? Nope. Dad must have started working on the murder case.

GUSTAVO: What murder case?

ERIC: Oh, was I thinking aloud? Never mind.

GUSTAVO: Did a student from our school die?

ERIC: Yeah, but three years ago.

GUSTAVO: Damn, so what's the...

GWEN: Sorry to intrude. (Joining them)

GUSTAVO: You ain't intruding. I'm Gustavo by the way, and you're really cute. (Flashing a smile)

GWEN: Thanks, Gustavo. I'm Gwen. (Returning a friendly smile). Sorry to bother you, Eric. Are you busy?

GUSTAVO: Yeah he's busy, studying. But if you need anything, I could help you instead.

GWEN: Thanks... (she looks at him, getting irritated by his invasiveness) ...but I was talking to Eric.

ERIC: I never said I was busy, Gus. I'm only using the book to pass time and keep my brain active like I earlier mentioned.

GWEN: Good thing you're not busy. Can I ask a favour?

ERIC: Sure, anything.

GWEN: It's my math. I didn't really understand what you taught me yesterday, could we go over it again?

ERIC: No problem, I'm always here to help.

GWEN: Lucky me.

ERIC: Should we stay here?

GWEN: Uhm... (she glances at Gustavo) ...the library would be more conducive.

ERIC: Let's go then, after you. (Leaving the garden with Gwen). Later, Gus!

GUSTAVO: What does she see in Eric? Not like he's the smartest guy in Cleave Hills High. Eric... Eric!! Arrgghh! (Angry soliloquy ensues after they had left)

Recess, EHS.

ANDERSON: Whoa, you mean since the previous week, Tyler been missing? (Leaning on the railing of the staircase leading to the music room)

BONNIE: Yeah, I just hope he's safe. I dunno what I'll do if anything happens to him.

ANDERSON: Calm down Bee, the cops are searching for him already. And even if they don't find him, I'mma search for him myself. Cheer up, when you're sad, I'm sad too. (Hugging her and kissing her forehead)

Bella walks in on them so she clears her throat to announce her presence.

BELLA: Sorry to interrupt the moment, I need to talk to you guys.

ANDERSON: Isabella, you ain't wanted here.

BONNIE: Chill out, Anderson. At least give her audience.

ANDERSON: Bee, I know her more than you do, she's a friend of Matilda's, that schemer. Anything connected to Matilda is evil. Stay away from us, Isabella!

BELLA: You have every right to be mad at me, but I don't hang out with her anymore.

ANDERSON: What difference does that make?

BELLA: I came to talk to you guys about something important.

BONNIE: What about?

BELLA: It's about Matilda...

ANDERSON: Matilda again? Will I ever stop hearing that name?

BELLA: She had something to do with Tyler's suspension.

BONNIE: Really? Carl and Octavio were right. She's really the mastermind behind my brother's suspension.

BELLA: Tyler's your brother?

BONNIE: We're twins.

BELLA: Plot twist! Now that explains why she specifically chose Tyler to work for her. She knew what she was doing all along.

She tells them about her encounter with Dylan the previous day and her encounter with the guy who threatened and snatched the evidences from her.

BELLA: That's the situation. I'd like us to meet somewhere this evening. You two, Dylan and I. Let's talk about how to take Matilda down for good.

ANDERSON: I'll talk to Dylan.

BELLA: Okay. So where do you suggest we meet?

BONNIE: Frost Diner, it's a new eatery in town.

BELLA: I've heard of it.

BONNIE: 5pm.

BELLA: The time is perfect.

ANDERSON: Now if you've got nothing else to say, could you please leave?