
Post Effects

Dinner, the Mance's place.

EMILY: Boys, are you telling the truth? You both look really bruised, you don't expect me to believe that you two were attacked.

ETHAN: Exactly. Why would anyone wanna attack you?

ELENA: Are you saying they're telling lies?

ETHAN: The hell they are! I think they got into a fight in school and they're using this bullshit story to cover up. If actually they were attacked, whey are they preventing me from investigating the culprits?

EMILY: Good point.

ETHAN: I'll speak to your teacher tomorrow.

ELVIS: Dad... please... don't.


ELVIS: Just... don't.

ETHAN: I'm sorry, that's not enough explanation.

ERIC: You're right.

ETHAN: About what?

ERIC: We got into a fight in school. Some senior jocks were bullying our classmate so we jumped in to defend him but we got beat up. We decided to say nothing because we didn't wanna escalate the matter. But that's the truth, dad. So please... you don't need to come to our school to see our teacher... please.

ETHAN: (shares a look with the boys) Alright. I understand. But a repeat of this and I'm storming into your principal's office! (Slightly banging his fist on the dining table)

ELVIS: Yessir.

ETHAN: I'm proud of you boys, it's an honorable thing to stand up for a friend... even though you had your asses handed to you.

ELENA: Their asses weren't handed to them, their asses were used to wipe the floor! (She chuckles)

ERIC: They both mean the same thing, dork... just semantics. (He replies her without throwing a glance)

ELENA: Just kidding, man. Sorry.

ETHAN: What's the latest regarding Ark Media House, love?

EMILY: Asking about the scandal between Bernard and Shay? We got it all covered. There'll be a whole lot to read up on in tomorrow's papers. (Chuckling)

ETHAN: And how's your colleague coping with the current situation?

EMILY: Which of them? Dennis?

ETHAN: Nope, the brainy and sarcastic black guy you told me about the last time.

EMILY: Oh, Brawn.

ETHAN: Yeah, him. Heard a lawsuit was filed against him by an influential guy for slander. (Wiping his mouth with a napkin)

EMILY: Not just slander, libel was part of the charges. Brawn had to lawyer up immediately.

ETHAN: Oh, so he said things and wrote things.

EMILY: Yeah, he did. And he's not wrong.

ETHAN: So he's being sued for saying the truth?

EMILY: Rich dude is just trying to silence our guy after he offered him a settlement in order to have the news taken down but our guy turned him down.

ETHAN: Whoa.

EMILY: Can you imagine that asshole? All what Brawn said were true. He sexually assaulted a nine year old sometime ago and managed to sweep it under the carpet, probably through bribes and threats. And now he's trying to do the same thing to our media house. Yes, he threatened to sue the whole media house! What a joker! He thinks everyone can be bought. Don't think you can get to control the news and narrative every time all because you've got money? I like the way Brawn took his stand.

ETHAN: My kinda guy.

EMILY: And we're all taking our stand on this. If you don't wanna be called out for your bullshit, then don't do bullshit! But you can't just come at people for holding you accountable. So if he wants war, he better make sure he's got his cannons and flamethrowers in position because we're ready for him, and Jesus fucking Christ!... I'm willing to go head to head with his punk ass!

ELENA: Whao, mom!... (her eyes bulge slightly, sharing a look with all the quiet and surprised faces at the table) ...that was intense.

ETHAN: I've never been so proud of you like I am now. And I'm ready to back you up in case things go sideways. He's gonna face the full wrath of the law! (He slams his detective badge and gun on the table)

EMILY: Honey! Put that away, don't flash your weapon in front of the kids!

ETHAN: Oh, my bad! (Grabbing the gun immediately) I was just trying to be dramatic, you know... badge signifies the law, gun signifies my wrath, so the badge and gun... the FULL WRATH OF THE LAW! (He exhales and whistles) Feel that?

ERIC: That's some screwed up use of metaphors, dad but yeah... we feel you. (Grabbing his last bacon)

Ethan smiles and stretches his hand across the dining table to touch Eric in appreciation.

EMILY: Thank you, honey.

ELENA: So can we talk about something else aside work stuff?

ETHAN: What do you suggest we talk about?

ELENA: Peggy's case for example.

EMILY: We're not talking about some mysterious dead girl while having dinner.

ETHAN: Speaking of which... I'm gonna hold off on Peggy's case for now...

ELENA: Why, dad?

ETHAN: There's something more important I'm working on...

ELENA: Like what, dad?

ETHAN: Perhaps I'd be able to tell you of you stopped butting in and just let me speak.

ELENA: Sorry... (she makes a face). Speak.

ETHAN: A student was found dead yesterday at Evans High School.

ELENA: Oh my geez! That's terrible!

ERIC: Isn't that Bonnie's school? Hope she and Tyler are safe.

ETHAN: Yes they are. So, Elena... this is a fresh murder case, a tangible and visible one, not some ghost story. I'm not saying I'm abandoning that of Peggy, all I'm saying is that for now this is a priority.

ELENA: I understand, dad.

ELVIS: Why do I have a bad feeling about this? (He says in his mind as he remembers the visions that flashed through his mind on the night of the Halloween party)

The following day, a period before recess, Evans High School.

"That would be all for today. Don't forget to read up on 'Advanced Ozone Reformation'. Go get the book. You'd see a lot of questions from there in your semester exams. Good day, class!" (Mr Bazmore, their Chemistry teacher)

CARL: Another stupid book! (He grabs his school bag as everyone gets up to leave the laboratory)

BONNIE: Really, Carl? (Holding her bag and lab coat in one hand and going after him as he storms out). Chemistry is one of your favourite subjects and now the books are stupid? I understand why you're acting out...

CARL: You think I'm acting out?! (He stops for a moment to glare at her as she catches up with him). My friend is dead and everyone's behaving like things are back to normal.

BONNIE: Life goes on, no matter what. That's the sad truth, Carl. I can't blame you for being mad at everyone, but you should be mad at the person who took your... OUR friend's life.

LAURA: She's right. (Meeting up with Bonnie and Carl). From the way you stormed out and how Bonnie chased you, I wasn't expecting to see you two here. (She steps into their middle and wraps her arm around both of them). I dunno what to say, Carl. I suck at advices... but everything will be fine eventually.

Later, the cafeteria.

ANDERSON: Guys, your lunch is on me. (Handing out a can of Arizona and freshly baked fruit cake to each of them on the table)

BONNIE: Thanks, but I'd have preferred a smoothie. Mixed fruit, precisely.

ANDERSON: My bad, would get it for you after school. (Looking around) Hey... where's Tyler?

BONNIE: Where else?

ANDERSON: Don't tell me he's at the gym or courtyard. Does his life revolve around basketball? (Sitting down)

LAURA: Basketball is his thing and I see no reason why y'all should be bothered by his enthusiasm.

ANDERSON: I didn't mean it like that.

BONNIE: As expected, his cute Lil girlfriend ready to defend him.

ANDERSON: What you talking about? (Bonnie stays mute and smiles at Laura, so he glances at Laura too) Wait, you and Tyler together? How come I'm the last to know about it?

Laura smiles, taking a sip and deliberately making noise with the straw for no reason.

ANDERSON: I knew providing straws was a bad idea. (He turns to Carl, reaching across the table and pushing his drink and snack closer to him, signifying him to eat). How you doing, man?

CARL: You tell me. (Answering in a low tone)

ANDERSON: We'll go to the police station today to check on the latest development. We're with you man. I AM with you. Try to brighten up.

CARL: Thanks. (He smiles) I appreciate that.

Cleave Hills High School's bathroom/locker room. The jocks are all over the place making noise and kitting up for practices.

ELVIS: Dude, why are we out here on the field today? (Putting on his jersey)

MARCELLO: Wouldn't you love to run that question by our coach, huh?

ELVIS: Man, I'm just asking because this isn't our regular schedule.

MARCELLO: Where's your head at, man? Didn't you check our team's group chat message?

ELVIS: Uhm, nope. Not yet.

MARCELLO: Well, bad news, man... our match isn't next week no more. (Tying his shoe laces)

ELVIS: What? It's been postponed?

MARCELLO: On the contrary... it's been brought closer.

ELVIS: What?! When?

MARCELLO: Tomorrow!

ELVIS: Oh shit!

"Haha, same thing I said when I got the news, kiddo! They did us dirty" A sophomore guy replies Elvis as he leaves the locker room.

ELVIS: They can't just change the date of our match, that's wrong!

MARCELLO: It's a way of checking which team gets caught off guard. Looks like it's us.

ELVIS: But we aren't ready to face them yet.

MARCELLO: That's exactly why coach called up an emergency practice. If we lose this game, we ain't making it to the finals and you know what that means, we've automatically lost the tournament.

ELVIS: We gotta stay positive, we're gonna win this. (Taking a few gulps from his water bottle)

MARCELLO: Yeah, but that won't happen by just saying it, talk is cheap, we gotta put in the work... (Takes a brief moment of silence to adjust his knee guard and check if he's well dressed) ...I've been wanting to ask... why do you look like mashed potatoes?

ELVIS: Is it... that obvious?

MARCELLO: Your left cheekbone is red and there's a plaster by the side of your forehead. Of course, it's very obvious. What happened?

ELVIS: This is an emergency practice, right? So let's treat it like an emergency. We should get going.

MARCELLO: Fine. Tell me when you're ready to talk. (They both jog to the pitch)

45 minutes into the rigorous practices, coach Dominic blows his whistle, motions towards Elvis, staring at him. The teammates are all quiet and wondering what's going on.

COACH DOMINIC: What's wrong with you, Elvis? Your passes are weak and your speed is less than usual. Your performance today so far hasn't been remarkable.

"Drop the euphemism, coach. Tyler's been playing like shit today!"

MARCELLO: Hey! (He addresses the teammate sternly as he jogs to where coach and Tyler are standing)

"What, man? You wanna tell me you haven't been observing his shitty passes? My grandma on wheelchair can do better than that"

MARCELLO: How about we bring your grandma down here, let's see what else she can do? I got some spare jerseys and kicks. Perhaps, she's what we need to win tomorrow's game.

"You fucking with me right now?"

MARCELLO: No, man. I'm not fucking with you but I'm about to fuck you up if you say one more word...

COACH: Shut the hell up, fools! Now's not the time to be fighting. (He focuses his gaze on Elvis) We've got a big game tomorrow and we need all the agility we can get. Don't make me put you back on the bench!

MARCELLO: Don't worry, coach. He got this. Don't you, buddy? (Patting Elvis)

ELVIS: Yeah... yeah sure.

Coach Dominic walks away, tensed. Everyone gets back to their positions.

ELVIS: Thanks for having my back.

MARCELLO: Come on, that's nothing. You're my boy, okay? (Elvis smirks) But for real, what's up with you, dude? You wanna get benched again? Get your shit together.

ELVIS: Sorry, man. I just... I... I feel a little weak. I dunno what's... (slowly, he falls to the ground, passing out)

"Elvis! Elvis!!"

After school hours, the school clinic.

"Elvis Mance, the test result shows that you've been reacting to some strong drugs..."

ELVIS: What drugs?

The Nurse, Marcello and Elvis go on talking for a while regarding the issue.

ELVIS: Well, I've been feeling this way since yesterday, so you're saying it's from something I ate or drank?

"Precisely. You said you didn't eat at home before leaving for school yesterday"

ELVIS: That's right.

"I suggest you go with a teacher to speak to the cafeteria chef so this can be clarified so he doesn't endanger more students"

MARCELLO: Hmmm. We'll do just that. (Sensing something fishy)

"You know the procedure, I can't let you leave. I'll have to call your dad to come pick you".

ELVIS: I guess I'll have to break that phone.


MARCELLO: Uh... he's just joking, ma'am.

ELVIS: I'm not! The last time you called my dad, he banned me from playing football, so don't even think of dialing his number because there's no way in hell I'm letting that happen.

The nurse drops the phone, stunned.

MARCELLO: Forgive his manners, he says shit most times. Our coach is outside, we'll both take him home.