

07:27pm, the following day. Front of the Mance and Holmes buildings.

ELENA: Hey Bonnie.

BONNIE: Hey sweet, y'all still cleaning? Lemme help you with the trash can.

ELENA: Thanks, but I got this...


ELENA: Oh my geeeeez! (She blenches, screaming on hearing the loud roar while Bonnie laughs) What's so funny? And what the hell is that?

BONNIE: I didn't expect you to be frightened. It's Halloween, remember?

BRADY: Sorry I startled you, kiddo. Happy Halloween. (Taking off the King Kong costume)

ELENA: You gotta be kidding me, It's your dad! Happy Halloween, Mr Holmes.

BRADY: Please... call me Brady.

ELENA: Alright, Brady. (She smiles)

BRADY: Better. I'll be back, wanna scare some of my friends kids. You two have fun. (Patting Bonnie and walking to his truck)

BONNIE: Have some shame, dad.

ELENA: Can we switch dads? Mine is "too busy" for Halloween. (She makes air quotes)

BONNIE: What about your brothers? Eric and Elvis?

Brady's engine revives in the background as he drives off.

ELVIS: Did someone call my name? (Showing up from nowhere and flashing his fake fangs at them)

ELENA: Oh. Speak of the... devil? (Staring at his fangs) Or whatever you're dressing up as.

BONNIE: Hmm. I dig the red contact lenses, why's your face is looking extra hairy today? I know you didn't grow a beard overnight.

ELVIS: (chuckles) What if I did?

BONNIE: Not possible! (She laughs). I'm guessing you'd be dressing up as a werewolf.

ELVIS: Not just a werewolf... an alpha.

BONNIE: Sweet! You'd look good as a werewolf.

ELVIS: That's a beautiful compliment, thank you! (Bonnie laughs). How about you? What you dressing up as?

ELENA: Yeah, Bonnie. Tell us.


ELENA: Tell us, tell us! Tell us! (Chanting)

BONNIE: Shut up or I'll be forced to feed on your blood. (Winking)

ELENA: You're dressing up as a...

ELVIS: ...Vampire? Totally sick!

"Sicker than a Dracula?"

They all look around to see a girl standing a few feet away.

BONNIE: Damn, Laura! (Amazed) I never knew Dracula makeup was a thing. And it's baffling how you still manage to look sexy!

LAURA: Why y'all staring? Never seen a Dracula this hot?

ELVIS: No actually. (Laura laughs)

BONNIE: Guys, meet my sister... from another mother obviously. My best friend and the craziest person in my life... oh well, apart from Tyler.

ELENA: You're right about that. Tyler's one crazy ass dude, sometimes I feel like slitting his throat.

BONNIE: Please don't.

ELENA: Kidding! (Chuckling)

"Elvis! Elena! Get your asses in here!" (Emily calls out from inside the house)

ELENA: Coming mom! (Hurrying off)

ELVIS: Does she have to yell? (He drags his feet, grumbling). See you around, Dracula.

08:47pm, a very large empty field just beside Evans High.

The party is just getting started. The environment is decorated with Halloween themed designs making everywhere look spooky. The DJ is making everyone comfortable as they dance and party, some are arriving and exchanging pleasantries, checking out each other's costumes, others are drinking while some are making out, everyone seems to be having fun.

LAURA: Bitch, you look really awesome. You know what? I'm getting a vamp costume next Halloween.

BONNIE: What you talking about? You're the one stealing my shine at this party, totally hot! (Whipping her hair back and forth, engrossed in the music)

LAURA: Is that wolverine behind you? (Bonnie turns around)

"Hey Bee"

LAURA & BONNIE: Anderson?

ANDERSON: Laura, that you? My goodness, how can someone look scary and sexy at the same time?

BONNIE: See? Told ya! (Smiling at Laura)

LAURA: Thanks, you both. (Pouring a drink into her party cup)

ANDERSON: So which handsome guy is gonna be eaten by you?

LAURA: What do you mean 'eaten'?


ANDERSON: Wait, what do you guys think I meant?

BONNIE: Let's just drop it. By the way, how come you recognized me easily in my costume?

ANDERSON: You look different but you still smell the same, I can catch your scent anywhere.

LAURA: That's cute and creepy at the same time.

ANDERSON: Laura, if you don't mind, could you lend me Bonnie for two seconds? (Placing his hands on Bonnie's hips)

LAURA: Sure thing. One... two... time up! (Snapping her fingers)

ANDERSON: Laura, you know what I meant.

LAURA: Yeah, Anderson. Like you wouldn't still go with her even if I said no. (Rolling her eyes)

ANDERSON: I'd take that as a yes then. (Kissing Bonnie)

LAURA: Okay okay, this is so unfair! Do you guys always have to bite each other's lips in my presence? Shuuuuu! Shuuuu! Go away! (Chasing them away from her space)

BONNIE: Come on, Laura! Hey, for the record... if Anderson ever asked to steal me from you and you said no, I'm sticking with you, okay? Sisters before misters, right?

LAURA: You bet!

ANDERSON: You look sexy by the way, Laura.

BONNIE: That's the second time you've called her sexy, are you hitting on my friend?

ANDERSON: What? I'm only complimenting her...

LAURA: Get outta my face, you two! Go get a room or something.

BONNIE: Haha, see you in a bit, buddy... (She's grabbed by Anderson again and whisked away even before she completes her statement)

LAURA: I guess I'll have to party alone for the mean time.

"Ha–ha–ha–ha–ha... it would be so not gentlemanly to let a nice girl party alone" A guy shows up behind her, dressed in a purple tattered suit, his face painted white with some clown makeup on it and he has a green wig on.

LAURA: Who says you're a gentleman, Tyler? (Facing him)

TYLER: Of course, I'm a... hold on, how did you know it's me? (Surprised). Bonnie told you ahead about my costume, right? That girl has a big mouth!

LAURA: Nope, she didn't. I can recognize your annoying voice even in my sleep.

TYLER: Really? (Raising a brow)

LAURA: Don't get too excited. (Looking away)

TYLER: You look amazing though.

LAURA: Thank you. (She smirks)

TYLER: How do you like my costume?

LAURA: The Joker, huh? The costume is awesome, the only thing ruining it is the person wearing it.

TYLER: That... hurts.

LAURA: It was supposed to. (She chuckles)

TYLER: Whatever. Why do you keep looking away? Are my eyes that intimidating?

LAURA: You really know how to flatter yourself.

TYLER: Can we talk about what happened in class yesterday morning?

LAURA: There's nothing to talk about because nothing happened.

TYLER: But I...

LAURA: You saw your jersey number on my vest? Forget it, it was a coincidence, alright? Nothing more. Just a coinci—-

Before she completes her sentence, Tyler pulls her close and kisses her on the lips. They lock gazes for a moment.

LAURA: What was... that for? (Breaking the silence)

TYLER: Stop fighting your feelings, Laura.

LAURA: What feelings? (Fiddling with her elbows and rubbing her neck, she tries to walk away but Tyler holds her back)

TYLER: Let's give each other a chance.

LAURA: For... for real? (Her eyes wide open)

TYLER: For real.

LAURA: Well then (clears throat) stop hesitating and kiss me again. Do it properly this time. (Wrapping her arms around his shoulders). I guess you're the handsome guy who's gonna get eaten.

TYLER: You didn't just call me handsome, did you?

LAURA: No, I didn't. (She chuckles as their noses brush against each other)