
Peggy’s Second Note

Cleave Hills Middle School.

Mr Benjamin, the junior science tutor for the eight grade walks into their class.

MR BENJAMIN: Good morning, class. Sorry I'm late. The topic for today is 'Characteristics of living things'. I hope y'all read ahead like I asked you to.

Both those who read and those who didn't even flip through the pages of their books all chorus "Yes sir!"

MR BENJAMIN: Good. Before going into the topic, I'd like to be sure that y'all actually read by asking a few questions. Let's start with the class rep. (He points to Fabian). Enumerate the characteristics of living things.

FABIAN: Easy... Movement, reproduction, respiration, excretion, nutrition, growth and sensitivity.

MR BENJAMIN: Impressive. What about you, Elena? Briefly tell the class what you know about excretion.

ELENA: Great, he just had to pick me to explain the process of shit. (She says under her breath, Zoey laughs)

MR BENJAMIN: Say what?

ELENA: Oh, it is the procedure of getting rid of metabolic waste from the body.

FABIAN: Metabolic wastes can also be called unwanted toxic substances... uhm, I'm just saying. (He looks around then smiles at Elena)

ZOEY: Show off. (She mutters)

ELENA: I hate it when he smiles at me. (Muttering back)

Minutes later.

MR BENJAMIN: Just a minute, guys. There's a textbook I left in the staff room, lemme get it. When I'm back, we'd discuss 'nutrition'. (He leaves the class momentarily)

ZOEY: Girlie, what's the latest on Peggy's case?

ELENA: My dad talked to principal Hammond in CHHS about the situation at hand. He doesn't know if he should leave it in the hands of the Sheriff department or get involved fully.

ZOEY: I get his ambivalence. He doesn't really believe in this ghost story murder case whatsoever. He's just doing it because you're his daughter and he doesn't want you to feel like he's doubting you.

ELENA: You're right, that's what I thought. Yesterday he was like 'Let me know if you've got any news from your ghost friend'.

ZOEY: Ghost friend? (Laughing)

ELENA: It's not fu—-

ZOEY: Of course it is! (Laughing even harder)

The bell goes for the second period which is free. Elena and Zoey spend their time taking a walk on the concrete pavement leading to the school garden.

ELENA: Got any candy with you? I feel like moving my mouth.

ZOEY: You're already moving your mouth by talking, aren't you?

ELENA: Stop acting like you dunno what I mean. (She tugs at a few strands of her hair)

ZOEY: Talking about gum? There's none, but I've got chocolates. (Handing Elena a wrap of snickers and Hershey's)

ELENA: My favourite. Oh my geez! I love you, Zoey... Muuuaah! (She kisses her on the cheek)

PEGGY: Hi Elena. (Appearing next to the girls as they're walking together. Elena glances at her but doesn't respond yet)

ELENA: Zoey, you won't believe what I'm about to tell you.

ZOEY: What's that?

ELENA: Peggy's standing next to you. (She whispers)

ZOEY: What?!! You mean she's...

ELENA: Keep your voice down, she won't harm you, alright? I just wanted to make you aware of her presence.

PEGGY: Sorry, Zoey. I didn't mean to startle you.

ELENA: She just apologized.

ZOEY: She did? I heard nothing.

ELENA: Yeah, because she's a ghost.

ZOEY: I keep forgetting. It's good she's got some manners at least.

ELENA: I'm really glad I'm walking with you right now. So I won't seem crazy when I'm talking to Peggy because no one else can see her.

ZOEY: Everyone's gonna think you're talking to yourself. (Laughing). Well, what can I say? You're welcome.

ELENA: Now Peggy! I don't understand you. You seek vengeance yet you leave us with little or no clue on how to go about it. My dad's a detective and I'm sure you know that already. He's ready to look into this but how do you expect progress when I can't lay my hands on any proof? How on earth do you want us to know what happened to you if you aren't even helping?

ZOEY: Is she still walking beside me?

ELENA: Yeah. She's even got her arm wrapped around your shoulder.

ZOEY: What the... let go of me, phantom! (Dusting her shoulders, acting whimsical)

ELENA: Don't freak out, you look crazy. Was only pulling your legs, Oh my geez!

ZOEY: You had better be pulling my legs because I'm ready to kill her ghost if she touches me.

ELENA: You're such a clown.

PEGGY: She is. (Chuckling)

ELENA: Shut up.


ELENA: Not you. Peggy.

ZOEY: What did she say?

ELENA: Never mind, sweety. Alright, Peggy, for Christ sake, give us some clues. Don't just be vengeful, be helpful. (She says with eyebrows narrowed)

PEGGY: I'm dead, Elena. It's difficult to communicate with mortals.

ELENA: I don't understand, we're communicating just fine.

PEGGY: It's complicated. Only stronger spirits have the ability to do and say whatever they please. That's why I hardly spend time when talking to you. I was...

ELENA: You were what?... tell me Peggy... Peggy? What the hell? She's gone.

ZOEY: She disappeared?

ELENA: Yeah. I just don't get her, she's becoming annoying.

ZOEY: I agree with you. Why does she keep leaving silly papers and cards behind? (Pointing to the ground, showing Elena a piece of paper)

Elena picks it up immediately before it gets blown away by the slight breeze.

The note reads. "I was murdered in school, all you need to do is look around"

ELENA: Look around where?

ZOEY: We could use an 'Eric' in this situation.