

Sunday noon, the Holmes's place.

The door bell rings.

BONNIE: Finally! You're here. Been waiting all day. (She says just as she opens the door)

"Been waiting for us?"

BONNIE: Uh-oh. Elvis?... and Eric? What's up?

ELVIS: Expecting someone else?

BONNIE: Yeah, kinda.

ERIC: Tyler asked us to come over.

BONNIE: Sure, come in. (Making way for them to pass)

ERIC: You look great. Got a hot date?

BONNIE: Yeah. (Blushing) thanks. I'm waiting for my boyfriend, he's supposed to be here already.

ERIC: He's a lucky guy to... (the door bell rings again, interrupting him)

BONNIE: I hope that's him this time. (Going to get the door)

A tall Afro American guy in jeans, animal print bomber jacket and black timberland boots walks into the living room with Bonnie, both of them holding hands together.

ANDERSON: Sup? (He greets the boys with a smirk and a slightly raised brow)

BONNIE: Guys, this is Anderson, my boyfriend. Anderson... my neighbors, Eric and Elvis. (She introduces everybody respectively)

ANDERSON: Nice coats. (He shakes hands with both of them)

ERIC & ELVIS: Thanks.

ANDERSON: You mind if I... (He takes out a mini camera form his jacket pocket)

ELVIS: Sure, go on.

TYLER: That pic's gonna be ugly without me in it. (He shows up in the living room, joining the pic)

ANDERSON: You actually just made the pic ugly.

TYLER: Fuck you.

ANDERSON: Go fuck Dylan instead. (Tyler and Bonnie laugh while Elvis and Eric just stare at them, not getting the joke)

Anderson and Tyler and Bonnie bicker briefly, leaving the Mance twins by themselves just staring at them. Shortly, Bonnie and her boyfriend leave for their date.

TYLER: I heard Elena's recovering.

ELVIS: Yeah. I just can't wait for her to wake. I miss talking to her.

ERIC: Tell me about it, she can be so sweet.

TYLER: I miss annoying her, and I miss the attitude she always gives me. (He chuckles)


ELVIS: I'm being serious here, FIFA'16 would be out next week. Dunno 'bout NBA though but damn! Can't wait to lay my hands on it, I'll beat you two hands down.

ERIC: Stop acting like you're some pro gamer.

ELVIS: I... am... a pro gamer. (Grinning)

TYLER: He's yet to encounter someone who's better than him, but it's gonna happen soon.

ELVIS: Soon? More like never. (Laughing gloatingly)


TYLER: Why don't we drive somewhere we could chill and have some cappuccinos?

ERIC: Sounds good. Where? Starbucks?

TYLER: Nahh, I don't like Starbucks, and don't ask me why?

ERIC: Why? (Tyler glares at him) Oh, got it.

ELVIS: What of Dalton's Café?

TYLER: Hell no, Elvis! Why would you suggest that?

ELVIS: What's wrong with the place?

TYLER: It's wack. That's what's wrong.

ELVIS: No, it's not. Eric, remember that's where I took Gwen on our first date. (Eric says nothing but gives him an expressionless look) Uhm... you know what? I think you're right. Dalton's Café is wack.

TYLER: Glad we're on the same page.

ERIC: Why don't we try Tim Hortons? They also got nice donuts.

TYLER: Tim Hortons it is! Let's roll. If we're lucky enough, we'd get to hook up with some nice hot girls. (Adjusting the collar of his jacket)

ERIC: Hook up? Last time I checked, you had a girlfriend. Laura seems like a nice girl, why would you wanna cheat on...

TYLER: Spare me the lecture, man. If you're on a diet, it shouldn't stop you from looking at what's on the menu. (He winks)

ELVIS: My man! (He fist bumps Tyler) I love the way you think.

TYLER: Besides, Laura's got a thousand and one boyfriends. I'm just the main guy.

ERIC: So it's an open relationship?

TYLER: I dunno what to call it.

ERIC: Why wouldn't you know what to...

TYLER: Hey, why is my love life the topic of discussion? Let it go, man.

ERIC: You two are a weird ass couple.

An hour later, the police station. The interrogation room. There's a lady seated and cuffed to the table, looking distressed. With her in the room are the sheriff seated opposite her, across the table and a deputy standing beside the sheriff.

GORDON: We observed that you've been lying to us.

LISA: Err... how d-do you mean?

GORDON: Lisa Jonas! I want the whole story. (Banging his fist on his table, startling her a bit)

LISA: What else do you wanna know? I already told you I was possessed by some spirit which made me do those terrible things. I'm not lying, I swear!

She discreetly takes out a tiny sharp metal from the edge of her sleeve in order to pick the locks on the handcuffs while she stalls to buy herself more time.

GORDON: Your statement is not entirely false but you're holding back some vital facts and it's beginning to piss me off. You don't wanna meet me when I'm pissed off, I promise you.

LISA: Are you... thr-threatening me? That's... that's illegal. It's illegal to threaten a suspect during an interrogation.

GORDON: Oh, you wanna teach me the constitution, huh? She wants to... she wants to teach me the constitu-hahaha... (He laughs hysterically, looking around briefly, and sharing a look with his deputy) Alright, since you know so much about the law, I bet you're already aware of the penalty for murder here in Michigan. It's life imprisonment. Life!... without parole.

LISA: In my defense, it was a manslaughter. I d-didn't mean to... to kill that kid.

GORDON: In your defense? You have no defense here! I'm surprised you haven't requested for a lawyer yet. Probably because you already know that this is a case you can't win. So why don't you give us all the facts we need, and perhaps, just perhaps, the court might be merciful enough to give you a reduced sentence. How does 25 years sound? Not bad, right? At least you won't rot behind bars. (He pauses briefly, allowing what his said to sink in her head before continuing) I'm gonna ask again... tell us all we need to know.

LISA: What things?

She asks, distracting the Sheriff with stupid questions to take away attention from her hands as she successfully unlocks the cuffs but still maintains her position, preparing to flee.

GORDON: Wanna play dumb, huh? Alright. I'll give you a run-through of our findings.

He drops the file on the table, and his pen on the file. He gets up from his seat, goes over to where she's seated and sits on the table in front of her, facing her directly. The deputy moves over too and stands behind her chair, his hands holding the backrest. Lisa begins to breathe hard.

GORDON: We contacted a bunch of your friends and asked them a few questions. They all made it clear to us that you haven't spoken to any of them ever since the incident at Evans High, they also said that they haven't been able to reach you. We talked to your fellow occupants in the apartment you live in...

LISA: Lousy neighbors. (She says under her breath)

GORDON: Sorry, what was that? (He brings his head closer like he's trying to hear her clearly) You getting worried? Don't. After all, you're innocent, right? (He chuckles). Anyway, they all said they hadn't seen you since the incident. But just one of the cleaners mentioned seeing you once. He said...

LISA: Actually, the thing is...

GORDON: Do not interrupt me again. (He glares at her). He said he spotted you one particular night, sneaking in and out hurriedly. Lemme guess, you went there to grab something important? Like an evidence that could incriminate you? I dunno, I'm just guessing. But you could help me out here. You care to spill?

LISA: I... I dunno what you're talking about.

GORDON: You dunno? (He glances at his deputy) She doesn't know what I'm talking about (He chuckles) We also talked to one of your coworkers at Ashland Blues recently. She mentioned seeing a new strange tattoo on your back while you were changing into your work uniforms in the ladies broom. She stated that this was two days before Halloween so she didn't bother asking or talking to you about it because she felt you were just being in a spooky mood. I'd like you to tell us what it's like. Better still, show it to us. (Looking her in the eye)

LISA: I've got no tattoo.

GORDON: Listen up, miss, here's how it's gonna go... you either reveal the tattoo yourself or I'll have my female deputies undress you coercively. Decide.

The sheriff is about to say something when a boy barges in. "I know what the tattoo looks like, I've seen it before"

DEPUTY: What you doing here, kid? We're in the middle of a serious interrogation. Who let him in here?

GORDON: Hey, hey! Let him speak. (Shutting the deputy up and turning to the boy) You said you've seen the tattoo before.


GORDON: I wanna know everything you know.

DAVID: It's a serpent wrapped around an upside down crucifix. It means agreement.

GORDON: And how do you know that?

DAVID: I've read about it, it's an agreement symbol between demons and mortals. It appears on any part of the mortal's body right after a deal has been made.

GORDON: Wait, what? (He turns to Lisa) What's the kid talking about? You made a deal with the devil, huh? Literally (He chuckles)

LISA: I want a lawyer! (She screams)

GORDON: Oh, you're gonna get one, sweetheart. But right now I need to see that tattoo. Hand her over to the female deputies to have the tattoo checked!

LISA: Not happening! (She gets out of the cuffs, jumps on the table to avoid the sheriff, deputy and David, scampering out of the interrogation room)

GORDON: What the hell?! Go after her!

DEPUTY: On it! (He dashes out)

DAVID: Y'all better find her. (He glared at the sheriff, about to leave the interrogation room when the sheriff stops him.

GORDON: Hey! We will. We'll definitely find her, she couldn't have gotten so far... (David nods)... Are you not the kid who was with Detective Mance the night we went after the shapeshifter?

DAVID: Yes... I am.

GORDON: I'm sorry for your loss.

David gives a pale smile and walks away.