Chapter 3 _

Rose sat straight and focused on her boss. Raine rarely ever spoke to her with that tone and whenever she did, it was for something of great import.

"What do you need Ms. President," Rose asked anxiously. She was always excited whenever her boss asked her to do something for her.

The fact that she was one of the few subordinates that her boss did not hide things from made her even more zealous to dedicate herself to satisfy her. The one thing Rose never wanted to do was to disappoint Raine, the one person who had saved her and had given her the opportunity to become who she presently was.

"A project called A&T was submitted by my Uncle's candidate for my marriage. I need you to look into the project for anything fishy. Look into the company and its present CEO. I want a detailed report on each member of his family and the company. No information or rumor is unnecessary."

Raine folded her arms against her chest and observed Rose's facial expression. Although Rose had learned to hide her emotions, she had let slide an expression of annoyance before she covered it back up.

"Are you unwilling? Or frustrated?" Raine asked with a lift of her eyebrow and Rose showed surprise before she began to blush.

"No! I'm not unwilling at all! it's an honor to do this for you." Rose exclaimed in alarm as she knelt on one knee and bowed her head. "President Raine has given me all I have today. I could never be unwilling to serve you."

"Hmm... that's good to know..."

A loud knock interrupted Raine's speech. Raine looked at Rose who immediately understood what her boss was asking her to do. Rose stood up and went towards the door to find out what was going on.

She opened the door and saw April standing there. "The guest President Raine had been waiting for is around." Rose nodded in understanding and was about to report back to Raine when she suddenly heard Raine's voice.

"You can both leave after showing him in."

The two women nodded their heads and went out of the room. Not long after, the door was pushed open again and a soothing scent announced the new arrival.

Raine stood up, turned around, and stared at her visitor in appraisal and she was impressed by what she saw.

Initially, when he had entered and she had caught his scent, she had been curious about him. She had always had a very sensitive nose so it was hard for her to stay near a person who had an overly concentrated cologne.

However, she had had to train herself over the years so she could manage spending two to three hours around people who used them but any longer and her tolerance would crack.

When she had realized his cologne was not strong even though it made its presence known, she had had two thoughts about him. It was either he had done a thorough investigation on her or his taste was coincidentally the same as hers.

Moreover, his gait as he approached her was confident but not narcissistic. He was not overwhelmed by her which said a lot about his ability. Lastly, she appraised his face.

His facial features were not what could be referred to as handsome. He looked quite normal but his eyes, a vivid lilac was so distinctive that they drew attention. And his lips, as they curled into a lighthearted smile showed warmth and a sense of friendliness that could make any person lose guard of themselves.

For the first time in a long time, Raine found herself hoping that things would turn out well at the end of their date. He was the best suitor her mother had ever found for her.

"You must be CEO Weiner, please have your seat."

"Please you can refer to me as Kyle. May I call you your christen name?" He asked as he held out his hand for Raine to shake.

She grasped his hand firmly and gave it a little shake before releasing it. His palms were smooth although a bit callused and her rating of him increased a bit.

Although she didn't care about how other families brought up their heirs, she had been brought up to be ready for any circumstance. She had taken military lessons even as she learned female etiquette and her family had a rule: they can never divorce.

Since she could only have one partner then she was unwilling to have a sissy or someone who only knew about business as her partner. Her partner must be able to handle both business and underworld problems. He had to be someone who could stand beside her, assisting her and not adding to the baggage weighing her down.

"Call me whatever you want," Raine replied as she sat down and he laughed while he sat opposite her.

"So I could call you darling then." He joked as he wiggled his eyebrows and Raine glanced at him nonchalantly.

He shook his head and smiled. He had heard rumors about her being expressionless more than 90% of the time and his sudden probe just confirmed the rumor.

"Why are you here?"

Kyle looked at her in bewilderment before bursting into laughter. "I've heard you were a cold-hearted woman but it seems like you also have a sense of humor! Why else would I be here Raine? I'm here on a date with you."

"I was not joking around. You seem like the type of man to get any woman he'd like so why come on a date with me? Are you aware this date would probably lead to marriage? Are you even ready for marriage?"

Raine needed to know that they were on the right page. She was already fed up with going on blind dates. She doesn't have the time nor the strength for it.

"Raine, although I might seem like an unserious person, I would not be here if I was not thinking about settling down and no offense to any of the 'ladies' you were talking about but I would pick you over any other choice. I don't think I need to explain my reasons or do I?"

"No, you don't. Since we've agreed then let's meet tomorrow afternoon at the marriage registry. You can contact my secretary if you have any issues you need to discuss with me in advance and if you need my number, then you could ask for it as well." Raine decided and Kyle smiled contentedly.

"It works well for me. See you tomorrow at 12 noon"