
Trouble In Twin Paradise

Eric arrives at the city hospital in time and calls for help. A stretcher is wheeled out immediately and Gwen is placed on it. He gets off the motorcycle, helps to take the helmet off her head and then follows her to the ICU as the nurses keep pushing the stretcher inside.

Moments later... A lady, one of the doctors treating Gwen walks up to Eric outside the ward to speak with him.

"Tell me, boy... what exactly happened? Was she attacked or something?"

Eric hesitates a little but eventually relates to her, reluctantly, all that happened.

"You can't be serious! What's with teenagers and fighting over a girl or boy who isn't worth it?"

ERIC: She's worth it.

"Shut up" She eyes him briefly. "It's even more disgusting when it's two brothers fighting over the same girl"

Eric makes a face, not sure if it's a remorseful one.

"What's your name?"

ERIC: Eric.

"And your brother?"

ERIC: Elvis.

"Eric and Elvis... Elena's brothers?"

ERIC: Uhm, yeah. (A little surprised) How do you know that?

"Elena is a friend of my daughter's. I've heard a..."

"Doctor Lance, I just talked to Edwin. I'm leaving" A cleaner approches her.

"Leaving? But you just got here"

"Yeah, I know. It's just that something came up at home, it's an emergency. That's why I need to rush back, if you'd allow me"

"Why not? Go take care of the situation. Don't bother coming back today if you can't, I'll ask Betty to replace you"

"Thank you so much, Doctor Lance"

"Hurry!" (She dismisses the cleaner before turning back to Eric) "Sorry about that. As I was saying, I've heard a whole lot about you guys. I know your dad, the detective. He has come here once"

ERIC: You're Zoey's mom?


ERIC: You must be really disappointed in us. (Looking away shamefully)

"I won't say I'm disappointed but..."

ELVIS: Doctor! Eric! (With his last strength, he rushes into the hospital, panting) You were able to save Gwen, right? She's not dead, right?

"And you must be Elvis... Right?"

ELVIS: Yeah, I'm Elvis. Yes yes. Were you able to save her?

"Calm down, Elvis. No need to panic, she's fine. Fortunately, the cut wasn't deep although her forehead is a bit swollen. It's a good thing Eric was able to manage the bleeding from her head. If she had lost so much blood, it would have been a different situation entirely" (Helping him to a chair close by, noticing how weak he is)

ELVIS: Thanks goodness. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if something bad had happened to her. (Calming down, wiping a little blood off the edge of his lips)

"Look at you, also bruised. Just a second, I'll get something to clean you guys up"

She goes into a different ward, close to Gwen's. Elvis and Eric glare at each other for some seconds, look away without saying a word. A little while later, Doctor Lance is dressing their wounds.

"Alright, that should be all. So, does it still hurt?" (Tossing a pulp of used cotton wool into the waste bin by the door)

ELVIS: Just a bit. I appreciate your help.

"Here, Eric. Put this on, it's been more than an hour since you got here and your body's been exposed, you'd catch a cold soon enough". She hands him an 'American Eagle' printed T-shirt.

ERIC: Thanks, ma'am. (Putting the shirt on) I'm not bothered about myself, all I care about is for Gwen to be fine.

ELVIS: You talk like you're the only one who cares.

ERIC: Apparently, I am.

ELVIS: What the fuck?

ERIC: If you really do care about her, you wouldn't have hit her with that stick. (Narrowing his brows)

ELVIS: I never wanted to hit her, you dumb ass. I aimed it at you but she came in the way...

"Snap out of this, you two! High schoolers acting like third graders. If you don't stop this argument, I'd be forced to report this to your school and you both better be ready to face the penalty that comes thereafter" She shuts them up.

ERIC: Sorry, ma'am. (Burying his head)

"Is there a way I can reach Gwen's folks? I need to inform them of her whereabouts"

ELVIS: Of course. Here's her school bag, her phone is in there, you can call her parents. (Handing her the school bag)

"Thanks, I'll do that right away" She unzips the bag in search of the phone.

ELVIS: Uhm... ma'am?

"Yeah?" Stopping to look at him.

ELVIS: What are you gonna tell them when you call? Would you tell them that we were the ones who did this to her? (Worried)

ERIC: We? What do you mean we? This is all your fault and you're the only one who is to blame so don't try to share it with me.

"Eric! I've warned you, haven't I? One more word and I'm calling your principal. One more word!"

Eric stays mute.

"Don't worry, Elvis, I'd have to lie to her parents. And when she wakes, I'll explain that I lied to cover you guys... you two just pray that she agrees with the lie or else, you're in big trouble... and so am I, because this goes against my ethics"

ELVIS: Thanks, ma'am. You've been of great help, and we're sorry for the compromise you're making.

"You don't have to thank me for doing my job. It's okay. And quit calling me 'ma'am'. I'm Diana, Zoey's mom".

ELVIS: Wait, what? Zoey? How could... (He glance at Eric, Eric makes a face) I bet you're disappointed in us.

DIANA: Looking at the situation again, I think I am. What you both did was stupid. But what has happened has happened, Elvis. It's getting late, and you boys need to go home. I'll get my car key so I'd drop you both home.

ELVIS: Err... ma'am...?

DIANA: Diana.

ELVIS: Sorry. Diana... uhm... what about the motorcycle?

DIANA: Come back for it tomorrow.

ELVIS: Tomorrow? Uhm... (scratching his hair)

DIANA: Is that gonna be a problem?

ELVIS: No. not at all. (He chuckles nervously) Marcello's gonna kill me. (In his mind)

Minutes later, in front of the Mance's place.

ERIC: Thanks for the ride, Diana... and the shirt! (Closing the front passenger door beside the driver just after alighting)

DIANA: You're welcome. Tell Elena I said hi.

ERIC: I will. (He smiles, then says in his mind) Definitely not telling her.

DIANA: You two better make up, okay? (She raises a brow at Elvis as he alights from the backseat behind her) Twins don't fight, you hear me?

The boys respond reluctantly.

DIANA: Alright. I'll be on my way. Bye! (She drives off)

Eric and Elvis glare at each other briefly before walking into the house, both not saying a word.