

04:48pm, Ashland city hospital.

ELVIS: She was just discharged? Damn it. (Resting his back on the wall of the hallway, disappointed)

ERIC: Now Gwen's gonna think we don't care. Can't believe we missed her. This is all your fault, Elvis! (Kicking the waste bin beside him angrily)

DIANA: Are you two still doing this? Throwing blames and getting at each other's throats? (Walking up to them). It's high time you both settled this feud... or what are the kids calling it nowadays? Oh yeah, beef.

ERIC: It's his fault...

DIANA: What did I say about throwing blames? And before you utter another word, kindly pick up the bin you kicked over, would you?

ERIC: Yes, ma'am. (He does as he's told)

DIANA: You were saying...?

ERIC: Okay, you said I shouldn't throw blames but he fainted in school and I had to wait for him to be checked by the nurse before leaving. If not, I'd have been here on time to see Gwen and talk to her before she was discharged. So you can see that it's all his fault, right?

DIANA: You fainted? What happened? (Looking at Elvis)

ELVIS: Either someone messed with my food or I took something harmful by mistake. The side effects been messing with me lately, and it came at me real hard this afternoon during practices. (He exhales) I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be benched for our game tomorrow.

DIANA: Forget the game, forget about football for now... are you okay?

ELVIS: I'm okay. (Diana looks at him unconvincingly) I mean... I will be.

DIANA: Alright. Take care of yourself, boy. (She then turns to Eric). So you waited for him, huh?

ERIC: Yeah.


ERIC: I had to.

DIANA: Nope. You didn't have to. I don't think anyone compelled you to wait for him, but you did anyway... because he's your brother and you love him.

ERIC: Nahh, I don't love this fool.

DIANA: I'm still talking!

ERIC: Sorry.

DIANA: A family is a strong bond which can't be broken by stupid quarrels or altercations.

ERIC: Just stick with 'beef', Diana... sounds cooler that way.

DIANA: You're such a silly boy. (Eric chuckles) So this whole shenanigans is gonna end right here, right now. I want you two to hug each other.

ERIC: Not happening.

DIANA: Bold of you to assume I was asking. I said hug now!

Elvis laughs, his eyes fixed on the floor.

ERIC: Something funny now, huh?

ELVIS: It's the way you said 'fool', that's what you called me the last time I ran away with your slice of pizza. 'Get back here, fool'. (He makes a face, laughing again)

ERIC: You really annoyed the hell out of me that day, man. (He shares a laugh with Elvis)

ELVIS: Come on. Bring it in. (Spreading out his arms)

ERIC: Nope.

ELVIS: Come on... (Raising a brow, his arms still spread wide open)

ERIC: No way.

ELVIS: You better hug me right now, fool.

ERIC: Who you calling fool, fool? (They share a chuckle then he glances at Diana who is still waiting for her demand to be met) ...alright, come here, bro.

Just as they hug, Marcello walks into the hallway where they are. The boys let go of each other awkwardly.

ERIC: Hey, Marcello.

MARCELLO: Sup, man? (Turning to Diana) Hey, doc. (Glancing back at the twins). I didn't mean to interrupt the bromance, you two can get back to it.

ELVIS: Shut up...

MARCELLO: So how you feeling now?

ELVIS: I'm good. Hey, I've been wanting to...

MARCELLO: Do you mind explaining to me what my motorcycle is doing here?

ELVIS: That's what I was about to tell you... (He shares a look with Eric and Diana).

DIANA: I'll leave you three alone, gotta check on another patient. (She walks away)

ELVIS: There was an emergency with Gwen yesterday so we had to rush down here. It got so late and Diana advised that I came back for the bike the next day.

MARCELLO: Who's Diana?

ELVIS: The nice doctor lady who just left.

MARCELLO: Oh. So what the hell happened? I didn't wanna ask you earlier at school as we were all focused on practices.

ELVIS: Long story, man. Could we go somewhere and grab some tacos while we talk?

MARCELLO: Am I allowed to leave with my motorcycle?

ELVIS: Of course.

MARCELLO: Rhetorical question, was gonna leave with it anyway. Alright, you two shit heads meet me at Chipotle.

ELVIS: That's quite a distance.

MARCELLO: I don't give a shit. Get a taxi. Don't keep me waiting. (He swaggers off)

05:16pm, Chipotle Mexican Grill.

ELVIS: Hey, wait! Gus never told me that you had feelings for Gwen.

ERIC: That's a lie. He did and you were like 'As long as they ain't dating yet, I'll do all I can to have her'. (Munching his taco aggressively, Marcello just gawks at them, trying to make sense out of the situation)

ELVIS: Why the hell would I say that? Is this what Gus told you?

ERIC: Yeah.

ELVIS: He's lying...

ERIC: Is he? Okay. Did you or did you not go to Dalton's Café with Gwen on Friday? (He looks at him interrogatively)

ELVIS: Well, yeah I did but...

ERIC: Oh you did? I thought Gustavo was a liar, because he told me this also.

ELVIS: Honestly, bro, I dunno what's going on here or what Gustavo's motive is in all of this. I was only trying to win Gwen's heart fair and square. I had no intention of stealing her from you or whatsoever. Besides, it's Gus who gave me the idea of taking her on a date anyway. (Sipping his soda)

ERIC: Hold on... (A crumb of food falls off his mouth as he leaves it hung open, confused). Gus told you to take her on a date?

ELVIS: Yeah. He was the one who helped out with everything, even made arrangements for our second date at Rotman Valley where you met us. He said it was to increase the bond between Gwen and I.

ERIC: I don't get it. Why would Gus make plans with you then come to tell me about it but with a different story?

ELVIS: He told you about Rotman Valley? That explains how you found us because I don't remember telling you.

ERIC: But why would he...

MARCELLO: I've listened to all what you shit heads been blabbing about. Dude's clearly been playing you both.

ERIC: Why would he do that? He's our friend.


ERIC: Uhm... (sharing a look with Elvis)

MARCELLO: Some snakes are green for a reason.

ELVIS: Marcello is right. Gus better have an explanation for us tomorrow! (He cleans his mouth and flings the tissue angrily)

Not long... Tyler, Bonnie and Laura stroll into the restaurant. They spot Elvis and Eric so they join them at the table, exchanging pleasantries.

ERIC: You guys hang out here too? Cool.

BONNIE: Yeah. (She flashes him a smile) Besides, we're really hungry. We're just coming from Laura's place and we decided to stop by for a nice meal before heading to the police station.

ELVIS: The police station? Why?

LAURA: A friend of ours died.

ELVIS: My dad mentioned something about a dead kid at Evans. Sorry for your loss.

MARCELLO: My condolences.

TYLER: Thanks.

LAURA: Hey, you're that big guy from Elena's party, yeah?


LAURA: What's up! (She playfully punches his shoulder)

MARCELLO: Everything's good, kiddo. (He glances at his wristwatch) Shit! Gotta run. I'm supposed to see my mom at Grey Petals today, visiting hours would be over soon. Tyler, Bonnie... nice meeting y'all again. (Hurrying out of the restaurant)

LAURA: Grey Petals Asylum? His mom's crazy?

TYLER: That's rude. His mom just has some stuff she's dealing with mentally.

LAURA: That's just euphemism, babe. But I understand.

TYLER: The dude has family problems. I feel bad for him.

ELVIS: Yeah, he does. How do you know that?

TYLER: I ran away from home two weeks ago, remember?

ELVIS: Of course, and that was such a stupid thing to do... but I feel you. (They share a laugh)

TYLER: I stayed with Marcello at his place for a few days, that was how I got to know him more.

ELVIS: Damn, I'm jealous.

ERIC: How you guys holding up with the death of your friend?

BONNIE: It's still a mystery. Recess yesterday we found him dead, hanging upside down in the equipment room, blood everywhere.

ELVIS: He was hanging upside down?!

LAURA: That's what she said.

Elvis's mouth is hung open as the details strike him.

TYLER: Shocking and weird, right?

ELVIS: Wanna know what's weirder?... (Everyone focuses their gaze on him) ...I had a vision of this incident.

TYLER: You kidding me? You saw Octavio's death?

ELVIS: Is that his name? The vision wasn't clear though, couldn't see anyone's face. All I could see were shadows, everything was hazy and blurry. But yeah, it was the shadow of someone hanging upside down.

Tyler, Bonnie and Laura stare at Elvis, sharing a look with each other as shock seals their lips.

TYLER: Uhm... I... I'd better go place our orders.