
Halloween Eve

Last period, Evans High.

LAURA: Hey Bonderson.

ANDERSON: Took you long enough to give us a couple name. (They share a laugh)

LAURA: My bad.

ANDERSON: So what's up? Nice jacket.

LAURA: Thanks.

ANDERSON: But ain't you feeling hot?

BONNIE: No one wears a jacket in a hot weather except they've got something to hide.

LAURA: Don't make me kill you.

BONNIE: Whoa, I'm frightened.

LAURA: Another word and I'm pulling your hair, not even Anderson will stop me.

ANDERSON: Who said I was gonna?

BONNIE: Wow, best boyfriend ever.

LAURA: Heard about the inter school math quiz holding on Monday?

BONNIE: I did. But who cares about some stupid quiz? Let's talk about Halloween tomorrow.

LAURA: Actually, Mr Aaron sent me to you, he wants you to participate.

BONNIE: Oh. Why didn't he tell me himself?

LAURA: Feel free to ask him that, I'm just the messenger.

BONNIE: Well, is he compelling me or asking me to volunteer?

LAURA: I guess the latter.

BONNIE: Then my answer is no.

ANDERSON: Come on, Bonnie. I believe you can pull this off. (Touching her nose)

BONNIE: Are you mocking me? Have you seen my math grades? I've never had above a B minus. This quiz obviously requires A+ students like Carl and Octavio.

ANDERSON: Laura said it ain't mandatory, right? It ain't like the school's gonna fall apart if you refused to participate. So forget about it.

BONNIE: That kinda sounded like an insult.

ANDERSON: You know I didn't mean it that way.

BONNIE: I know, babe.

ANDERSON: So... back to the Halloween party here in school, you coming tomorrow?

BONNIE: Wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.

ANDERSON: That's my girl. (He gives her a quick kiss on the lips). I'd leave you two to catch up. See you tomorrow, Laura.

LAURA: Sure thing, see you too.

ANDERSON: But what you hiding under that jacket though?

LAURA: None of your business. Bye!

Anderson laughs, leaving them.

BONNIE: So did you finally get the Dracula costume which you've been yapping about since the past week?

LAURA: Yeah, bitch. It's totally awesome. What about you? You've refused to tell me your costume till now and I'm supposed to be your best friend. How dare you?

BONNIE: Wait till tomorrow, lips sealed. (Running her fingers across her lips)

LAURA: Now you're keeping things from me? It's supposed to be you and I against the world, not you against me.

BONNIE: Jesus, Laura! Stop being dramatic.


"Hey Mr, that's a foul, hey! No traveling... and you! You're doing great. But your dribbles could use a little more work"

"Thanks, coach"

"Hey, Eleven! Eleven!! Come on, Arjun! You trying to tell me you don't remember your jersey number?"

Coach Owen drilling his team at the basketball court at Evans High.

ARJUN: Sorry, coach. I got carried away. (Going to meet his coach where he's standing)

COACH OWEN: Carried away, huh? Or you were thinking of that girl.

ARJUN: What girl?

COACH OWEN: You think I didn't see you two kissing and grabbing each other aggressively in the storeroom?

ARJUN: Reduce your voice. (He whispers, looking around guiltily)

COACH OWEN: Don't tell me what to do in my court.

ARJUN: My bad, my bad. Sir... (Still whispering) ...That's Michael's sister... the girl you saw me with.

COACH OWEN: Ohh... Interesting. (He nods slowly as they both glance at a teammate). Does he know?

ARJUN: Nope, and I'll like to keep it that way. He kinda... hates me.

COACH OWEN: Don't tell me it's because you're Indian, because I won't tolerate any form of racism or discrimination in my team.

ARJUN: Well, it has something to do with my race though. I heard an Indian dude stole his girlfriend in his freshman year so since then he's had something against Indians.

COACH OWEN: That shouldn't be enough reason to be racist. But you're right, perhaps it's best if he doesn't find out that you're boning his kid sister.

ARJUN: Yeah... (Pausing briefly) I'm sure you didn't call me here just to talk about what I do behind closed doors, right?

COACH OWEN: The door wasn't exactly closed when I saw you two.

ARJUN: Coach... come on!

COACH OWEN: Alright! I'll drop it. Anyway, I wanted to inform you that we've got new supplies of balls and other necessities. Keep your eyes on them, you're in charge.

ARJUN: I'm the captain, I always have been in charge of the team.

COACH OWEN: Boy, you better shut that mouth or someone's gonna know what the captain's been doing lately.

ARJUN: And now I just became vulnerable to your blackmail. Shit!

COACH OWEN: Language!

TYLER: Hey coach! Hey captain! (Walking into the court and spotting them close to the entrance)

ARJUN: Tyler, you're back! (Surprised and happy to see him, giving him a brotherly side hug)

COACH OWEN: Sixty nine! You're gonna pay a fine or fifty bucks for being absent from the court for a whole week.

TYLER: Coach, What? You-you now I was suspended, right? (Looking at Arjun for support)

COACH OWEN: Who gives a fuck?

TYLER: Whoa...

COACH OWEN: Haha! Gotcha! That look right there... it's everything! (Laughing, Arjun joins)

TYLER: You got me scared for a sec.

COACH OWEN: I know. Don't worry about the perpetrators, they've been kicked out of school... momentarily.

TYLER: I heard.

COACH OWEN: Welcome back, kid.

TYLER: Thanks, coa...

COACH OWEN: Enough of the talking! Get yourself in the game.

TYLER: I can't practise with the team today, was so excited to be back in school that I forgot my jersey.

COACH: Are you a newcomer or something? So one week away from the gym locker room and you've already forgotten that we keep spare jerseys here?

TYLER: Oh...

COACH: Go get changed and come back here before the count of three!

08:59pm, the Mance's place.

Ethan is standing by the dining table in the kitchen with his kids, fixing something for himself to eat.

ETHAN: Guys, I've got a warrant now. And I've contacted Cleave Hills principal. On Sunday, I and the sheriff's department will search every nook and cranny of the school until we find something, hopefully.

ERIC: We need to find her corpse first, dad.

ETHAN: Why don't I give you my badge since you know my job better than I do.

ERIC: At least I'd be a better 'Detective Mance'.


ERIC: I didn't mean to hit a nerve. (Laughing)

ETHAN: Well, that'll be all. Gotta sleep, tomorrow is a busy day. (Leaving the dining table with the sandwich he just made)

ELVIS: Tomorrow's Halloween, dad. Take a day off.

ETHAN: I should take a day off for what exactly? Dress up day and carved out pumpkins?

ELENA: Dad, you promised you'd be home.

ETHAN: I did?

ELENA: You said you'd help me give out candies to the neighboring kids down the block.

ETHAN: Wow, I don't remember saying that but I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I've got important cases at the department.

ELENA: Same excuse you make everytime. (Walking away, she bumps into Emily who's heading to the kitchen) Oof! Sorry, mom.

EMILY: You just turned fourteen, Elena. Still wanna be running around in weird Barbie doll costumes and doing trick or treat?

ELENA: Why you making it seem like I've bad taste? Those costumes were totally your idea.

EMILY: Not the point!

ELVIS: Mom's right though. Aren't you too old for all that, sis?

ERIC: Trick or treat shouldn't have an age limit. Everyone can participate.

EMILY: Seriously? Are we really gonna debate on the concept of pulling pranks and begging for candy?

ERIC: Uhm... could we get back to talking about mom's bad taste in costumes?

ETHAN: Guys!... (He quiets them down as he leans on the edge of the couch in the living room, exhausted by the argument flying over his head). Don't worry, I'll spend Christmas at home with y'all, and that's a promise.

Sheen barks in approval, jumping on Ethan and licking his face.

ETHAN: Get off me, boy!