

Evening, 04:55pm, the police station.

There's a knock on the sheriff's door.

GORDON: Come in. (Sorting some files in his office)

An Asian guy in uniform in his late twenties walks in. He is a six footer with black hair, dark eyes, clean shaven sharp jawline, Adam's apple, broad shoulders and slightly dense veiny arms. He is Hikaru Cheng, the senior deputy in the Ashland City sheriff's department. "Sir, there's a guy outside, he said he's got some information about our missing kid, Tyler Holmes"

GORDON: Really? Bring him in immediately, let's hear what he has to say.

04:58pm, Frost Diner.

Dylan walks in, scans the whole place with his eyes till he finally finds some familiar faces. He joins them at their table.

DYLAN: Sorry I'm late.

ANDERSON: On the contrary, you 'bout two minutes early.

BONNIE: Welcome, Dylan. Isabella here says she's got something to discuss.

DYLAN: Okay... was it necessary to come all the way here? I mean, we can discuss anything in school.

BELLA: Matilda's got spies. Our evidences are gone! I dunno how she found out about our conversation in the library.

DYLAN: What are you talking about?

BELLA: After school yesterday, a guy I'd never seen before threatened me with a knife. He took my phone and the pictures you gave me.

DYLAN: Didn't see that coming.

BELLA: No one did, Matilda's so cunning.

ANDERSON: Could you two just stop it already?! Matilda Matilda Matilda! I didn't leave home and come here just to discuss Matilda. (Bonnie laughs). What's so funny, Bee?

BONNIE: Oh nothing, it's just the way you get mad whenever you hear her name.

"Hey! You look familiar" A guy walks up to them at their table, standing beside Bonnie.

BONNIE: Yeahhh, I know you... but I can't remember where we met. (She smirks, squinting while trying to jog her memory)

"Elena's party?"

BONNIE: Correct! You're Eric and Elvis's friend, the guy who came with a truckload of tacos.

"Again, it was a minivan" He laughs.

BONNIE: Nice to meet you... again.

"Yeah, definitely. I'm Maxx. And you're Bonnie, right?"

BONNIE: That's my name. So what are you doing here?

MAXX: Helping my dad with some stuff.

BONNIE: He works here?

MAXX: He owns here.

BONNIE: Oh, true. You mentioned something like that at the...

ANDERSON: (Coughs). Nice to meet you too. (He cuts in, getting uncomfortable at the sudden familiarity between Bonnie and some random guy)

BONNIE: Pardon me... y'all, meet Maxx. My neighbor's friend, and my friend too. Uhm... we're friends, right? (Glancing at Maxx)

ANDERSON: Do you guys have to be? (He says under his breath)

MAXX: Of course! We're friends.

ANDERSON: Of course. (Under his breath again)

BONNIE: Maxx, meet Bella and Dylan, my schoolmates. And this is Anderson, my boyfriend. (Anderson smiles as she introduces them formally)

MAXX: Nice to meet y'all too. Ordered anything yet?

DYLAN: About to.

MAXX: Alright, please do, make yourselves comfortable, it's on the house.

ANDERSON: Not necessary.

MAXX: I insist.

ANDERSON: Really, you don't have to...

DYLAN: What the hell, man? Who turns down free food? Thanks, Maxx. We'd get comfortable.

MAXX: Splendid! (He smiles at Bonnie before leaving)

ANDERSON: Really, Dylan?

DYLAN: What?

ANDERSON: Never mind.

BELLA: Back to what we were saying, we gotta think of a way to expose her.

DYLAN: If you ask me, this meeting was pointless, y'all should have given me the details earlier on about what we're gonna discuss.

BONNIE: How do you mean?

DYLAN: We still got evidence. (He flashes them a reassuring smile)


DYLAN: Don't think I'd be stupid enough to have just a copy of those pictures? I printed so many even before I gave you those ones. Was only kidding when I said I didn't see it coming... I totally did.

ANDERSON: Now that's smart. But I'm still gonna kill you for sneaking out with my camera. (Dylan chuckles). Hold on a sec... how the hell did you sneak out? We were locked in that basement.

DYLAN: A magician never reveals his tricks.

ANDERSON: Who sneaks outta detention and sneaks back in again to continue serving punishment? I take back my word, you ain't smart. (Bonnie laughs)

DYLAN: Come on, the detention was fun, wasn't it?

ANDERSON: Speak for yourself, idiot. You were able to sneak outta that basement and you couldn't even wake me up so we'd escape, instead you let us both suffer. You better start talking or the magician in me would perform some painful tricks on you.

DYLAN: Alright alright! (Laughing) I picked the locks... learnt that in the slums.

ANDERSON: Wow, I was locked in a basement with someone who knows how to pick locks yet he couldn't help.

BELLA: Seems you're forgetting that the admin has to meet you in the basement the next morning when he comes to relieve you of your punishment. If he discovers that you escaped, that would only earn you more detention days.

ANDERSON: Oh, I didn't think of that.

DYLAN: That's because you don't think at all.

ANDERSON: I'm so gonna hurt you.

DYLAN: And you'll be on severe detention three days in a row, what are you waiting for? Get done with it. (He teases)

BONNIE: Okay, when you two are done with... whatever it is you're doing, can we please get back to the reason why we're here?

DYLAN: Sorry, back to business. Uhm... since Matilda is now spying on Bella, what makes you think she won't be spying on us too? I'd come with the pics tomorrow but we gotta give them to someone who Matilda doesn't suspect.

ANDERSON: Adrian would be perfect, he's mostly busy with school work, Matilda won't think of spying on him. We'd give him the pics and he'd report Matilda.

BONNIE: One question, Dylan... why didn't you just take the pics to the admin yourself?

DYLAN: I'd have to explain how I got them, and what do you think would have happened if I told him that I picked the locks to the basement door?

BONNIE: Ohhh...

Dylan says nothing but takes out his phone from his chest pocket and texts Anderson.

DYL ^ [hav u any other person in mind aside Adrian?] - 05:05pm

ANDERSON: Dylan? Why you texting me? (Reading his message)

Dylan still says nothing. He takes out a little piece of paper, writes down something and passes it to the three of them to read.

"I noticed a guy sitting behind us, he's been glancing at us continuously, he's holding a phone, looks like he's recording our conversation. Technically, he's a spy and we all know who sent him. Don't turn around, hell know he's been spotted, let's say nothing for now"

Bonnie, Anderson and Bella make remarks as they read what Dylan wrote. Anderson and Dylan continue chatting for a couple of minutes.

DYL ^ [hav u any ofher person in mind aside Adrian?] - 05:05pm

ME ^ [yh, got another friend, Louis] - 05:08pm

DYL ^ [cool we'd giv 'em 2 Louis instead. I'm pretty sure he's heard and recorded all what we've been sayin so let him still bliv that it's Adrian we're givin d pics, he won't knw we've done sum change of plans] - 05:09pm

ME ^ [brilliant idea, raised my hand and saw his reflection 2ru d glassface of my wristwatch. But why we actin scared? On a 2nd thought I think I shld bang his head on dat table. I dnt appreciate people spyin on me] - 05:10pm

DYL ^ [dnt do dat Anderson terrible idea, get into a fight here and u cld be banned frm comin here] - 05:11pm

ME ^ [u dnt ban people frm an eatery. Dats bullshit, right?] - 05:11pm

"Why aren't they talking? I'd better leave before I get spotted. Recorded enough". The guy behind them leaves the table and exits the eatery.

BONNIE: Dylan was right about he being a spy.

BELLA: Of course, he's the same guy who attacked me.

ANDERSON: What? And you're just telling me this? I really should have banged his head on that table, Dylan!

BONNIE: Totally unnecessary, babe. (She places her palm on his). Well, since all has been settled, can we order something now? I'm starving and I could really use a burger and smoothie.

05:43pm, Pebble street.

In front of Marcello's condo. The deputy and the sheriff are in the patrol car, looking at Marcello in front of the building and comparing him with the face shown on the database of their tracking device.

HIKARU: Sheriff! That's him.

GORDON: The picture and description matches him perfectly, let's go get him. (Hopping out of the car)

GORDON & HIKARU: Freeze! (Pointing their guns at Marcello who's about getting on his motorcycle)

HIKARU: You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you"

GORDON: Do you always have to recite it till the end? (He scoffs)

MARCELLO: Why would I need an attorney? What's going on here?

GORDON: You're under arrest, son. That's what's going on, in case it's taking a while to figure out.

Marcello is confused as the deputy handcuffs him and drags him to the car while Gordon goes in to search his apartment.