Fight or flight ?

Ondrej held his katana and smiled at the man "So are you gonna fight or run ?" he asked as he knew he scared him enough so the only thing needed now was to provoke him a bit the man grunted "I Sir David never ba-" Ondrej started to laugh "Wait the normal people without augments have fucking king ? oh this is just hilarious" he laughed before David shouted "You will not disrespect our king you filthy Augmented !" Ondrej just chuckled "You knew this ?" he asked Elize who nodded being bit scared of what will happen as he asked David charged at Ondrej who just dodged and sleshed at David's leg nearly severing it David tried to hold his balance as he struck at Ondrej's side but his armor held up making the sword just reflact back as Ondrej turned and swung at David's neck while he tried to block with the side of his hand as he did so his arm fell to the ground and from his now stump blood flew quickly as he was running only on adrenaline now Ondrej smiled to himself as he rushed and stabbed at David's heart piercing throu his armor right throu it with ease as David collapsed onto his knees Ondrej used his leg to pull his katana of and in one movement he cleaned it of of blood before putting it back onto his back bowing and saying "Thank you for the fight"

Elize rushed towards Ondrej as his armor disappeared and checked if he was hurt to which Ondrej just giggled "im fine you don't have to worry about me" he said softly making Elize blush "L-Like hell i was worried" she pouted and Ondrej just patted her head before looking if any notification poped up and it did as a clockwork since it poped up exactly 1 minute after a fight.

[1 Native defeated

1 200 Credits added]

[Calculating Experience

Experience gained 50]

Ondrej smiled as he put his hand down from Elize's head and looked at the dead augmented "you think he got anything useful on him ?" Ondrej asked as he looked at the dead man Elize looked at the body and and then at Ondrej "I dont think he did" she said bit sorry for the man Ondrej just shrugged and continued walking towards his destination as he was trying to find something to hunt Elize ran after him saying "Geez at least wait for me" she said as she caught up "So what should we get for her to hunt hmm ?" Ondrej spoke as if towards Silver to which silver barked and started searching himself for something Ondrej chuckled at that and looked around too while Elize hit his shoulder softly and pouted while saying "Don't leave me behind" Ondrej just smiled as he continued walking and searching.

After hour of walking they were in half of the way and the did find few mutated rabbits since the sun was setting and they didn't want to waste time, mostly Ondrej, they killed the rabbits skinned them and cooked them while leaving three to Silver as Ondrej looked at the sky he smiled softly "The night sky is beautiful here" he said qs he watched it while Elize watched the meat so it wouldn't burn "It is i had my secret spot back in the settlement where i sneaked of after my mother died" she said a bit saddened but didn't seem to be hurt any longer but Ondrej still said softly "My condolences" before turning to Elize with a soft smile that warmed her heart and made her blush softly "I-It's fine" she said with a soft smile before she sat a bit closer to him and leaned onto his should Ondrej didn't mind as he thought she wanted to be cheered up so he let her stay like this before looking at the meat "So when will food be ready ?" Ondrej said as Elize started to laugh "You only think at food when you got a cute girl next to you ?" she asked and Ondrej smiled "Never was in proper relationship so yes, yes i do" he said chuckling himself.

After they ate Ondrej decided to stay up on gurd when Elize slept thou he did put out the fire Elize still objected for him to come sleep to while Ondrej argued with that he needs to keep up guard untill he was dragged into sleeping back which Elize had layed down, qs he was dragged in by Elize he fell onto her bountiful chest which made him blush "C-Could you not drag me into your chest next time" he said as he layed beside her with a soft blush on his face, Elize blushed as well as they were just parts away from kissing as they both noticed this they turned around to be back to back with each other.