Kiss ?

As they fell asleep they both moved around Silver watched over them and watched them as they hugged each other unconsciously in they're sleep looking like a couple, Ondrej was the first to wake up and notice this he sighed as he held Elize but let her stay like this since it did seem like she did have a crush on him he made it look like he was oblivious towards her feelings but was aware of them, a while after Ondrej Elize woke up and was completely red as she was laying Ondrej's chest Ondrej smiled softly and said "Good morning sleepy head" he said in a joking manner while holding her, she put her face onto his chest making him chuckle more as he patted her head softly "Wanna stay like this a bit longer or shall we go ?" he asked smiling, Elize blushed and softly said bit quietly "A morning kiss would make it better" Ondrej heard her and smiled "Kiss now ?" he asked softly as he kissed her forehead she turned red and looked like a tomato which made Ondrej chuckle.

Elize hit his chest softly and pouted while saying "Do you enjoy teasing me ?" he smiled and pulled her closer "What if i said yes ?" he asked in a teasing tone making her blush even so more before just staring at him while he just smiled softly at her, "Anyway we should get up don't you think" he said with his smile as Silver came closer wagging his tail Elize just sighed as she calmed down a bit still being a bit red "Okay" she said still pounting while she got of of him and got up putting her armor back on and putting her smg onto her hip while Ondrej just put on his harness and pouch then put his rifle and katana onto his back since it would be uncomfortable to sleep with it on while Elize was still suiting up into her armor Ondrej surveyed the area waiting for her to be done.

When Elize was done with suiting up she came to Ondrej from behind and poked his back Ondrej just turned to her and she kissed him deeply making him blush deeply, as she let go she giggled and walked forwards while being rather happy, after Ondrej regained his composure he sighed and followed her as Silver ran after them, after half a hour of walk they encountered mutated bear and few of its cubs since Ondrej didnt want to kill it they had to go around thou thanks to the detour they wandered right towards a mutated Salamander, Ondrej didn't like this but decided to wait if it notices them as he took his rifle and aimed at it the Salamander just sat there blocking the path and pissing Ondrej of since he didnt want to taky any other detours he decided to just hurt it a bit and make it run away.

As he aimed at one of the Salamander's legs something rustled behind them Ondrej immediately deployed his armor and when he turned around he saw group of men who were smiling until they saw Ondrej's armor and weapon, which made Ondrej smile "State your business before i kill you" he said as Silver growled and Elize aimed her smg, one of the men spoke as if he bit of his "W-Were s-sorry to disturb you're hunt sir" Ondrej smiled as he grabbed the men who spoke by his shoulder and pushed him towards the Salamander who immediately runned towards the man who spoke started to cry as he dropped onto his knees and seemed he was praying few seconds before the Salamander opened it's mouth to eat the man Ondrej shoot and killed it with one shot as it now had a huge gaping hole in it's face as it fell to the ground it slided towards the man and stopped right before him.

Ondrej walked past the man as he but his rifle onto his back and said "Next time try to rob someone who can only defend against one enemy" he said as he went to the Salamander and looked at it while he heard a ding.

[New passive skill gained : Heartless- when confronting weaker enemy they're more likely to surrender]

[Fire Salamander slayed calculating reward]

[Calculation completed

5 000 Credits added

Passive skill awarded : 'Dragon' slayer - deal 50 more damage to lizard mutants

Mount in shop has be unlocked : Fire Salamander]

[Calculating Experience]

[Experience gained 1 500xp]

[you have leveled up]

[you have leveled up]

[you have leveled up]

[you have leveled up]

[Reward for reaching level 5

2 silnced pistols {can be upgraded} will be delivered into the shops inventory]

Ondrej smiled at the notification and said to the man "Now scram ya cunt" the man and his underlings ranned in fear from the trio as Ondrej opened his stats window

[Name : Ondrej

Species : Human

Level : 6

XP : 100/800xp

Class : Sniper

Health : 250hp / 250hp

Free points : 90

Strenght : 15

Intelligence : 63

Endurance : 25 ( increases hp 1 endurance = 10hp)

Dexterity : 55

Luck : 50

Stamina: 200 / 200

Active skills : Teleportation lv 1 {0/2 charges}

Passive skills : Regeneration, Advanced gunsmithing, Higher pain toleration, Heartless, 'Dragon' slayer

No detected conditions that could lover health]