Author's Note 01

Hello Lovelies 

Sorry this isn't an update but that doesn't mean there might not be one tonight or tomorrow :D 

Okay, let me get down to business. There isn't really a place for interaction between readers and writers on Webnovel (I can't wait until there is one) so the only way for now is through comments. 

So this message is just to let you know where to contact me if you ever feel like. So if you check my page, you'll see my discord username and my Instagram account as well but I'll just remention them here.

If you want to talk to me personally, either because you want to learn more about the novel or you have some questions you need answered or maybe you just want to connect with me, you can contact me on Instagram at @Daoistmade and on Discord at DaoistMade#8130

Okay dears, that's all I wanted to tell you. See y'all later XOXOXO