
Shapeshifter: Post Encounter 2

A week later, the Holmes place.

"Bonnie!" She calls out, walking to her daughter's room.

BONNIE: Yeah, mom?

VIVIAN: There's some food in the fridge, heat it up when you're hungry. (She opens the door and peeks in) I'm going for my evening shift. I dunno where the hell Tyler is but you two take care of the house, okay?


VIVIAN: Alright, bye. I love you! (She closes the door behind her)

BONNIE: Love you too! (Resuming back to the game she was playing on her phone: Piano Tiles) Ughr! Why's this level so difficult to pass? Gotta beat Laura's high score so I can wipe the smug look off her face when next I see her.

She taps furiously on her screen with so much focus but eventually fails the level because she's distracted by a familiar piano sound coming from the neighbor's place.

BONNIE: Whoa... is that...? (She drops her phone to listen clearly) He's playing that same rhythm again, been a while since I heard it. I wonder what his mood is like today. (Getting up and looking out her window, directly to Eric's)

The Mance's place... The twins are in Eric's room, catching up.

ELVIS: Nice. You're really good at this. (Watching Eric as he hits the last note)

DAVID: Of course, he is. (Walking into the room)

ERIC & ELVIS: Hey, David.

DAVID: Hey, guys! (Shaking hands with each of them) I was bored at home so I decided to come over, do you mind?

ELVIS: Come on, man! Make yourself comfortable.

ERIC: You're welcome here anytime. Hey! You should totally check out the cool stuff on my laptop. Games, funny videos and all that. And I've got some comic books too.

DAVID: Thanks, guys. (He goes to the piano and places him palm on it then glances at Eric) That rhythm... you were playing it for Elena, right?

ELVIS: You were? (Looking at Eric)

ERIC: Yeah... (surprised) How do you know?

DAVID: Because I know everything... just kidding! (He chuckles) you see, most people play the piano according to their moods... anger, sadness, pain, fulfillment... I can read your mood, you're neither in a good mood nor bad mood. You're just hopeful... or expectant... waiting and praying for your sister to get out of coma, so you just felt like filling the air with some music.

The twins share a look.

ERIC: I dunno how you do this, David, but you're absolutely correct. I'm thinking about our sister. You know, winter break is almost over, second semester starts on Monday... and she's still in coma.

ELVIS: Have faith, Eric. Isn't that what you always tell us?

ERIC: You're right. (He leaves the piano and goes to sit on the bed)

ELVIS: So, Dude... hope you're... you know... hope you're okay.

DAVID: You're asking if I'm still grieving over my sister? Of course. But I'll get through this. (He gives a pale smile) Hey! What movie is that you're holding?

ELVIS: This? It's 'Captain America: Civil War', borrowed it from Marcello a couple days ago, I'll be stopping by at his place later today to return it.

DAVID: Uhm... did he give you a deadline?

ELVIS: Nope. It's just a movie, why would he?

DAVID: Okay then, so could you return it tomorrow? If you don't mind.

ELVIS: You wanna borrow it?

DAVID: Yeah. I've been hearing a lot about it, I'm getting tired of the spoilers.

ELVIS: No problem, man. Here you go. (Handing him the movie)

DAVID: Thanks.

ELVIS: You're welcome (His phone vibrates and a message notification pops up on the screen) Hey, I'll be back. A couple of the TIGERS wanna meet up. Catch you two later. (He leaves the room)

David and Eric are busy watching videos on his laptop when Ethan walks in.

ETHAN: David, you're here. (Patting him on the shoulder)

DAVID: Hey, Ethan. Doing okay?

ETHAN. Definitely. I'm kicking! How you doing? I know it hasn't been easy.

DAVID: I'm alright, Ethan. Thanks.

ETHAN: Where's Elvis?

ERIC: He went out, he said he had to meet up with the TIGERS.

ETHAN: He should have at least informed me. I wanted us all to go see Elena today, your mom's still at work.

ERIC: That's not a problem, he'll come with us another day or go alone later.

ETHAN: Wanna come with us, David? If that's okay.

DAVID: It's okay, I'll come.

ETHAN: Alright. I'll go get the car key. (He puts on the jacket he was holding)

ERIC: I'll drive. Diana said you aren't completely okay and you should avoid stressful activities for now.

ETHAN: Who said driving is stressful? And when did you learn how to drive?

ERIC: Elvis, Tyler and I spent the whole winter break learning. We've gotten pretty good.

ETHAN: You kids are ridiculous, who learns how to drive in winter? (David chuckles) And whose car were you guys practicing with? Don't tell me it's my...

ERIC: Your car, of course. Sometimes, Tyler's dad's truck.

ETHAN: Brady let you kids practice driving in winter?

ERIC: Relax, dad. We were under his supervision. It was safe.

ETHAN: Hmm, if you say so. But please be very careful with the four wheeler, I'm not ready to go into another coma. (David chuckles)

In front of their lawn. Tiny specs of ice float down as the snow blazes in the sun, radiating a heat that tempts one to step outside but sucks the warmth the moment you do. Sheen curls himself up on the doormat by the door, staring blankly.

ETHAN: Don't be sad, Sheen. Elena would come back to you soon, I know you miss her. I'd have taken you along but animals aren't allowed in her ward. (He squats beside the dog to pet it, it sticks out its tongue) We won't stay too long, okay? Behave yourself, don't mess up the house... most importantly, don't pee on my flower plants! Got that?

"Woof woof!"

ETHAN: Attaboy! (He chuckles, getting up and heading to the car with Eric and David)

The hospital. An antiseptic smell greets them as they walk through the hallway leading to Elena's ward, one might guess that a vomit was just cleaned up. On getting to the ward, they meet Zoey.

ZOEY: Hey, Ethan. Hey, Eric! ...uhm... David, yeah? Hi!

DAVID: Hi (he smiles, watching as she plays with Eric's hair)

ETHAN: Zoey dear, your mom told us we'd find you here. She said Elena's been responding pretty good lately. (He sits on a chair beside Elena's bed)

ZOEY: Yeah. She even responded to me while I was talking to her. I told her how boring the winter break has been without having to hang out with her. I talked about the crazy and fun stuff we'd have done together like ice skating, snowball fights and so on. I even teased her about the times she'd act like a baby, I told her that Santa left a pack of diapers under the Christmas tree for her... and immediately, she grabbed my fingers because I was holding her hand. (They all share a laugh)

ERIC: That's good news. Hopefully, she'll be awake soon.

"Sweetheart" A lady calls out, as the sound of her footsteps approach.

ZOEY: Yeah, mom?

DIANA: Your uncle just called, he's coming over with...

ZOEY: Uncle Harrison's coming? Whoa!

DIANA: Yeah, with the kids. I'll need you to go to the grocery store right now to get some stuff for the kids. Here's my card.

ZOEY: Alright, mom. I'll do just that. Bye guys! (She goes to Elena's bed and kisses her forehead, collects the credit card from her mom and hurries out of the ward)

ETHAN: Such a happy child. (He shares a smile with Diana)