Chapter 20_Surprise?

As Raine drove into her garage, she habitually glanced at the time and frowned when she noted that it was about ten minutes to 3. She had wasted a lot of time but she wasn't too concerned as she hadn't planned anything substantial for the day.

It was just that she was used to having a time efficient day and she had just figured out that it wasn't easy for her to get used to having an unplanned day easily.

She got out of her car and immediately noticed the presence of someone else. She leaned unto her car lazily but all her senses were at an alert. For the first time in a long time, she felt like cursing out or smoking; why did this have to happen on the one day she had foregone her usual ritual of carrying portable and easy to use weapons? 

She was totally unarmed. However, she wasn't panicked; irritated and annoyed but not panicked. She waited patiently for a minute before she opened her purse and took out her lighter. She played with it as she pondered on whether to smoke or not. "If you don't show yourself then I'll take matters in my hand." She warned.

"It's me." A baritone voice sounded before a figure flashed in front of her.

Raine paused for two seconds then collected herself and stared at her guest. His voice had swept away her irritation and now she was patiently waiting for him to explain himself to her. Not long after she gave up waiting because she remembered he was worse than her at holding conversation.

"Are you my surprise?"

"Yes." He grunted in reply.

Raine let out a chuckle when she realized he was standing in front of her like an unwilling student being forced to listen to the nag of his class teacher and scouted a bit to show him that he could also rest on her car. 

His facial expression lightened up a bit as he leaned upon her car. "How and why?" She asked together but he just stretched out his hand to her.

Raine understood what he was doing and she shook her head as she brought out two cigarettes from her purse. If he was going to smoke then she would accompany him, she was already craving a smoke from the start. 

He took one from her, put it in the middle of his teeth and leaned towards her, expressing his want for her to light it for him. Raine lit his then lit hers as she waited for him to answer her question which he did after one puff. "On a mission; took permission to come three days earlier to relay a message to you and to familiarize myself."

Once Raine heard his tone she knew that her suspicion was right. Something was deeply wrong, otherwise her mother would never send her brother over to look for her. She stood straight and turned towards him. There was only a dim light in the garage but years of training had gotten her used to seeing in the dark.

She stared at her brother's face and noticed he had changed a bit. His appearance was different from that of three years ago. He had buffed up and his facial features had become more defined. At 20, he no more had the chubby cheeks of his teen age and his dark brown eyes now held an icy and dangerous glint in them.

"Spill" She replied coldly.

"Grandfather mentioned his thoughts about finding a match for you from our homeland. He prefers you settling down back home." 

There was a strange silence after what Raymond had said. Raine mulled his words over again and let out a short sad laugh. "When did mom say this happened?" Raine asked as she closed her eyes. She was trying to brace herself mentally for the response she knew would pierce through her already guarded heart.

Knowing how much pain his response would bring to his sister, Raymond kept quiet and kept on smoking behaving like he hadn't heard what she had asked him. Raine let him be and patiently awaited the bomb he was about to drop.

They stayed in perfect quiet and peace, both lost in their own thoughts for five minutes until Raymond threw his cigarette butt on the floor and stomped it. "He mentioned it a few weeks back when Uncle Joe had approached him about your marriage."

Raine opened her bloodshot eyes and roared in laughter. Her laughter held restrained pain and deep sorrow and Raymond clenched his fists upon hearing it. "Good, very good! Wai po has surprised me once again. She would really go to any length just to prevent me from coming back. She doesn't care about sacrificing Lina as long as she gets to her goal. What a good grandmother she is!!!"

When Raymond heard what she said, he turned his dark brown eyes to her and asked with a deadly glare. "What's wrong with Lina?"

Raine curled her lips in self-mockery as she replied. "In the dungeon, under arrest for violating a family rule. She has been sentenced to a purple code." 

Just as she finished talking, she heard a boom. She turned to glance at her brother and saw that he had punched a dent into her newly purchased Mercedes. Even though, her baby wasn't up to a week old, she couldn't find it in her to care about it.

She felt hollow inside. Was she angry or sad? Or maybe even disappointed? She couldn't tell what exactly she was feeling. She had thought that the incident of eight years ago had given her enough wounds to last a lifetime and for a while, she had become empty and like a robot without emotions but now, it seemed like that person could still land her a critical hit even though she was not anywhere near her.

"How is she now?" Raymond grit out and Raine shook her head.

"I don't know yet but as at yesterday, April told me she saw Uncle Joe walk into the dungeon with hefty men."

"I've not acted on him for what he has done to you but he has the nerve to harm Rosalina?" Raymond laughed out evily. 

"Don't." Raine said as she turned her icy blue eyes on her brother. "Leave it all to me Ray."

"You can't continue to bear this burden yourself. We are now old enough to help you shoulder some weight." Raymond retorted in anger.

Raine nodded her head and smiled. "I know but this case is different. Raymond, you have to promise me that you won't do anything directly or indirectly to Uncle Joe or Wai po. Remember, who you are presently." 

Raymond understood what Raine was trying to tell him without her voicing it out. It really wasn't convenient for him to act but that didn't mean he couldn't do other things. 

"Ray!" Raine called out impatiently.

"Understood, I won't act on Uncle Joe or Wai po. That's all I can promise."

Raine accepted his promise then glanced at her car again. "Thanks for the information. Be careful as you leave. Uncle's people are outside."

"I know." Raymond said as he looked at his sister deeply. "Take care" He said at last before he disappeared from her sight.