
Shapeshifter: Post Encounter

Previously... on TEENAGERS

Anderson Blackwell is gradually recovering from a traumatizing experience of fire. How did he survive a gas explosion if his family died in the same fire?

Matilda, doing what she knows how to do best... plot evil. She sets Tyler up and gets him suspended from school as payback for bailing out on her when she needed him.

So how's your favorite basketball player coping with the suspension? Terribly, as you can see. Despite being grounded by his dad as a punishment for suspension, he still goes out to play in the neighborhood and what comes next? He's basketball-banned. At this moment he understands exactly how Elvis must have felt when he was football-banned by his dad. Apparently, Tyler doesn't seem to handle the ban too well, he flees from home.

Can Matilda be stopped? Probably, but presently it doesn't seem so. A couple of attempts are made against her which all end up unsuccessful. Trying to take out someone who has eyes and ears everywhere is obviously not a walk in the park.

Observing a new nasty character development in Gustavo, trying to put two brothers at loggerheads all because of jealousy.

Matilda has been caught? And suspended? No one saw that coming. It's still advisable for the kids to watch their backs because villains are hard to contain.

News Flash! Your favorite basketball player is back is school. Bad bitch gone, suspension withdrawn!

Halloween: Tyler and Laura begin to share some chemistry. You'd see more from 'TYRA' as you read on. Night of Halloween, Octavio is murdered. Reason still unknown, nothing seems to add up.

Elena's involvement in Peggy's situation gets her in trouble as she goes missing on the night of their 'grave digging' escapade. As the saying goes "Curiosity killed the cat", let's hope she's not the cat in this situation.


It is a cold Friday just like the previous days because it has been snowing for close to two weeks. Emily and her boys along with her sister, Claire, are taking a stroll to Dalton's Café, all geared up in their winter jackets and boots.

"Happy new year, ma'am"

EMILY: What's there to be happy about? (She snaps at the attendant who came to take their orders)

CLAIRE: Come on, sis. Don't be like that. (She rubs Emily's shoulder gently then turns to the attendant) sorry, happy new year to you too.

"Thank you" He smiles. "So what would you prefer?"

CLAIRE: A cup of latte for me and espresso for them.

ELVIS: Make mine double expresso.

"Alright. A cup of latte, two cups of espresso and one double espresso. Anything else?" He jots down.

CLAIRE: What would y'all have?

EMILY: Anything, girl. Don't ask me.

CLAIRE: How about you boys? Anything also? (They nod. She observes that everyone's in a foul mood today so she orders for them) We'll have a croissant each.

ELVIS: I want mine with chocolate inside.

"Three regular and one choc, got it!..."

CLAIRE: Hey, one more thing.

"What's that?"

CLAIRE: I want my name on my cup... just for the fun of it. Y'all better spell it properly. It's 'Claire' with an 'E' at the end, okay?

"Got it. I'll be back shortly with your orders, please excuse me"

CLAIRE: Em, you didn't have to be rude to the guy.

EMILY: I'm just not in a good mood, Claire.

CLAIRE: I figured. What's going on?

EMILY: What do you mean 'what's going on'? You know what's going on!

CLAIRE: Yeah, I know... I'm sorry... you're thinking of Ethan and Elena again.

EMILY: Of course... I can't seem to think of anything else. They've been in coma for more than a month. They didn't even get to spend Christmas with us. I'm trying to be positive here but I don't think I'm strong enough.

ERIC: You are, mom. We should be grateful that they're in coma. Think of the cops who died, their families would never get to see them again. Think about David, have you thought about how he's holding up? His kid sister wasn't so lucky, she was killed by the shapeshifter. You see, mom... you're strong enough to remain positive. I believe dad and Elena would be out of coma soon.

CLAIRE: Eric is right, we should be grateful for...

ELVIS: Looks like dad is gonna be up really really soon.

EMILY: How do you know that?

ELVIS: I just saw it.

EMILY: You saw what? Where? (She's about to ask more questions when she's interrupted by a call. She picks up the phone) Hello, Diana. I'm okay, I'm holding up, and you? You're at the hospital today? Oh, so how are things going with... what?! Are you sure of what you're telling me? Oh my... oh my God! I'm coming right away! I'll see you there. (She ends the call, excited)

CLAIRE: Don't keep us waiting. What's the good news?

EMILY: It was Diana calling from the hospital.

ERIC: We know that already, mom. Tell us the news. (Anxious)

EMILY: Ethan's awake! Your dad just opened his eyes. (Getting up to leave just as the attendant arrives holding a tray containing their orders)

CLAIRE: Thanks goodness!... hey, hey! Hold on, sis. Where do you think you're going? (Holding Emily back as she tries to contain her happiness)

EMILY: The hospital, obviously.

CLAIRE: We just ordered something, chill out. Once we're done eating, we'll all head down to the hospital.

ERIC: I'm so happy about dad's recovery. And Elvis... your visions are correct once again, but this one seemed to play out real quick.

EMILY & CLAIRE: Visions?

ELVIS: Uhm... (clears throat) mom, aunt... yeah, I see visions, although they're blurry, not so clear. It began recently. I wanted to keep it from people so they don't think I'm weird or a freak, that's why I didn't tell you guys about it initially. But I'm done hiding it.

EMILY: You're not a freak, Elvis. (She stretches her hand across the table to touch his palm and squeeze it lightly)

Later in the evening... Ravens, the town's graveyard. It is really cold out there and quiet, coats of snow rest on the edges and tips of the withering leaves of trees, the wrought iron fence and stone angels. David, the boy who almost got run over by Ethan. He's standing in front of a tombstone with the inscriptions "ARIA GALBRAITH 2006-2015". He drops the flower he brought on the grave and sits beside it.

DAVID: Happy new year, baby sis. (He mutters, holding back tears) I just hope you're happy wherever you are. You almost survived that heart disease... the doctors said your chances were high... we... we were all happy for you... but that beast came and took you away. Why? Why?! (Sobbing) I tried my best to save you... I looked everywhere for you... but when I found you it was too late. (Still sobbing) it... it was too late.

"Don't let my absence hurt you this much, big brother. It's not your fault. You've always been my hero since our parents were gone... sadly, I'm gone too, but I'll always be with you. Don't let this break you down. You've got a lot to live for... and a lot to fight for"

DAVID: Aria? Is... is that you? (He looks up and sees her standing in front of him) Aria! Aria! I miss you, don't leave.

Getting up, he moves closer, trying to touch her but her image fades into thin air.

DAVID: Of course... she's dead, it's only my imagination. The voice I'm hearing is just in my head. (He goes back to sit beside the tombstone, reminiscing on the moments he shared with his sister)

05:01pm... There's a sound of an intercom calling out codes as Emily, her kids and her sister walk into a ward. They are greeted by a metallic tang from stainless steel in the open air and the sound from a beeping monitor.

ETHAN: Y'all missed me, huh? (He chuckles) it feels like it happened just yesterday. Remind me, Doc, how long have I been here?

DIANA: Fifty-one days.

ETHAN: You gotta be kidding me, that's over seven weeks! (Trying to sit up, he grunts). Why does my shoulder hurt?

DIANA: The pain is from the aftermath of your encounter with that beast.

ETHAN: What beast?

EMILY: Don't tell me you woke up with amnesia.

DIANA: Forgotten?... you, the cops, the sheriff... the shapeshifter. Remember now?

ETHAN: Oh yeah... the shapeshifter.

CLAIRE: Relax, sis. His memory is in tact. (She whispers to Emily)

ETHAN: Wait! The shapeshifter... (He clenches his teeth) Where's Elena?!

EMILY: Elena's fine, she's alive. (Rubbing his hair gently) She's still in coma though, we're all hoping she wakes up soon.

ETHAN: My little girl... she doesn't deserve to be in this condition. (He pauses briefly) What about that kid? What's his name?

ERIC: David?

ETHAN: Yeah, David. Is his sister also in coma?

ELVIS: She didn't make it.

ETHAN: Shit. He must be devastated... (Pausing) where's he?

ERIC: I'm guessing he's at Ravens. He was gloomy throughout yesterday, and this morning he asked him to go with him to the flower shop, he bought some tulips.

EMILY: We need to do all we can to support that kid. He needs a family right now and it seems like we're all he's got.