January 23, The Police unit.
NISHAN: Sir, I and the others were driving downtown when we saw him lurking around the gate of the city graveyard. In order to know what he was up to, we pulled over and sneaked up on him. Tried to hold him down but he was so strong, he even punched me in the face. He came at me so fast so I had to...
GORDON: ...shoot him in the leg? I understand, self defense. (He clears his throat) For the last time, young man, who are you?
"Ughrr..." He struggles with his injured leg and cuffed hands. "Fuck you"
GORDON: Great. Tell me what you were doing around the gate of Ravens.
"Your boys come at me, cuff me and bring me to this shithole... all for what?"
GORDON: You tell me. All for what? I know you're up to something.
"I want a lawyer"
NISHAN: You won't be needing one. (Picking up a rifle)
GORDON: What you doing with that, Nishan?
"TWICKK!!" Nishan strikes the guy on the head with the edge of the gun and he passes out.
GORDON: Are you fucking stupid, Nishan?! What the hell was that for?
NISHAN: He obviously wasn't ready to talk and he was beginning to get annoying so I had to shut him up...
GORDON: And who gave you the right to do that?
NISHAN: I'm sorry sir but look on the bright side...
GORDON: What bright side? He could sue the department for police brutality.
NISHAN: And we'll counter sue his ass for assaulting an officer of the law. I mean... look at my face! He did this.
GORDON: I think you just wanted your pound of flesh, that's why you knocked him out. Happy now?
NISHAN: Yeah. And if he really wants to sue, we can throw in more charges like resisting arrest. Honestly, he gave us a hard time bringing him down here. I ain't scared of a courtroom.
GORDON: Hmm. (He shakes his head and exhales, exhausted)
NISHAN: As I was saying, sir... on the bright side, we'll take him to the hospital where they'll have some tests done on him. Just his fingerprint alone would reveal his database... who he is, where he works, stuff like that.
GORDON: Oh, wow. I wouldn't have figured that out without you. You're a genius! (Nishan scoffs at his sarcasm). The next time you act without command, I'll take your badge from you!
NISHAN: Understood, sir. I'm sorry.
GORDON: Let's get going. Stan, give Nishan a hand in carrying the guy to the car.
01:41pm, the Mance's place.
ETHAN: Really? I'll be there soon! (He hangs up the phone frantically, heading to the door where he bumps into Tyler who almost drops a bag of French fries he's holding)
TYLER: Hi Ethan. Sorry about that, didn't know you were behind the door.
ELVIS: No, please, my fault. I'm the one who's in a hurry. Hope you're good, and Bonnie?
TYLER: Yeah, we're good.
ETHAN: Great. Came to see the boys, huh?
TYLER: Sure.
ETHAN: Y'all have fun! (Hurrying to his car)
TYLER: Hello motherfuckers! (He kicks Elvis's room door open)
ERIC: 69 just touched down!
ELVIS: Been waiting for you, thought you chickened out.
ERIC: It's a power move. Keep you waiting so you'd get nervous.
TYLER: I don't need a power move to whoop his ass.
ELVIS: You love to talk smack, huh? I hope your action can match up.
TYLER: Are you ready to lose to me?
ELVIS: Alright (He scoffs) Let's see what you're made of.
ERIC: So how much you two betting?
TYLER: Ten bucks!
ELVIS: Whoa! Go big or go home, huh?
TYLER: Scared?
ELVIS: Really? (Chuckles) Select your team, I pick Madrid.
TYLER: Let's do countries, I pick Argentina.
ELVIS: I know you picked that country just because of a particular player. It's all good (Changing some settings in the game) Portugal, it is.
TYLER: Oh, come on! (He laughs) well, seems fair. You really wanna go with 3-2-5 formation?
ELVIS: Works for me. Select yours.
TYLER: 4-3-3.
ELVIS: Wanna substitute players?
TYLER: Nah, I'm good.
ELVIS: Wanna change jerseys?
TYLER: Dude, stop stalling and let's get down to business.
ELVIS: Alright then. Grab a pad, you're about to get schooled. (He takes out a handkerchief from his pocket).
TYLER: And what's that for? To wipe your tears when you lose?
ELVIS: This? Could be to wipe my tears... could be to wipe that smug look off your face, I dunno, time would tell.
TYLER: Ohhh... man (He scoffs) I gotta admit, your trash talk game is on point. Let's get this show on the road.
ERIC: Drumroll!
At the city hospital... Diana is outside, a few metres away from the entrance. She's talking with a discharged patient.
"Thanks a lot, Doc"
DIANA: Come on, it's my job. Just follow up your medications for the next two weeks and you'd be perfectly fine. And if you're not, come back here for us to...
She spots the sheriff and his deputy getting out of the sheriff's car and carrying an injured guy.
DIANA: I'm so sorry, Mason. Duty calls! (Hurrying to meet the sheriff)
GORDON: Good thing you're here. He needs help and we've got a lot to investigate.
DIANA: Harrison?! (The sheriff and Nishan share a look) Someone get a stretcher! (She alerts as they're entering the hospital) What happened to him?!
GORDON: He was shot.
DIANA: Does he have a pulse? I need to check.
GORDON: He's alive, Diana.
NISHAN: You know him?
DIANA: What the hell happened to my brother?
GORDON: Your what? Hold on a sec, this guy's a criminal, you sure of what you're saying?
DIANA: Am I sure of what I'm saying? Meaning what? Am I sure if he's my brother?
GORDON: I didn't mean it like that..:
DIANA: You said he's a cri— (she looks around and brings down her voice to a whisper) ...you said he's a criminal, what's his crime?
GORDON: That's still under investigation. He's been acting suspicious.
DIANA: How did he get shot?
The sheriff shares a look with Nishan before responding.
GORDON: I did.
DIANA: What?
GORDON: I shot him.
A nurse arrives with a stretcher.
DIANA: So technically, he didn't commit any crime and you shot him? I'm getting him a lawyer!
GORDON: Well, technically, he committed a crime, resisting arrest, assaulting a cop.... Look at my deputy's face! That could serve him quality time incarceration. You still want that lawyer?
DIANA: ...
GORDON: That's what I thought.
DIANA: I can see that it's a leg shot and it's still fresh so he couldn't have bled out so soon, so why's he unconscious?
GORDON: Can we just get him to the ward first? (Placing the guy on the stretcher)
DIANA: Rachael! Get the tray, we need to take out this bullet and stitch him up. (Taking off his pants to clean the wound)
RACHAEL: (Returning with the tray) Should I take his jacket off too?
DIANA: Are you new here? Take it off!
RACHAEL: Sorry. (Unbuttoning his jacket and taking it off his body) Uhm... guys... there's something you should see.
The sheriff, Nishan and Diana gather round.
NISHAN: What the...?
DIANA: When did he get this tattoo? And why does it look annoyingly familiar?
GORDON: A serpent wrapped around an upside down crucifix. (Touching the guy's right arm, recognizing the tattoo)
DIANA: Wait, I remember. You brought a crazy lady here sometime ago, the one who murdered a highschool kid, she had the same tattoo but at the back of her neck.
GORDON: Yeah, the agreement symbol. Looks like we got another Jue-tanje case.
DIANA: No no no... I ain't believing this. Harrison can't be involved in this. (Disgust visible on her face) My brother is a good guy.
GORDON: Is he?
Back at the Mance's place.
TYLER: Dude, I can't believe I'm whooping your ass.
ELVIS: 7 goals to 6, you call that whooping? This game's gonna end with one winner and that's me.
TYLER: Not on my watch.
ERIC: There's still eight minutes game time left, anything can happen.
ELVIS: Yeah, something like this! (Tapping the pad fiercely, the ball goes spinning into Tyler's goalpost)
TYLER: Shit! 7-7. Damn, I need one goal... one goal... just one... GOALLL!!! (He flings the pad and jumps off the bed, rejoicing like a winner)
ELVIS: Look at the screen, motherfucker. It's an offside. Hahaha!
TYLER: Wait, what?
ERIC: Pick up your pad and stop gawking! Three minutes left.
ELVIS: Why you gotta remind him?
TYLER: Come on, man! Tackle that punk!
ELVIS: Not possible, bro. He's my fastest player... it's time to kiss your ten bucks goodbye.
TYLER: Not on my watch!! (Tapping some buttons, his goalkeeper punches the ball away)
ERIC: Terrific!
ELVIS: I can't believe this ended in a draw. I gotta confess, this game was intense, every moment of it. But I almost beat your ass though.
TYLER: Say what now? If that last shot wasn't an offside, I'd have been ten dollars richer.
ELVIS: Quit crying over spilt milk.
ERIC: He had 27 shots on target though, that's crazy.
TYLER: I guess I'm getting better at this FIFA thing.
Later... 07:58pm.
DAVID: Guys, ain't we late for the party? Thought it was meant to start at 7.
ELVIS: Chill out, man. You don't expect us to be there at exactly 7pm, no one's gonna be there at 7pm. (Putting on a black letterman on his camouflage T-shirt, using some cologne)
DAVID: Why fix a time if no one's gonna show up at that time?
ELVIS: Ever attended a highschool party?
DAVID: This is gonna be my first time.
ELVIS: That explains it. Listen, my man (He places a hand on David's shoulder) You've got a whole lot to learn about partying.
ERIC: Party ethics, huh? Wait up... (Sniffing) Did you use my cologne?
ELVIS: Couldn't find mine.
ERIC: You can't find what you don't own.
ELVIS: You got me there. (David chuckles).
ERIC: I thought you were like "Eric's cologne makes my face itch"
ELVIS: Dude! (Laughing) That was a week ago, don't you forget things?
ERIC: I don't, literally.
ELVIS: Yeah, you don't. (He scoffs) I only said that to avoid getting scolded by Diana.
ERIC: Slander my stuff again and you're dead.
ELVIS: Damn, two death threats in a space of two days. First, Marcello, now you. What's left is to put a bounty on my head. (They share a laugh)
DAVID: It's 08:03pm, are we still going to this party?