
Team Spirit

11:05am, Brautigan High School field. Half time.




COACH DOMINIC: Nice work, Tigers! Y'all are doing a great job out here defending our territory and pushing back. But this is not a defensive match, we need to win, we need to make it to the finals, we need to claim that trophy! I believe in y'all, but do y'all believe in yourselves? Go big or do what?

"Go home!" The teammates chorus.

COACH DOMINIC: Is anyone of you fuckers ready to go home?


COACH DOMINIC: Now go back out there and get that fucking trophy!!!

"Language, man!" A middle aged man standing a few feet away from them.


"Who the hell's that..."

COACH DOMINIC: Shut up, Dean! He said language. (Slightly whispering)

MARCELLO: He looks like a college scout though.

COACH DOMINIC: He is... (Glancing at the man who's walking away, heading to the bleachers) ...He's a big shot in the world of college football.

MARCELLO: Whoa... we better impress him.

COACH: When you play to impress people, you lose. But when you play to win, you impress people.

"Word!" A teammate comments.

COACH DOMINIC: Now go out there and make us proud!

After recess, Evans High School cafeteria.

ADRIAN: Is that the bell? Recess is over already? Lunch period seems to be getting shorter nowadays.

ANDERSON: That's because you got much workload on you, you just seem not to notice how time flies.

LOUIS: Anderson is right. Your workload increased the moment you were elected class president.

ADRIAN: I won't deny. You know, with great power comes great responsibility.

LOUIS: Hey! Don't do that!

ADRIAN: Do what?

LOUIS: Don't make any Spider-Man jokes, a kid in our school died some days ago in a Spider-Man suit.

ADRIAN: Oh shit, I didn't think of that... and about that, I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the police station with you guys yesterday. So how did it go?

ANDERSON: You won't believe it.

ADRIAN: Try me. (Showing keen interest)

ANDERSON: The murderer's been found although she's missing.

ADRIAN: How could she be missing if she was found?

LOUIS: What Anderson means is that from all possible investigation, it's been discovered who the actual murderer is but at the moment, she's nowhere to be found.

ANDERSON: We get it, you're the best in English Language in our class, you don't have to show off your A+.

ADRIAN: Second actually.


ADRIAN: Second... Louis is the second best. I'm the best in English Language in our class.

LOUIS: Now who's the show off? (Making a face and sharing a look with Anderson)

ADRIAN: You keep mentioning 'she', you mean our main suspect?

ANDERSON: Yeah, man. It's been Lisa the whole time. We just wanted to be certain that...

"Are your ears and eyes for fancy?" The cafeteria cleaner interrupts, yelling.

LOUIS: What sort of retarded question is this?

"Didn't you hear the bell? Or can't you see other students leaving? Get the hell out of here or I'll mop your ugly faces along with these tiles!"

ADRIAN: Listen up, you dick! (He springs up to his feet and faces the guy head on) You don't get to barge in on us and start yelling. We're seniors, show some respect!

"Whoa... all hail the seniors"

ADRIAN: And in case you don't know, I'm the class president.

"Pardon my manners, Mr President... Barack Obama of Evans High"

ADRIAN: Very funny. Now you listen to me... I've got more rights in this cafeteria than you do. Hold on, the last time I checked, you had no fucking right. Hold onnnn... last time I checked, you weren't even working here.

LOUIS: Obviously he's new and he doesn't know his job, do the honors of reminding him.

ADRIAN: Gladly. Rather than sticking your nose in students' biz, try to focus more on cleaning tables, clearing trash and mopping.

"Which is exactly what I'm doing, that's why I need y'all to get the fuck out or I'll mop your ugly faces with the tiles like I said earlier"

LOUIS: Is it my ears or did this douchebag just call us ugly? Looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Sorry, I forgot, you're just a cleaner, getting a mirror would weigh down your budget.

"Repeat that statement and I'll smack you with this mop stick"

ADRIAN: Try that and you'll be sorry.

"Is that a threat?"

ADRIAN: It's a guarantee... (He goes closer to the guy and eyes him) ...you'll be sorry.

LOUIS: Dude, it's pointless exchanging words with a retard. Let's bounce. (They leave the cafeteria reluctantly)

"Stupid brats!" He says, after they've left.

The hallway leading to class...

LOUIS: But guys, you know we were at fault, yeah? (Laughing)

ADRIAN: I know, but he came off rude and I couldn't let that slide. If he talks that way to other students, it looks like his roll is over because he just met the class president of Evans High.

ANDERSON: That's right! He needs to know what time it is. (Adrian laughs)

LOUIS: Honestly, I've never seen you stand up to anyone, no offense.

ADRIAN: None taken. You see, with great power...

LOUIS: For the umpteenth time, you're not Peter Parker. Shut up!

ADRIAN: Okay, okay!

LOUIS: What's up with you, man? (Looking at Anderson) You were totally quiet the whole time we exchanged words with cleaner. That's so unlike you.

ANDERSON: I was trying so hard to manage my temper, that's why I didn't say shit. You know me too well, I could have sealed his lips with just one punch. (Demonstrating with his fist) But I've been on detention three times this semester. Had I punched him, I'd have guaranteed myself a fourth time. He ain't worth the punishment.

ADRIAN: Burn! That's so mean. By the way, we were talking about Octavio's murderer. (He reaches for his smartphone after feeling a vibration in his pocket)

LOUIS: Yeah, Sheriff Garcia told us that...

ADRIAN: Oh, wow. (Looking at his phone screen)


ADRIAN: I just got an update on the investigation. My guy on the inside sent me this...

LOUIS: You have a guy on the inside? Inside of a police station?

ADRIAN: Uhm, yeah.

LOUIS: Cool! (Sharing a look with Anderson) so what's the update?

ADRIAN: Come see. (Holding out his phone, Louis and Anderson come closer to read the message)


Prime suspect now confirmed murderer.

Name: Lisa Jonas

Age: 33

Gender: Female

Status: Single

Occupation: Bar attendant at Ashland Blues.

Evidence: samples of blood and hair strands found on the deceased came back to match the artistic description of her after running her DNA through our database and forensics.

ANDERSON: Hmm. The police better find that bitch or I'mma look for her myself and when I find her, I'mma rip her heart out just like she did to Octavio!

LOUIS: Easy, boy... Easy. (Patting Anderson's shoulder, they walk to class)

01:16pm, Cleave Hills High.

The school bus drives into the school premises and parks in the usual spot. The coach, the Tigers and the Wild Cats all get off the bus. Everyone is looking unhappy.

COACH DOMINIC: I've got only one thing to say... (Taking a moment to glare at every teammate) ...Y'all are a disappointment!

"That's not fair, Mr Dom—-"

COACH DOMINIC: No one asked for your opinion! (He silences the bus driver as he tries to interfere) I'm talking to my team, got that? What do you even know about sports?

"I played lacrosse in highschool..."

COACH DOMINIC: Oh, you did?

"Yeah. And I was also..."

COACH DOMINIC: I don't give a fuck!... I don't give two fucks! (He kicks the front tyre and storms off)

MARCELLO: Guys... (he clears his throat) ...we can't blame our coach for being so grumpy. Even though he's supposed to do better than talking down on us... or Mr Harlan... (Glancing at the driver and apologizing with a nod). We all know that his behavior is stemming from pure frustration. What matters is that we did our best. This isn't the end. More tournaments will come. Thank you Karen, Beverly, Rita, Miley... Can't keep track of all your names, girls but that doesn't mean y'all ain't important... Thank you, Wild Cats for supporting and cheering us out there. And to my brothers... (he glances at every teammate) ...y'all were amazing. We didn't win, but I'm not gonna count it as a loss either. Try to kill us and watch us live to fight again. Try to tame us, and the wilder we get. Because we're Tigers forever!

"Yeaahhhh!!" The team responds.

MARCELLO: Tigers on me, everyone. Tigers on three (He stretches out his palm faced down for a group huddle and all the teammates gather round and stretch out their palms too) ...One! Two! Three!...


MARCELLO: That's right! (He exhales)

The teammates go wild, feeling better than before and regaining their morale despite their defeat.

KAREN: You're a true paragon of a leader. (She walks up to Marcello, whispering and giving him a supportive hug) Wish you guys luck in the next tournament. Go, Cap!

MARCELLO: Thank you. But you forget that I won't be captain by then. Anyway, I'm a tiger forever and I wish my team the best, thanks again. If you'll excuse me, I gotta wash up. (He kisses her forehead, about to leave but she holds him back)

KAREN: Doing anything tonight?

MARCELLO: Uhm... nope... you?

KAREN: Nope.

MARCELLO: Okay... (He smirks)

KAREN: So... (Touching his shoulder) ...your place or mine?

MARCELLO: Wow. You're bold and straightforward.

KAREN: Don't make me repeat my question.

MARCELLO: My place sucks.

KAREN: Mine doesn't. (They share a chuckle). I'll text you the address. (She bites her lips, running her fingers from his shoulder down to his chest before walking away)

MARCELLO: Okay. (He smiles, watching her leave). Did that just happen?

The cheerleaders file out, following Karen. Some teammates hang around to talk about the match while Elvis goes to sit on an elevated concrete by the corner of the parking lot, resting his back against the wall with a damp towel covering his face.