

06:33pm, same evening.

TYLER: Marcello... (he yawns, waking up). Got anything I can take to help with this hangover? (Holding his head, still sleepy, unaware of where he is)

BRADY & VIVIAN: Hangover?

Hearing familiar voices, he jerks up.

TYLER: Mom? Dad? What are you both doing here? (Completely flummoxed)

VIVIAN: You're home.

TYLER: How did... how did I get here? (Looking around and realizing that he's in his bedroom)

BRADY: The cops found you... Tyler, I don't have a problem with you taking a little alcohol, but for your age, drinking to stupor is... it... it just doesn't cut it. I can perceive vodka from your breath.

TYLER: Of course, I've been away for days and all you're worried about is my behavior, not me.

BRADY: Don't say that!

TYLER: Well, the plan was to have just a glass but I found myself refilling it over and over.

VIVIAN: I don't care about the amount of alcohol you took. I mean... I do care, of course, hell yeah! But I... what matters to me now is that you're here. Why did you leave? Why would you do that to us? You didn't think of how worried I'd be?

TYLER: Sorry, mom. I was beginning to feel like a prisoner here.

BRADY: I'm sorry, son. I wanted to discipline you, not push you away. You're not grounded anymore. Here... (Tossing Tyler his basketball) ...I may not be the best father, but one thing I know is that I love you.

TYLER: Forgive me, dad. I was wrong. (Hugging his parents)

BRADY: Yes you were, but it's okay to be wrong... that's how you learn.

TYLER: Where's Bonnie? Never thought I'd miss that dork.

BRADY: She left a couple hours ago to hang out with some friends.

TYLER: Okay. Hey! Wait a second... what about Marcello?

BRADY: Who's that?

Tyler describes.

BRADY: Oh, that guy, he's in the police custody.

TYLER: Wh-why?! What's he doing there?

BRADY: A guy reported to the cops that he had you abducted.

TYLER: What the fuck?

VIVIAN: Language, kid... language.

TYLER: Uhm (clears throat) sorry. But I wasn't kidnapped. I wasn't lured or forced or something, I went to his place on my own. He's not a kidnapper, okay? He's just a student like me.

VIVIAN: Yeah, we just figured that out. We were waiting for you to wake so we'd hear your side of the story.

TYLER: Please get him out of there now.

BRADY: Alright alright. I'd report back to the sheriff to have him released. He looks big for his age, I just say.

TYLER: I'm coming with you.

BRADY: Nope, you're gonna sit back while your mom looks after you. Didn't someone mention a hangover?

TYLER: Dad, I'm coming with you! I'll need to apologize to him for getting him into trouble. And wouldn't the police need me to make a statement or something?

BRADY: I don't think the...

VIVIAN: Just let him go with you, Brady.

He exhales, hesitating before responding.

BRADY: What are you waiting for, man? Move it! (He claps at Tyler)

The police station, the sheriff's office.

BRADY: Yes, Mr Garcia. My son here just confirmed it.

GORDON: You sure about that, kid?

TYLER: I wasn't abducted! Marcello is a nice guy, he doesn't deserve to be here. Release him immediately.

GORDON: We'll do just that, what matters is that you've been found and you're safe now.

TYLER: I was never in danger.

GORDON: Running away like that was kind of a dumb thing to do though, you could have been in danger... Kids! ((He scoffs). Deputy! Have the boy released!

Two hours earlier, the sheriff's office.

"Sir, I've been seeing posters of the missing kid everywhere so I kinda had his face registered in my brain"

GORDON: Okay...

"Last night, I was at Neon Hub when I spotted a muscular dude carrying a boy on his shoulders, this was at the parking lot"

GORDON: Carrying the boy? How was he carrying him?

"On his shoulders"

GORDON: Shoulders, got it. (He jots down)

"Weird, right? Why would he be carrying him on his shoulders at that time? Seemed off"

GORDON: Not exactly, but go on. Did you talk to him?

"Uhm, not really, just greetings since his motorcycle was parked beside my car"

GORDON: Okay, he owns a motorcycle, alright, so what happened next?

"He was about to get on the motorcycle, he rested the boy on the ground so he could start the engine, this gave me the chance to see the face of the boy and it rang a bell but I couldn't remember where I saw that face. It just didn't feel right"

GORDON: Give me a description, man.

"Oh, right. Uhm... tall but not so tall... huge, and... and muscular! You could see the whole biceps and triceps and veins. The dude was wearing a sleeveless leather jacket and he had a pack of cigarettes but he hadn't lit any, he looked dangerous, like a member of some biker gang"

GORDON: Leave the profiling to us.

"Of course. I managed to take a quick shot of the boy on the floor before the dude could turn back, and then I requested to take a photo of him, but he refused"

GORDON: Were you really expecting a photo session with a kidnapper?

"Hahaha, of course not. So uhm... he put the kid on the motorcycle and I watched them zoom off"

GORDON: Was he wearing a mask? You've said a lot of things but still haven't described what he looks like. You've just been going on about how big and ripped he looked.

"I was just getting to that, sheriff"

GORDON: Of course. (He makes a face)

"As he zoomed off, I noticed a complimentary card on the ground, same spot where the motorcycle was parked, he must have dropped it unknowingly. I picked it up and held unto it. That's how I got to know his name and number. Here" He passes the complimentary card across the table to the sheriff.

GORDON: This is basically all we need.

"I know. With this, you won't be needing any description. Just punch his name and address on the database and voilà!"

GORDON: This is great.

"Yeah" He chuckles. "This morning while driving, I saw the poster of the missing kid again and then it struck me that it was the same kid I saw the previous night. I simply concluded that he must have been abducted and that's why I came here to report the situation"

GORDON: You did the right thing.

"I just wanna help protect my town"

GORDON: What did you say your name was again?


GORDON: You've been of great help, Noah. One more thing, could you hand over the pictures you took of the kid? So we'd attach it to your statement.

"Yeah sure, anything you need. But please keep my identity anonymous"

GORDON: No problem, if that's what you want. Have a great day. (Grabbing his walkie talkie from his desk as the guy gets up to leave)