
Settling In 2

Friday morning. Eric, Elvis and David get off the school bus along with the noisy bunch of students as they head to the main entrance.

ELVIS: Your first day in Cleave Hills... as a sophomore, how do you feel?

DAVID: Words can't describe. (He smilies)

ERIC: I know how you feel. There's a whole lot waiting for you to explore, you don't need to stress over the idea of having friends. Our friends are your friends, and that's over a dozen for starters.

"Elvis! Eric! My boys! Love the hoodies. Cold season fashion, just what I love to see!" A guy greets them, walking by.

ELVIS: Sup, Peter? Why didn't you say hi to our boy? (He pats David on the shoulder)

PETER: I dunno him. (He shrugs)

ERIC: His name's David Galbraith, sophomore. He's new here.

PETER: Oh, my bad. Welcome to hell, bro. You're gonna hate it here.

DAVID: What?

ERIC: Hey, he's just joking. (Glancing at David)

PETER: I'm not. (He chuckles)

DAVID: Anyway, thanks man. You appear to be in a hurry, got a pending assignment you're yet to complete? Go, I don't wanna waste anymore of your time.

PETER: How the hell did you know? (He shares a look with Elvis and Eric) This guy totally gets me. See you around, boys! (Increasing his pace as he leaves)

ELVIS: That's my lab partner for chemistry... unfortunately.

DAVID: Unfortunately?

ELVIS: Yeah. He's quite... dumb.

ERIC: That's so not cool. Just because he's not great at chemistry, that doesn't give you the right to call him dumb.

ELVIS: Whoa, chill out, man. Why you defending him?

ERIC: That's the same way I defended you when Gustavo called you a dummy.

ELVIS: Wait, what? When did he say that?

ERIC: The day I stood in for you in the chemistry lab.

ELVIS: How come you never told me?

ERIC: I didn't think there was any need to do so... until now.

DAVID: Uhm... you two need a moment? I could find my way around the school.

ELVIS: Not a chance!

ERIC: Yeah... you ain't getting rid of us that easily. We're your tour guide for today.

DAVID: If you say so. (He smirks)

ELVIS: Sorry I called Peter dumb, I know I'm a jerk.

ERIC: This is not new information.

ELVIS: Damn! Can you not make apologies difficult?

ERIC: Where's the fun in that?

Just about getting to the door of the main entrance, a deep revving engine sound approaches as a motorcycle corners them. "Sup?" The rider takes off his helmet.

ERIC & ELVIS: Marcello!

MARCELLO: How's it going? (He raises a brow)

ELVIS: New helmet, all black leather gear... okay! I see you!

ERIC: I'm over here wondering if this is still Cleave Hills or Gotham City.

ELVIS: It's gotta be Gotham City because last time I checked, his motorcycle wasn't sounding like a bat-mobile.

MARCELLO: You two are unbelievable. (He chuckles). I changed the engine.

ELVIS: Cool! Sick!

MARCELLO: Just wanted to drop these. (Handing two cards to Elvis and Eric)

ERIC: What's this?

MARCELLO: A party invite.

ELVIS: The party's rated 18?

MARCELLO: Nope... not exactly. Why you asking?

ELVIS: The card says "R/18/18"

MARCELLO: Haha, dumb ass. You know Roy, yeah?

ELVIS: Roy Trenton? Senior? Wide receiver? Jersey number 18? That Roy?

MARCELLO: Yeah, him. He's turning 18 tomorrow.

ELVIS: Oh... R/18/18, I get it now.

MARCELLO: Party starts at 7pm tomorrow. Come with your invites to avoid getting bounced.

ERIC: Roger that.

MARCELLO: Who's the dude? (He shares a look with Elvis and Eric before resting his gaze on David)

ELVIS: Oh, this is David.

MARCELLO: (He takes a long look at David) Freshman?

DAVID: Sophomore.

MARCELLO: Y'all related?

ERIC: Nope, but we're good friends.

ELVIS: Tight buds.

MARCELLO: How come I've never seen y'all together?

DAVID: I'm new here.

MARCELLO: Oh, cool. (He stretches out a fist for a fist bump) Any friend of my boy, Elvis, is a friend of mine. Welcome on board.

DAVID: Thanks!

MARCELLO: Alright, see y'all later.

ELVIS: Hey, just a second, man. Could you do me a solid?

MARCELLO: What do you need?

ELVIS: I need an extra party invite.

MARCELLO: Lemme guess, for him? (Referring to David)

ELVIS: Yeah, I'll really appreciate it.

DAVID: Stop worrying about me, guys. I'm good, you two go have fun.

ELVIS: Shut up, man. I'm in the middle of a negotiation.

MARCELLO: I wasn't expecting him but that won't be a problem. I'm out of invites now, come find me later today, I'll give you one more.

ELVIS: Thanks, man...

MARCELLO: Hey! I'm only doing this because of you, this party ain't for the general public, that's why we didn't announce it. So don't go telling no one that you three were invited, alright?

ELVIS: You got it, boss.

ERIC: Lips sealed.

MARCELLO: Okay then. Remember our game next week. Miss a day of practices and you're dead.

ELVIS: Got it.

MARCELLO: I'm serious. Dead! No one will find your body.

ELVIS: Understood. (He laughs) Not missing a single day of practice, cap!

MARCELLO: Good. Later, fools. (He wheels away)

Recess, Evans High, the cafeteria.

BONNIE: Whoa, so that's the van I saw on your WhatsApp profile photo? Amazing!

ANDERSON: Tell me 'bout it. Louis took care of the design. (Louis smirks, flashing a 'peace' hand sign)

LOUIS: I'll be acting as manager as well as photographer and videographer.

BONNIE: Great.

ANDERSON: Yeah, Bee. You and I would focus on the singing and song writing. I'll be the guitarist as well.

BONNIE: What about Dylan?

ANDERSON: He's our drummer.

BONNIE: Oh, I forgot. Alright, everything's set.

LAURA: Really? Everything's set? And there's no slot for me? I guess I'm not welcome to be a part of the band. (She gets up, pretending to leave)

BONNIE: Sit your ass down, bitch.

ANDERSON: You've been a part of the band right from its creation so what you talking 'bout?

LAURA: If I'm a part of this band then I should be involved in something productive. Everyone has their assigned roles except me.

ANDERSON: I wasn't even done talking.

LAURA: My bad. (She sits back down with a naughty look, trying to suppress her smile)

ANDERSON: Why would anyone be left out when there's so much to be done? Laura, can you handle social media stuff?

LAURA: You mean creating accounts on all platforms, using hashtags that stand out, studying and controlling the algorithm, posting pictures and videos, building an online fan base and keeping them updated on our gigs, lifestyle, future endorsements and all other fundamentals?

ANDERSON: You could have just said yes but your response shows that you're the perfect one for the job. (Laura smiles)

LAURA: Hold on a sec, let's do this real quick.

LOUIS: Do what?

LAURA: Group selfie! (She unlocks her phone, tilts it a little and angles the camera to capture everyone) Can we all misbehave for a minute? The pics are gonna be awesome, trust me.

BONNIE: You mean ridiculous?

LAURA: Ridiculously awesome? That works too.

ANDERSON: What are we waiting for? (He looks into the camera and flashes a wide grin) Hashtag faded flames! (Bonnie sticks her tongue out behind him)

LOUIS: Hashtag handsome manager! Correction: Most handsome manager!

LAURA: Hashtag band selfie! Hashtag cafeteria moments!

BONNIE: Cafeteria moments? Really?

ANDERSON: Hashtag we the best!

LOUIS: Uhm... As your manager, I'd advice we don't use that hashtag, I'm guessing it's already been trademarked by DJ khaled.

LAURA: Hashtag We rock! Hashtag happy face!

"Hashtag I need some help!"

They all turn to the direction of the boy standing by their table.


He goes over to the other side of the table where Laura is seated and grabs her can of soda.

LAURA: That's mine, jerk!

TYLER: It's mine now. Sup Anderson? Sup Louis?


LOUIS: Sixty nine. What do you need help with?

TYLER: Alright, I'll cut to the chase. I made a bet with someone, video game stuff. He challenged me to a FIFA match and he's really good. Like... goooooood! (He makes a face). But I didn't wanna look like a loser in front of him so I...

LOUIS: ...so you accepted the challenge and now you're realizing what a big mistake you made because you have no idea how you're gonna beat him and that's why you're here... you need gaming tips.

TYLER: Whoa... I know my last name is 'Holmes' but you're the fucking Sherlock here.

BONNIE: Okay, that was a smooth line. I think I know someone who could help you.

TYLER: Really, sis?

BONNIE: Sis? Oh, you actually acknowledge my presence? I thought I was invisible the whole time considering that you greeted everyone except me.

TYLER: You said you know someone who could help. Are you telling me or not?

BONNIE: I've got nothing to say to you. (Rolling her eyes)

TYLER: Aaaaand you're back to being invisible. (He turns to Louis and Anderson) please, help!

ANDERSON: You can't be mean to my girl and ask me for help the next minute. Apologize to your sister.

TYLER: The hell? (He chuckles, hesitating, then he looks at Anderson again) You're joking, right?

ANDERSON: Who's laughing?

TYLER: Goddamn it! Okay, fine... (He goes to Bonnie, takes out a chocolate bar from his jacket pocket and dumps it on her side of the table) You're not invisible.

BONNIE: Thank you! (She smiles)

ANDERSON: That wasn't so hard, was it?

TYLER: That was harder than doing deadlifts in the weight room.

ANDERSON: You're so dramatic! (He chuckles) alright... back to your problem...

TYLER: Finally.

ANDERSON: You can't possibly learn all 'bout FIFA in just a day but Louis and I would give you some tips. We're pro gamers.

LOUIS: What he said! (Raising a brow and nodding approvingly)

ANDERSON: Come to my place this evening, Louis would be around, Dylan too. We're working on some band stuff but we'll spare you some time to put you through the dos and don'ts of FIFA. I'll text you my address now.

TYLER: Thanks, man. I appreciate it! Bonnie, tell mom I'd be home late.

BONNIE: Tell her yourself

Tyler takes out another bar of chocolate from his pocket and tosses it at her.

TYLER: You were saying?

BONNIE: I'll tell mom you'll be home late. (She laughs)

LAURA: Damn girl, are you that cheap?

TYLER: Shut up, babe. Just say you want one.

LAURA: If you think I give a fuck about your stupid chocolates then you're probably right! Of course I want one! (She and Bonnie share a laugh as Tyler tosses his last chocolate bar to her)

LOUIS: Dude, are you a walking Walmart?

TYLER: Haha! See you guys in the evening! (He pecks Laura on the cheek and swaggers out of the cafeteria)

ANDERSON: Send those pics to me, Laura.

LAURA: Sure. Right after we take a few more.

LOUIS: As long as we don't get to say hashtag to anything. That's really silly.

ANDERSON: Guys, one more thing, we need a keyboardist. I'd ask around though.

BONNIE: A keyboardist? (A familiar piano sound begins playing in her head). I just might know someone.